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Synergie whey + BCAA contre l'hyperglycémie?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Synergie whey + BCAA contre l'hyperglycémie?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Mai 2020 11:16

Moderate intake of BCAA-rich protein improves glucose homeostasis in high-fat-fed mice
Aline Rissetti Roquetto The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Volume 80, June 2020, 108332

Notwithstanding the fact that dietary branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) have been considered to be a cause of insulin resistance (IR), evidence indicates that BCAA-rich whey proteins (WPs) do not lead to IR in animals consuming high-fat (HF) diets and may instead improve glucose homeostasis. To address the role of BCAA-rich WP as dietary protein in IR and inflammatory response, we fed C57BL/6J mice either high-fat (HF) or low-fat (LF) diets formulated with moderate protein levels (13% w/w) of either WP or hydrolyzed WP (WPH) and compared them with casein (CAS) as a reference. The muscle and plasma free amino acid profiles, inflammatory parameters and glycemic homeostasis were examined. While the LF/CAS diet promoted the rise in triglycerides and inflammatory parameters, the HF/CAS induced typical IR responses and impaired biochemical parameters. No differences in plasma BCAAs were detected, but the HF/WPH diet led to a twofold increase in gastrocnemius muscle free amino acids, including BCAAs. In general, ingestion of WPH was effective at averting or attenuating the damage caused by both the LF and HF diets. No high concentrations of BCAAs in the plasma or signs of IR were found in those mice fed an HF diet along with the hydrolyzed whey proteins.

It is concluded that consumption of BCAA-rich whey proteins, especially WPH, does not result in the development of IR.
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