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Potential Adverse Effects of Violent Video Gaming: Interpers

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Potential Adverse Effects of Violent Video Gaming: Interpers

Messagepar audiomaniac » 25 Avr 2019 15:19

Potential Adverse Effects of Violent Video Gaming: Interpersonal- Affective Traits Are Rather Impaired Than Disinhibition in Young Adults

Overall, there seems to be a link between self-reported violent video game exposure and differences in psychopathic trait expression – especially in interpersonal-affective deficits. Even though disinhibition problems were also found to be increased in (violent) video game groups, other stress-related factors seemed to have a higher predictive power than violent video game exposure. It might be unlikely that generally unburdened violent video gamers turn into real-life mass-shooters as often suggested by the public media, but violent video game exposure might in fact impact interpersonal-affective competencies in such a way that social interaction/contacts and relationships may be negatively affected. Therefore, considering the increasing and extensive use of violent video games, it is of utmost importance to continue pursuing the investigation of the potential impact of violent video games on their consumers’ personality traits as well as expressed behaviors.
Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

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