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Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Sep 2015 19:45

Tout savoir sur les problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens
- Apport calorique trop faible.
- manque de glucides.
- manque de protéines.
- problèmes intestinaux importants

Sur tous ces points, les compléments alimentaires peuvent vous aider

Nutrient Intake by Ultramarathon Runners: Can They Meet Recommendations?

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 2015 Volume 25, Issue 4, August

The objective of this study was to investigate whether ultramarathon runners were able to meet nutrition recommendations during a training period and on a competition day.

Methods: In preparation for a 60 or 120 km ultramarathon covering a varied terrain, male and female ultramarathon runners (n = 68, age 46.5 ± 7.1 y) reported habitual dietary intake during three independent days using a web-based 24-hr recall and questionnaires. The diet was assessed using probability of inadequacy or by qualitative evaluation using reference dietary intakes or sports nutrition recommendations. A small group of 120 km runners (n = 4) was observed continuously during the race. After the race, 60 km runners (n = 41) received a questionnaire to assess dietary intake and gastrointestinal (GI) distress on the race day. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (r) were applied to investigate the association between intake and general GI distress symptoms.

Results: In men and women, habitual mean carbohydrate (CHO) intake was lower than recommended, as was mean protein intake by women. CHO intake during the race was <60 g/h in 75% of the athletes. A large variation of nutrient and fluid intake was seen. GI distress during the race was reported in 82% of the runners; severe GI distress was low. In general, moderate, mostly negative, correlations with nutrient intake were seen for GI distress.

Conclusion: Sports nutrition recommendations for the habitual diet were not achieved. During a competition day, a large variation was found in nutrient intake; this may be related to a high incidence of GI distress.
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Messages: 55412
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Sep 2015 20:11

Le gâteau de riz ne nourrit ni son homme ni son sportif

Pre- and post-training food choices and nutrient intakes of triathletes. Do they adhere to current recommendations?
Alaunyte, I International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 2015 Volume 25, S10

The Olympic or classic triathlon involves three endurance
events consisting of 1.5km swimming, 40km cycling and 10km
running. Many recreational athletes participate in triathlon not
for the competition but for fitness and health benefits, weight
loss and social reasons. Adequate nutrient intake as well as
timing of pre-training and post-training meals is important to
support training regimens and to optimise performance during

The aim of the present study was to investigate
the adequacy of pre- and post-training food choices and dietary
intakes of triathletes during their training period. Participants
(n = 32) were recruited from a triathlon club based in England.
Dietary habits and exercise levels were assessed using 3-day
food & exercise diaries. Pre- and post-training dietary intakes
were compared to current international recommendations,
ACSM et al, MSSE 2009, 41, 709-731.

The findings revealed that the majority of participants (54%, n = 17) trained in the
morning (MORN), whilst 17% (n = 4) in the afternoon (AFT)
and 29% (n = 9) in the evening (EVE). Triathletes who trained
in the afternoon or evening were more likely to consume a
meal 3-4 hour before their training session compared to those
training in the morning (100% v 69%).

However, pre-training meals did not contain sufficient amount of carbohydrate and
were significant below the recommended intake of 200-300g
(mean values for MORN 71g, AFT 43g, EVE 62g, p < .001).
In terms of post-training dietary habits, all triathletes training
in the afternoon and the majority in the morning (87% n =
15) consumed a meal within 30 minutes post exercise, whilst
less than half (36%) followed this practice in the evening.

All participants who consumed food post exercise achieved protein
recommendation of 15-25g (mean values for MORN 41g, AFT
35g, EVE 20g, p < .05). Athletes, however, did not consume sufficient
carbohydrate amounts of 1.0-1.5 g/kg (mean values for
MORN 121g, AFT 60 g, EVE 62g, p < .05). The most popular
pre-training food choices were porridge, breakfast cereals with
milk, egg dishes and toast. Athletes opted for rice cakes, sandwiches
and other meat/poultry/fish and starchy food based meals
for their post-exercise meal. To conclude, triathletes should be
better informed of the importance of sufficient carbohydrate
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Messages: 55412
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Oct 2015 12:24

Apport nutritionnel des ultra-marathoniens: peuvent-ils couvrir les besoins?

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Metabolism Nutrition 2015 Volume 25, Issue 4, Août

L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si les coureurs d'ultramarathon ont pu rencontrer des recommandations en matière de nutrition au cours d'une période de formation et sur un jour de la compétition.

Méthodes: En préparation pour un km ultramarathon 60 ou 120 couvrant un terrain varié, hommes et ultramarathon femme coureurs (n = 68, âge 46,5 ± 7,1 ans) ont signalé l'apport alimentaire habituelle durant trois jours indépendants utilisant un 24-heures de rappel sur le Web et questionnaires. Le régime a été évaluée en utilisant la probabilité d'une inadéquation ou d'une évaluation qualitative utilisant référence apports alimentaires ou des recommandations de nutrition sportive. Un petit groupe de 120 km coureurs (n = 4) a été observée en continu pendant la course. Après la course, à 60 km coureurs (n = 41) ont reçu un questionnaire pour évaluer l'apport alimentaire et gastro-intestinal (GI) de détresse sur le jour de la course. Spearman coefficients de corrélation de rang (r) ont été appliqués à étudier l'association entre la consommation et les symptômes généraux de détresse gastro-intestinaux.

Résultats: Chez les hommes et les femmes, habituelle glucides moyenne (CHO), la consommation était inférieure à celle recommandée, tout comme l'apport en protéines moyenne par les femmes. Apport CHO pendant la course était <60 g / h dans 75% des athlètes. Une grande variation de l'apport en nutriments et le liquide a été vu. La détresse de GI pendant la course a été signalé dans 82% des coureurs; de graves troubles de GI était faible. En général, les modérés, pour la plupart négatives, corrélations avec l'apport en nutriments ont été observés pour les troubles gastro-intestinaux.

Conclusion: Sports recommandations nutritionnelles pour l'alimentation habituelle ne sont pas atteints. Au cours d'une journée de compétition, une grande variation a été trouvé dans l'apport en nutriments; cela peut être lié à une incidence élevée de troubles gastro-intestinaux.
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Messages: 55412
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 25 Aoû 2016 20:06

Le gâteau de riz ne nourrit ni son homme ni son sportif
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Forum Admin
Messages: 55412
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

Messagepar audiomaniac » 25 Aoû 2016 21:44

Ca peut meme briser les reves de medaille : ... 09340.html
Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

Re: Quels problèmes nutritionnels des ultra-marathoniens?

Messagepar rico la grenade » 26 Aoû 2016 04:15

mode humour on
"Voilà quand on s'envoie 300g de Peptopro dans un petit verre d'eau"
mode humour off.
rico la grenade
Messages: 510
Inscription: 1 Avr 2015 14:45

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