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Pas d'excuses !

Actualités sport, fitness & musculation, vidéos des pros, études scientifiques. Discutez avec la communauté Nutrimuscle et partagez votre expérience...

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Messagepar Administrateur » 23 Juin 2013 19:42


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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 15:55
Localisation: Aubange

Messagepar Administrateur » 6 Juil 2013 14:44


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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 15:55
Localisation: Aubange

Messagepar Administrateur » 31 Juil 2013 15:19


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Messages: 8405
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 15:55
Localisation: Aubange

Messagepar Administrateur » 5 Aoû 2013 17:06


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Messages: 8405
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 15:55
Localisation: Aubange

Messagepar Administrateur » 31 Aoû 2013 19:18


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Messages: 8405
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 15:55
Localisation: Aubange

Re: Pas d'excuses !

Messagepar Logan » 12 Mar 2014 12:22

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Messages: 1074
Inscription: 18 Mai 2009 13:47
Localisation: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning

Re: Pas d'excuses !

Messagepar Logan » 24 Mai 2014 09:58

Leg press

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Messages: 1074
Inscription: 18 Mai 2009 13:47
Localisation: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning

Re: Pas d'excuses !

Messagepar Gilles » 9 Mar 2016 06:03

Arnold Schwarzenegger : "What's your excuse?"

"This weekend I saw these amazing athletes from Team Some Assembly Required at the Arnold Sports Festival.

They inspired me. I know they'll inspire you.

It's easy to see their motivation for all of us. How can you watch this and make any excuse not to train, to better yourself, to keep moving forward?

But there's more. They remind all of us that fitness is our right.

We all have the right to be physically fit. Young, old, injured, healthy, rich, poor, it doesn't matter. Regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, and everything else, we all share this human body. We may look different outwardly, but we are made of the same things.

So I'd challenge everyone in our fitness movement: what are YOU doing to ensure that EVERYONE can access a fitter and healthier life? What are you doing for six year-olds like Daniel, who I met last week through Make-A-Wish and became serious about training when he recovered from chemo? What are you doing for athletes like the ones in this video to make your gym accessible? What are you doing to open your arms to everyone?

Fitness is a right, and I hope you're inspired by this video not only to better yourself, but to improve our fitness crusade, to be inclusive, to reach out and inspire."
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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47


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