This holiday season, Don's wife, Sarah, gave him the best present he could ever hope for; one of her kidneys. This may sound sweet and romantic, but it's more than that; it was an incredible long shot!
Don explains, "Only 3% of the population could possibly be a match with me. Amazingly, my wife turned out to be a perfect match!" Yes, Sarah is Don's perfect match; in more ways than the couple could possibly have imagined. Don is still in the hospital, recovering, but he experienced something for the first time in in a long time that he just had to share with me. "I peed. . . I haven't done that in 8 years"... Apparently, when you're on dialysis and your kidneys have completely stopped working, you no longer urinate the toxic waste products and fluids out of your body; the dialysis machine does that for you. Don has been on nightly dialysis since 2003, so he hasn't pissed for YEARS!