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"Shaw Strength" : sortie du e-book de Brian Shaw

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"Shaw Strength" : sortie du e-book de Brian Shaw

Messagepar Gilles » 7 Juin 2015 05:52


27$ la première semaine, 37$ ensuite...

In the book you will learn-

- The inspiration behind Brian's motto and drive to "Be Great."
- About Brian's journey and rise to the top of the strongman world
- Insights into the World's Strongest Man contest
- Brian's thoughts on his rivalry with Zydrunas Savickas
- Details of Brian's training plan including:
- Squats
- How to build a monster deadlift
- How to build pressing power
- Secrets and tips to doing the strongman events
- You'll also learn other intangibles such as:
- Mental aspects of training and competing
- The importance of having a great training crew
- Being prepared
- What to do 2 weeks out from a contest
- Brian's full training plan
- Brian's detailed nutrition plan
......and much more!!!!!

If you are a Strongman, powerlifter, crossfitter, a fan of strongman, or anyone who wants to become as strong as possible, this book is for you!
Learn how to become stronger than ever from one of the strongest men of all time with ShawStrength!!!

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47


Messagepar Gilles » 10 Juin 2015 13:20

Brian Shaw parle de ses objectifs lors de l'Arnold Classic Australia 2015...

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47


Messagepar Gilles » 3 Sep 2015 05:30

Dans le numéro de septembre de Flex UK, Brian Shaw parle de son matériel, de son régime et de son entraînement...





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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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