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L'obésité réduit l'espérance de vie de 6 à 7 ans

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

L'obésité réduit l'espérance de vie de 6 à 7 ans

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 17 Avr 2020 14:25

Obesity and ageing: Two sides of the same coin
Bjorn T. Tam Ob Rev 05 February 2020

Conditions and comorbidities of obesity mirror those of ageing and age‐related diseases. Obesity and ageing share a similar spectrum of phenotypes such as compromised genomic integrity, impaired mitochondrial function, accumulation of intracellular macromolecules, weakened immunity, shifts in tissue and body composition, and enhanced systemic inflammation. Moreover, it has been shown that obesity reduces life expectancy by 5.8 years in men and 7.1 years in women after the age of 40. Shorter life expectancy could be because obesity holistically accelerates ageing at multiple levels. Besides jeopardizing nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA integrity, obesity modifies the DNA methylation pattern, which is associated with epigenetic ageing in different tissues. Additionally, other signs of ageing are seen in individuals with obesity including telomere shortening, systemic inflammation, and functional declines.

This review aims to show how obesity and ageing are “two sides of the same coin” through discussing how obesity predisposes an individual to age‐related conditions, illness, and disease. We will further demonstrate how the mechanisms that perpetuate the early‐onset of chronic diseases in obesity parallel those of ageing.
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