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"No matter how much muscle you pack on. No matter how much you train in the gym. It all means nothing if you don't know how to maximize your showmanship for the judges on the competition stage. With little transparency in the IFBB judging system - Kai Greene gives valuable insight into how the judging works on a pro level and how bodybuilders can step up their game to best appeal to the judges."
Episode 9 : The Best Bodybuilding Moments of 2015 "Kai Greene and Krystal Lavenne take a look back at the entire year of 2015 in bodybuilding. From Arnold Schwarzenegger revealing his harsh criticisms all the way to... yes, Kai Greene not competing at the Mr. Olympia. Was this ultimately a good year for bodybuilding? Kai and Krystal hash it out."
"Sounds like an obvious answer - but is the hardcore bodybuilding lifestyle really a healthy pursuit? Especially when you look at the true mass monsters like Ronnie Coleman (who has had 6 major surgeries). Kai Greene digs deep and talks about the sacrifices that a person needs to make when pursuing a bodybuilding lifestyle. Krystal also goes in depth about how healthy a bodybuilding diet can be for the average Joe. And then they both answer the fan question: What would you do if you only had one more day left to live?"
"This week Kai and Krystal go in depth about one of the most important aspects of bodybuilding - the training. Looking to add some real size to your chest but hit a plateau? Kai breaks down his pro tips on how to pack on some real gains when it comes to the pecs."
"Things are about to get dirty in this episode of the podcast. Kai Greene and Krystal go in depth about the realities of sex for bodybuilders. What's the physicality of having sex when you are a mass monster like Kai? How does sex affect a competition performance? Does the average person find a bodybuilding physique attractive? Kai and Krystal share their personal experiences in our raunchiest episode yet."
"Kai Greene and Krystal Lavenne talk about when they first started lifting heavy weight seriously and if there is an age that's too young for kids to start. Are there long term effects to lifting at a young age? Or does it help lead to a more inspired and structured adult life?"
Episode 15 : Perfect The Pose "Kai Greene opens up about the the new decision to start scoring all of the Arnold Classic competitions across the globe. He also chats with Krystal about just how much training actually goes into posing on the pro level. According to Kai, many NPC amateurs have no clue how to pull off "real" pro level posing - especially when young competitors are getting their pro cards so early."
"The Arnold Classic is just weeks away and Kai Greene is starting to ramp up his contest prep for those final days. These are the moments when a single mistake can destroy your entire showing at a bodybuilding competition. That's why Kai breaks down the do's and don'ts on keeping yourself contest ready as you approach that big competition."
"The reality of bodybuilding versus the perception of bodybuilding are vastly different. While a true fan understands the hard work and dedication required every day; the "average Joe" sees a bunch of steroid abusing freaks. Why does this happen? It all comes down to how the mainstream media portrays the sport and lifestyle. This week Kai and Krystal talks about how the media uses fear and misinformation to hold back what is otherwise a thriving sport."
"Kai Greene & Krystal Lavenne is joined by special guest Marc Lobliner just after the Arnold Classic 2016 to talk about the highs and lows of the biggest fitness festival in America. Kai reflects on his narrow victory, reviews Hidetada's big win over Jose Raymond, and speaks on the significance of Ronnie Coleman being inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame by Arnold Schwarzenegger."
"Kai Greene & Krystal Lavenne discuss Kai's anticipated return to the Arnold Classic 2016 Stage. Revealing his deepest thoughts throughout the competion. Kai and Krystal discuss what it takes to come out a winner and what the big "W" means for the champ moving foward to Australia."
"As Kai travels back from his big win in Australia. Krystal Lavenne is joined by one of the top trainers in the country and host of the "Industrial Strength Show", Joe DeFranco. The two break down the barriers between bodybuilding and strength/conditioning training. Joe gives out pointers to aspiring mass monsters and admiting every athlete begins with bodybuilding."