Plus les adolescentes ont d'amis facebook, plus elles sont motivées pour rester mince
Facebook and body image concern in adolescent girls: A prospective study
International Journal of Eating Disorders 2016 Marika Tiggemann,
The primary aim of the study was to examine the relationship across time between Facebook use and body image concern in adolescent girls.
A sample of 438 girls in the first two years (Years 8 and 9) of high school (aged 13-15 years) at Time 1 completed questionnaire measures of Facebook consumption and body image concerns, and again two years later (Time 2).
Facebook involvement increased substantially over the two year time period. Body image concerns also increased. Number of Facebook friends was found to prospectively predict the observed increase in drive for thinness. On the other hand, internalization and body surveillance prospectively predicted the observed increase in number of Facebook friends.
It was concluded that Facebook “friendships” represent a potent sociocultural force in the body image of adolescent girls.