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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Plus d'air dans la nourriture permet de manger moins...

Messagepar Gilles » 29 Jan 2014 07:42

Effect of highly aerated food on expected satiety
Juan-Carlos Arboleya et al.
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science (2014)


This work shows a practical way to design satiating new products by a real interaction of science and cooking. From the initial idea of the chef, a highly aerated product was designed to prove that the feeling of fullness starts before food is eaten, at the point when the food is just being viewed by the consumer. Mixtures of food-grade silica particles, methylcellulose (MC) and ovalbumin (OA) were used to get better distribution of air and to increase volume. Silica particles at a concentration of 0.3 wt% , mixed with MC (0.5 wt%) and OA (1 wt%) showed higher surface activity and viscoelasticity at the surface than the isolated ingredients. This mixture also showed the highest foam capacity and foam stability compared to the mixtures with none or 0.4 wt% of silica. Highly aerated structures were made by using the mentioned results. To verify the idea of having higher expected satiety with a highly aerated product, consumer study was performed. Subjects reduced their intake when a more-aerated sample was served compared to a less aerated sample.




This study permitted to produce highly aerated structures to arrive at the design of new dishes mainly focused on producing high levels of expected satiety.

Subjects reduced their intake when a more-aerated sample was served. These results confirm and extend the findings from previous studies indicating that the amount of air incorporated into food can affect the energy intake (Rolls et al., 2000 and Osterholt et al., 2007). These results open an interesting and promising path for the design of food for wellness. Further research on satiety and satiation should include chefs for a better understanding of these complex mechanisms.

Article (PDF)
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