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Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Messagepar OLYBAR » 1 Fév 2012 20:50


En Inde

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Messagepar OLYBAR » 2 Fév 2012 20:06


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Messagepar Kazuya » 2 Fév 2012 20:26

Vu sur FB il y a 10 min stylé la photo et vla le nam qu'il se tappe 8)
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Messagepar OLYBAR » 3 Fév 2012 01:09


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Messagepar OLYBAR » 3 Fév 2012 15:03


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Messagepar thanos999 » 3 Fév 2012 20:38

Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks to NDTV

NDTV: So all these excellent characteristics, not an American accent, body to big, name, if you had one thing to change about yourself what would that be?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Well I am very happy with myself and I am pretty much the happiest guy around. I have made mistakes in life that I regret, but I would say that when it comes to career and those kind of things, I would not change anything.

NDTV: Physically what would you like to change?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Physically I would like to have the body again of when I was 30 years old, because it is actually the sad story, when you get older, you actually see your muscles kind of like decrease, it's is kind of like very depressing.

NDTV: But part of the condition, of any show like this, is you have to take off your shirt and show us like what is the body like is now, you know that, they told you that right?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: I have done that in the last movie Game and that's the new setup to training, bench presses.

NDTV: Right, we are indeed grateful to you to have taken out the time. We know just how choc-a-bloc your schedule is. Thank you very much, but just one last thing about the next movie with you and Stallone, who wins?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Well I am saving Stallone and his team. It's called The Expendables. It's a sequel to the Expendables. I was brought in again to save the day and to save them all.

NDTV: So you saved?

Arnold Schwarzenegger: So it's obvious the expendables will win in the end.
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Messagepar OLYBAR » 5 Fév 2012 15:20


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Messagepar OLYBAR » 5 Fév 2012 15:43


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Messagepar OLYBAR » 6 Fév 2012 15:16


Double détente

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Messagepar Tony80350 » 6 Fév 2012 20:51

ce soir l'effaceur suivi de terminator 1
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Messagepar OLYBAR » 7 Fév 2012 23:04


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Arnold a 20 ans...

Messagepar EdenLog » 8 Fév 2012 10:51

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Messagepar thanos999 » 8 Fév 2012 22:11

After all the action, stunts & physical abuse shooting The Expendables 2 and The Last Stand, it was time for a little tune up on my shoulder. Look who was coincidentally waiting in line behind me for his shoulder surgery. Now we're ready for another round of great times and action when we shoot The Tomb.

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Messagepar thanos999 » 9 Fév 2012 20:41

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Messagepar OLYBAR » 10 Fév 2012 16:33


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