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Mort de Rod Koontz

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Mort de Rod Koontz

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 24 Aoû 2015 12:32

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Messages: 55424
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Mort de Rod Koontz

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 24 Aoû 2015 12:36

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Messages: 55424
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Mort de Rod Koontz

Messagepar orque » 24 Aoû 2015 13:31

Encore un :sad:

Il n'allait pas très bien depuis longtemps apparemment :

Steve Speyrer:
What ever happened to Rod Koontz?

Jeff Preston:
Max Rep had reported this 4 years ago on IA:

Many are familiar with Rod Koontz IFBB Pro from the 80's. A good friend of mine was a training partner of Rods and I met him several times in the 80's and 90's. He seemed like a good guy and was well like.

"Today Rod is completely delusional and homeless. He sleeps on the pourch of a church in Redondo Beach (lost his home and car) and sits in a chair in front of a Starbucks for 8 hours a day leering at people. He's gotten quite heavy (300 pounds) and is in horrible shape.

If you talk to him about bodybuilding he can still hold a decent conversation but then the delusion starts. Stories about the how family was murdered by the Russian Mafia who has millions of dollars of his in a secret trust that is controlled by George Bush and Arnold and how he is working with CIA and the FBI to bring the people involved to justice. Somewhere intertwined in all of it he says that Mike Mentzer was impersonating him (Rod) before his death in an attempt to get control of the trust and of the money that is rightfully his.

He goes on to say that he has already sold the book and movie rights to this true story (uhem) and that when he is paid for them he is going to get his teeth (horrible teeth) fixed.
He tells this story to anyone who will listen.

I walked away from Rod on Thursday night just sad. I don't know what got him to this point and I don't know that he can be helped. "

I haven't heard anything since, a very sad story. "


Messages: 282
Inscription: 13 Jan 2015 15:24

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