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Stan Efferding Interview: New Super League

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Stan Efferding Interview: New Super League

Messagepar Gilles » 11 Juil 2017 05:10

New Super League Will Change Everything About Bodybuilding

Vlad Yudin : "Most of you know Stan Efferding for a few reasons. He is known as one of the strongest bodybuilders of all time. He is also known for his recent appearance on Shark Tank and the success of his product The Kooler. And above all else - he was one hell of a bodybuilder, strongest or not. Now Efferding is taking part in the creation of a brand new league in bodybuilding - one that looks to change the game when it comes to how bodybuilders actually compete.

Mixing powerlifting/strongman with bodybuilding aesthetics, the new Super League will have bodybuilders be judged based not only their physique but also for their strength and performance. They will be tasked with lifting in competition while also looking aesthetically pleasing. This means no drying out before a big competition. It also means you cannot look like a hulking strongman in order to put up more pounds.

I found this new league to be very interesting and, if done right, a great way to inject much more energy into an already prestigious sport. That's why I sat down with Stan Efferding to talk in more detail about this new league."

Lire aussi : Is Super League the New IFBB for Athletes?
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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Stan Efferding Interview: New Super League

Messagepar Gilles » 21 Juil 2017 05:31

"Dave Palumbo and John Romano tackle the newly minted Super League, which is going to be holding their competition in Las Vegas on the same weekend as the Olympia."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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