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Stem cell treatment

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Stem cell treatment

Messagepar audiomaniac » 24 Avr 2019 15:04

MotoGP™ Legend was operated on in Barcelona due to his right collarbone non-union fracture
Tags MotoGP, 2019, Dani Pedrosa
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing test rider Dani Pedrosa has undergone surgery at the Barcelona Teknon Medical Centre due to his right collarbone non-union fracture (lack of consolidation), diagnosed at the beginning of January. Doctors Soler and Orozco have performed a reconstructive surgery consisting in the fracture stabilisation on the Spanish rider, using osteosynthesis material and a contribution of bio-graft with a dose of forty million of autologous stem cells, an Advanced Therapy drug authorised by the Spanish Medicine Agency (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios AEMPS).

The three-time World Champion and MotoGP™ Legend is now beginning a period of convalescence and recovery under medical supervision. Doctors attending Pedrosa estimate his recovery will take around three months.

Pedrosa is optimistic and hopes his rehabilitation process will be positive until his full recovery is achieved: "At the moment, my mind is set on overcoming the current situation to continue working on the development of the KTM. Much to my regret, I have not been able to participate in the pre-season tests in Malaysia, but I am following closely the work of the KTM Racing Factory. I hope to be with them soon on the track." ... one/282980
Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

Re: Stem cell treatment

Messagepar audiomaniac » 24 Avr 2019 15:05

Officiellement, je n’ai pas pris ma retraite, mais malheureusement, je n’ai que 75% de mobilité au genou droit », a déclaré “Hopper” à “MotoGP .com”. « Ça ne semble pas aller mieux, j’ai essayé tous les traitements possibles ».

Il n’y a plus qu’une option de traitement, mais Hopkins n’est pas sûr : « je n’ai pas encore essayé le traitement par cellules souches ; certains médecins me disent que cela fonctionnera, mais qu’il en coûtera de 25 000 à 30 000 $. D’autres chirurgiens en qui je crois sont convaincus que cela ne fonctionne pas ». ... n-travail/
Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

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