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Variations annuelles de cortisol

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Variations annuelles de cortisol

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 15 Nov 2008 03:53

Seasonal Variation in Human Salivary Cortisol Concentration

Measurement of cortisol concentration can contribute important information about an individual's ability to adjust to various environmental demands of both physical and psychosocial origin. However, one uncertainty that affects the possibilities of correctly interpreting and designing field studies is the lack of observations of the impact of seasonal changes on cortisol excretion. For this reason, the month-to-month changes in diurnal cortisol concentration, the awakening cortisol response (ACR), maximum morning concentration, and fall during the day were studied in a group of 24 healthy men and women 32 to 61 yrs of age engaged in active work. On one workday for 12 consecutive months, participants collected saliva at four time points for determination of cortisol: at awakening, +30 min, +8 h, and at 21:00 h. Data were analyzed by a repeated measures design with month (12 levels) and time-of-day (4 levels) as categorical predictors. Cortisol concentrations were analyzed on a log scale. The diurnal pattern of cortisol was similar across months (interaction between month and time of day: p>0.4). The main effects of month and time-of-day were statistically significant (p<0.001). Highest concentrations were observed in February, March, and April, and lowest concentrations were observed in July and August. There were no statistically significant effects in any of the other measures, or between men and women. In conclusion, a seasonal variation in salivary cortisol concentrations was detected in an occupationally active population. Thus, seasonal variation needs to be taken into account when designing and evaluating field studies and interventions and when making comparisons across studies.
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Messagepar phil » 15 Nov 2008 09:11

ça pourrait avoir un lien avec la vitamine D... :P
Messages: 267
Inscription: 15 Oct 2008 05:01

Messagepar Persephone » 15 Nov 2008 09:22

Oui, c'est ce que j'allais dire.
C'est très étonnant, ça correspond exactement aux variations saisonnières du taux de vitamine D, l'étude ayant été faite dans le Nord de l'Europe il me semble.
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Messagepar christophe bonnefont » 15 Nov 2008 13:53

Je vous les déjà dit, venez habiter dans le sud :lol:
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christophe bonnefont
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Messagepar Persephone » 15 Nov 2008 15:35

Le fait que cela corresponde ne signifie pas qu'il y ait un lien de causalité.
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Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 15 Nov 2008 16:21

tu parles comme un ministre :P
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Messagepar Persephone » 15 Nov 2008 16:28

Il ne me manque plus que la bedaine et les pots-de-vin 8)
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Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

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