Actualités sport, fitness & musculation, vidéos des pros, études scientifiques. Discutez avec la communauté Nutrimuscle et partagez votre expérience...
Tony Doherty : "Loving life and sharing a laugh with the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger while the Arnold Classic Australia is exploding with excitement. This is our fitness crusade and we will never stop."
En mai 2013 YouTube organisait la première Comedy Week. Pour l'occasion Arnold Schwarzenegger a tourné un film promotionnel qui a été vu 3.8 millions de fois en une semaine. En voici les coulisses...
Tony Doherty : "This makes me happy and proud to see @schwarzenegger always having time for everyone and for reminding us that our fitness crusade means, fitness for every body."
Arnold Schwarzenegger : "I'm looking forward to doing another Terminator movie, yes. I don't want to call it, like, fake news, like the president calls it, but I think people just write things -- I have no idea why. Just because Paramount doesn't want to pick up the Terminator franchise, you have 15 other studios willing to do it -- that doesn't mean the Terminator franchise is finished, right? It just means they are on their way to negotiate with another studio, but I can't give you the details of that. They'll announce that. But, yes, the Terminator franchise is never finished. And remember that after 2018, James Cameron is getting it back, and then it will continue on!"