Il est intéressant de noter que plus de 20 g de whey ne réduisent pas plus l'appétit ce qui est important pour ceux qui veulent prendre du poids
The effect of a whey protein supplement dose on satiety and food intake in resistance training athletes
Kristen L. MacKenzie-Shalders Appetite Volume 92, 1 September 2015, Pages 178–184
• Whey protein is beneficial for muscle protein synthesis and highly satiating.
• When consumed in excess by athletes, protein may displace other key nutrients.
• Whey protein dose (20, 40, 60 and 80 g) did not differently affect satiety response.
• There was a trend for incremental lessened increases in hunger on lower doses.
• Adding whey protein between meals could down-regulate subsequent food intake.
Objective: Many athletes perform resistance training and consume dietary protein as a strategy to promote anabolic adaptation. Due to its high satiety value, the regular addition of supplemented dietary protein could plausibly displace other key macronutrients such as carbohydrate in an athlete's diet. This effect will be influenced by the form and dose of protein. Therefore, this study assessed the impact of liquid whey protein dose manipulation on subjective sensations of appetite and food intake in a cohort of athletes.
Design: Ten male athletes who performed both resistance and aerobic (endurance) training (21.2 ± 2.3 years; 181.7 ± 5.7 cm and 80.8 ± 6.1 kg) were recruited. In four counter-balanced testing sessions they consumed a manipulated whey protein supplement (20, 40, 60 or 80 g protein) 1 hour after a standardised breakfast. Subsequent energy intake was measured 3 hours after the protein supplement using an ad libitum test meal. Subjective appetite sensations were measured periodically during the test day using visual analogue scales.
Results: All conditions resulted in a significant decrease in ratings of hunger (50–65%; P < 0.05) at the time of supplement consumption. However, there were no significant differences between the conditions at any time point for subjective appetite sensations or for energy consumed in the ad libitum meal: 4382 ± 1004, 4643 ± 982, 4514 ± 1112, 4177 ± 1494 kJ respectively.
Conclusion: Increasing whey protein supplement dose above 20 g did not result in a measurable increase in satiety or decrease in food intake. However, the inclusion of additional whey protein supplementation where not otherwise consumed could plausibly reduce dietary intake.