Creatine And Caffeine Associated Improve Performance In Runners Without Increase In Total Body Weight.
Jeferson O. Santana Med Sci Sports Exerc May 2014 - Volume 46 - Supplement 1 5S p738
The number of individuals who are seeking some kind of physical activity is growing significantly in the present, more specifically running. In parallel with the growth interest in running performance, there is also growing demand for ergogenic resources, such as caffeine and creatine. Studies suggest that supplementation with creatine and caffeine when ingested at different times can bring positive results for interval high intensity workouts, however, other studies have found that simultaneous ingestion causes the ergogenic benefit of creatine to be lost.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of creatine and caffeine associated on running performance.
METHODS: We evaluated 11 physically active individuals, both genders, between 20 and 30 years old. Subjects were randomly divided in 2 groups, Creatine/Caffeine (CrCaf; n=6) and Resistant Starch/Caffeine (RsCAF; n=5), both groups received a programmed training plan of 4 running sessions for week, during 4 weeks with emphasis on intensity.
Supplementation was given on a double blind manner, CrCaf (20g of creatine daily for 5 days + 5g of creatine daily for 15 days) and RsCAF (20g of resistant starch daily for 5 days + 5g of resistant starch daily for 15 days). Caffeine ingestion was administered acutely for both groups, 6mg/kg of body weight, on the last 10K race. Variables were collected PRE and POS experimental protocol, using 10k races as the test distance. The evaluated variables were: body fat (BF), total body weight (TBW), time in a 10k race (T10K), ratio of perceived exertion (RPE) and perceived pain after the race (PP), max oxygen consumption (VO2max), lean body mass (LBM).
RESULTS: We didn!t find significant differences on VO2 max, RPE, PP, BF and TBW. T10K decreased significantly for the runners of CrCaf group (PRE: 59.67 ± 12.18; POS: 52.67 ± 7.31) compared to RsCAF group (PRE 56.40 ± 7.16; POS 52.20 ± 6.65), lean body mass also increased for the same group (PRE: 59.53 ± 13.05; POS: 60.76 ± 12.99).
CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that creatine supplementation works sinergistically with acute ingestion of caffeine improving running performance.