par Gerard » 6 Aoû 2017 14:30
@ Fereas :
Le candida albican tu l'as, ça fait parti de ta flore intestinal, du muguet (langue blanche) c'est plutôt relatif à un déséquilibre de la flore intestinal, la caséine ne développe pas de mycose. Le candida se nourrit de sucre.
Tu as pris des antibiotiques avant ces symptomes ?
"Over time, candida grows from a yeast form into a fungal form and starts creating waste products known as mycotoxins. Among the mycotoxins produced is acetaldehyde, a poison that is converted by the liver into alcohol. As alcohol builds up in the system, symptoms associated with alcohol intoxication develop. This is why one of the most common symptoms of candida is brain fog... In its fungal form, candida also grows long roots called rhizoids that puncture the intestinal lining, leading to a condition called leaky gut syndrome. This creates holes in the digestive tract, allowing candida to pass through into the bloodstream." Brenda Watson, N.D.
Je serais toi j'éviterais les sucres raffinés, mange beaucoup de légumes, des yaourts (probiotiques), des protéines, vinaigre de cidre non raffiné, une diète riche en minéraux, bicarbonate notamment. lipides, diète atkins par exemple.