Effects Of Carbohydrate-peptide Sports Drink Use On Performance, Blood Glucose And Insulin Level
Qirong Wang. National Institute of Sports Medicine, Beijing, China.
PURPOSE: To determine whether endurance exercise performance and blood glucose, insulin were altered when consuming a carbohydrate-soypeptide beverage.
METHODS: Using a crossover balanced design, 12 Elite Chinese male cycling athletes (22.6±2.8 yrs, 73.5±5.7 kg, 184.6±4.2 cm, 69.3±6.4 VO2max) after signing informed consent
were randomly divided into 2 groups, consuming carbohydrate-soypeptide (6% and 1 %) beverage and commercial carbohydrate-containing (6%) sports beverage at the same rate during
4 weeks. After 2-week washout, two groups were crossed and supplemented with two beverages for another 4 weeks. During the performance test, each athlete was asked to ride on a
cycling training facility for 2h at average 60% VO2max, then to exert oneself to ride for 20min (time trial). The cycling distance, pedaling rate, etc.were recorded. Venous blood samples
were drawn for biochemical tests.
RESULTS: The results showed that no significant difference was observed in the cycling distance, Pedaling rate, average speed, total energy expenditure and power output
between two groups. Blood glucose level at different time points (before, 60min, 120min, 135min of performance test) showed no significant difference in both groups, but
blood glucose and insulin level elevated in CHO-Peptide group immediately post-exercise compared to CHO group (93.4±22.8 vs 84.6±17.4, 13.9±18.3 vs 4.6±2.1
respectively). Blood glucose level of CHO-Peptide group were higher than that of CHO group before and after training at different training type (from 100 to 210 km cycling
distance), but no statistically significant difference.
CONCLUSION: Our data indicated that carbohydrate-soypeptide and carbohydrate treatment showed no statistically significant difference in the cycling performance, but
appeared to increase blood glucose and serum insulin levels at immediately post-exercise.