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Quels bénéfices santé des fibres des céréales?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Re: Quels bénéfices santé des fibres des céréales?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Déc 2016 18:45

Dietary fibers and associated phytochemicals in cereals
Knud Erik Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2016

Epidemiological studies have linked whole-grain (WG) cereal consumption to a reduced risk of developing several chronic diseases – coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, type-2 diabetes and some form of cancers. The underlying physiological mechanisms behind the protective effects of WG are unclear, but can most likely be assigned to a concerted action of dietary fiber (DF) and a wide variety of phytochemicals.

Physiologically, it is important that soluble non-starch polysaccharides contribute to higher viscosity in the small intestine as this may influence rate and extent of digestion and absorption. Associated with the DF matrix of cereals is an array of non-nutritive constituents predominantly concentrated in the bran fraction. Among them, the phenolic phytochemicals, benzoic acid and cinnamic derivatives and lignans, are of importance in a nutritional-health perspective. Only a small fraction of the phenolics is absorbed in the small intestine, but the availability can be increased by bioprocessing.

The major part, however, is passed to the large intestine where the microbiota, which degrade and metabolize DF to short-chain fatty acids and gases, also convert the phenolic compounds into a range of other metabolites that are absorbed into the body and with the capability of influencing the metabolism at the cellular level.
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