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The Reason Pre 1960’s Bodybuilders Didn’t Use Steroids

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

The Reason Pre 1960’s Bodybuilders Didn’t Use Steroids

Messagepar Gilles » 15 Aoû 2017 21:42

"When people talk about old school bodybuilding - you might think about the Golden Era athletes like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva. But in this week's episode of Straight Facts we are talking about the OLDER SCHOOL bodybuilders. 1930's - 1950's era athletes like Reg Park and Steve Reeves. Jerry Brainum has a bone to pick with the comments online claiming this original giants used steroids - but according to Jerry this is wrong on so many levels. For one - steroids as a drug were hardly developed during that time and also their physiques were no where near as big. But don't just take our quick word for it. Watch Jerry Brainum break down the facts with a brief history of steroids and how the classic bodybuilders like Reg Park responded to it. Check it out above!"
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