MENS 212
Caleb Blanchard - Very polished and shredded ....looking great...
Rafael Cabrera - exotic Posing from the Dominican Republic. . . good size....nervous on stage....needs to be in better shape...
Raul Carrazco - Looks very big... Legs came up in spread is huge!!!! Arms can be bigger....color can be darker... no calves
Shaun Clarida - GIANT KILLER OMG this version looks even BIGGER Than NY!!! veins all over and in shape !!
Manuel Manchado- from Spain .. . . great legs . . . tatted up . . .great lower lats . . . back is weak compared to a powerful front body
Alison Maria - slight gyno . . . shredded hams..... needs to be leaner.
Milton Martinez - from Puerto Rico baby!!! looks big and full peaked biceps...big chest ... beautiful V-taper... great showing for Milton!
Leonardo Pacheco- vascular al over.....crazy most muscular...crazy side leg....and striated flutes!!!! abs are on point!!
Carlos Rabiei- SUUUUPER THICK muscle ....all over.....he has a wide waist . . . and suspicious lump on delts....
Marco Rivera- big flaring quads. . . .most muscular is awesome....still looks like he's holding a bit of water . . .cramped up abs on stage
Mauricio Solis- from PR good quads....needs lots of size to do battle here with the 212 boys-
Willie Vegas- shredded quads.....good posing.... good structure,..but not in shape here