Evidence for long-term, anti-inflammatory response to the ketogenic diet: a pilot study
D.G. Harper Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 41, 2016 S360
Male and female human subjects, between 50 and 67 years of age, that
had previously participated in a 12-week ketogenic nutritional intervention
were tested, by blood assays, for inflammatory biomarkers
nine months after its conclusion. During this period, participants
chose to comply with the diet to varying degrees, grouped into 20%
increments, from 0% to 100% compliance.
These results were within the normal range for the general population, but did
correlate similarly to the inflammatory biomarkers. This pilot study
indicates that the ketogenic diet is anti-inflammatory in humans and
supports the need for further, more comprehensive investigation. The
implications for the benefits of a ketogenic diet to reduce the incidence
and severity of chronic disease are evident.