I'm training the hardest I ever had to defend my title. I just got back from visiting Joe. No, he is not training me, but yes, we have achieved my best wins together and he still tracks my progress and diet, he is the only one I trust. I am on track, but I have had to change up a few things to work harder because I know the competition is also giving more than 100%. We all realize what this line-up means and the judges will be working the heck out of us on stage in 4 weeks! I am currently doing 2 45-minute cardio sessions, long gone are the days of little to no cardio, LOL! My diet consists of very high protein of about 400g/day and my carbs fluctuate, depending on my progress. My fat intake is low and I don't worry about sodium because it does not affect me. My workout partner has been helping me to switch things up just a little with some different exercises, to make more gains. Our training schedule is as follows:
Quads on Monday
Chest/Calves on Tuesdays
Back on Wednesday
Hamstring and Shoulders on Thursday
Biceps/Triceps/Calves on Friday
Cardio is 6 times a week (45 min am/45 min pm)
I rest on Sundays (football season now!) and always recommend all my clients to always take one full day to let your body and mind rest!