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Nouvelles de Todd Jewell

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Nouvelles de Todd Jewell

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 4 Jan 2011 10:17

He was supposed to get his GALLBLADDER removed in early December (it had been bothering him for months).......... that surgery got delayed till Dec 30th. Just prior to them actually doing the operation, the doctors sent him for a CT Scan and the IV in his arm "ripped' his vein (due to him bending his elbow). When the vein ripped, a blood clot formed in his arm (that neither Todd nor the doctors knew anything about). He said he was experience some chest pains prior to his gallbladder surgery but dismissed them as nothing serious. They successfully did the surgery (removed his gallbladder and a slightly inflamed appendix)........but a few days later, he was getting more serious chest pains. He immediately went to the Emergency Room and he was diagnosed with 2 pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the blood vessels of his lungs). This can kill you if not treated so the doctors immediately put him on blood thinners which he'll need to continue for several months (just to play it safe). According to Todd, the doctors said he can start training again in 4 weeks. He's lost about 25lbs in the hospital but I'm sure he'll gain that back in the first 4-6 weeks he starts training. Todd said, and I quote, "I'm just happy to be alive!"
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Messages: 55370
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 7 Jan 2011 17:59

My gallbladder stopped functioning 2 weeks before nationals. Because of multiple screw-ups, it took over 2 months to diagnose. While inside [my body], the surgeon found that my appendix was extremely inflamed and needed to come out as well. Those two issues explain all the abdominal distention, pain, blood sugar problems, and difficulty with carb loading that I had at nationals. This whole problem started over 3 months ago."
I told Todd that it was inevitable that people would somehow try to connect his current health problem with anabolic steroid use.
"Yeah, I already saw a few people jumping to that conclusion. The doc said there is no explanation as to why a gallbladder stops functioning. There were no stones present or anything. The blood clot and resulting embolisms were the result of a simple trauma to a vein at the site where my IV was placed
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Messages: 55370
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

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