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Troy Alves prend sa retraite

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Troy Alves prend sa retraite

Messagepar OLYBAR » 10 Jan 2014 07:32

Saying goodbye!
After over 20 years in the bodybuilding industry, I would like to start off 2014 by officially announcing my retirement from the stage and competing. While my body has responded well at my youthful:) age of 47, there is nothing left to prove and nothing gained to continue is time to enjoy living life and let my body rest. I am beyond happy with all that I accomplished with my physique and the gains and changes I made over the years, while always staying true to what my body was all about, symmetry. My placings and showings over the years proved that you can compete against the mass monsters! I was also very fortunate to be a sponsored athlete much of my career and for that I am truly grateful. Thank you to all the many sponsors, the NPC, the Ifbb, Flex Magazine, Muscle and Fitness, Muscular Development, Muscle Mag, Ironman, my training partners and (the technician) Chris
Aceto and all the industry people who believed in me over the years and gave me the opportunities and recognition to follow my passion.
Most of all I have to thank all of my friends,family and THE FANS who have followed my career and supported me for so many years. this sport has allowed me to travel the world, meet fans in every country and hopefully share my knowledge, drive and motivation to never give up in being your best. I have the BEST FANS who truly have kept me going and supported me in the times when you feel like giving motivated me. THANK YOU for making my career and a more attainable physique popular and respected. I also want to thank my x-wife Tara, who believed in me and told me from day 1 that I could be a top pro...and contrary to what many thought would happen, I went from a personal trainer with what some would say were "Lofty and insane goals," to becoming world known professional bodybuilder. I'm here to tell you, you can do anything you put your mind to and you can achieve things in life that people would never imagine, but that's the difference between those who accomplish huge feats and those who don't, they can imagine it and they believe in the power of the mind to achieving any goal you have!
While I am retiring from competition, I will never leave the sport entirely and will be involved in different ways, some to be announced soon. I love the sport and am still here for seminars, appearances, training and anything else that will help contribute to those wanting to accomplish their health and fitness goals. So with this, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and want to say to all of you striving towards a goal, NEVER,EVER,EVER GIVE UP!!!
Please post your favorite contest or candid picture of me for my memories.

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Inscription: 12 Fév 2009 19:38
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Re: Troy Alves prend sa retraite

Messagepar thanos999 » 12 Déc 2020 16:40

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