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Prolotherapy versus steroid injection

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Prolotherapy versus steroid injection

Messagepar audiomaniac » 6 Fév 2019 13:11

Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

Re: Prolotherapy versus steroid injection

Messagepar audiomaniac » 6 Fév 2019 13:13

1956, George S. Hackett, M.D. introduced the term “Prolotherapy” in the first edition of his book, entitled “Ligament and Tendon Relaxation Treated by Prolotherapy.”

In it, he stated, “A joint is only as strong as its weakest ligament.” This was the first comprehensive text describing the research and technique of using Prolotherapy to cure chronic pain. In regards to low back pain, Dr. Hackett found that about 90 percent of the patients had evidence of some type of ligament laxity, typically of the sacroiliac joint.

In one of his analyses, of the 1857 patients treated for ligament laxity in the lower back, 1583 experienced sacroiliac ligament relaxation.
In his experience, 82 percent of people with this condition are cured with Prolotherapy. As he stated it, “At the end of 14 years, a survey revealed that 82 percent of 1,178 patients treated with Prolotherapy considered themselves cured. I believe that I am now curing about 90 percent of the patients with instability of joints due to ligamentous relaxation to their satisfaction.”
Dr. Hackett’s results were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1957
Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

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