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Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 27 Sep 2020 13:27

Green/Roasted Coffee May Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in Hypercholesterolemic Subjects by Decreasing Body Weight, Abdominal Adiposity and Blood Pressure
by Beatriz Sarriá Foods 2020, 9(9), 1191;

In previous studies, after regularly consuming a green/roasted coffee blend, body weight, body fat%, glucose, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), resistin, leptin, ghrelin, diastolic (DBP) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) significantly changed in healthy and hypercholesterolemic subjects. However, glucagon, total-cholesterol (T-C), triglycerides (TG), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) and Homeostasis Model Assessment index to estimate insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) only changed in the hypercholesterolemics. This work looks into the antiobesity effects of coffee blend and into the relationship of antiobesity with the aforementioned cardiometabolic modifications in hypercholesterolemics.

(1) Methods: Tricipital and subscapular skinfolds, hip, thigh, arm and waist circumference (WC) were measured in normocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemics. To understand the relationship between cardiometabolic and antiobesity results in hypercholesterolemics, factor analysis was carried out using baseline values of the variables that changed.

(2) Results: WC, WC/hip and WC/height showed significant coffee×group interaction, and in hypercholesterolemics tended to decrease. After factor analysis, three factors emerged, accounting for 29.46, 13.13 and 11.79% of variance. Only factor 1 (main loadings: WC, DBP and SBP, body weight, WC/hip and WC/height ratios, TG and ghrelin, inversely) decreased after coffee intake.

(3) Conclusion: Regularly consuming green/roasted coffee may help to control body weight, and in hypercholesterolemics, may reduce cardiovascular risk by reducing abdominal adiposity and blood pressure.
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 27 Sep 2020 13:28

Roasting induces changes in the colour, taste, and aroma in coffee, related to changes in its chemical composition. During coffee roasting, many of the phenolic compounds present in the green coffee bean are lost, but in turn, compounds responsible for coffee’s organoleptic properties are formed as coffee components undergo complex Maillard reactions, producing melanoidins and other degradation products [12].

The blend of green and roasted beans is an interesting functional coffee product with more positive health effects than traditional, roasted coffee, thanks to the higher content in CGA provided by the green coffee fraction, and concurrently, it is well accepted by coffee consumers, due to the organoleptic properties provided by the roasted fraction.
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 27 Sep 2020 14:10

one cup of espresso coffee/day = 73 mg/serving of CGA),
three cups of espresso coffee/day = 219 mg of CGA),
one cup of espresso coffee plus two cocoa-based products containing coffee = 8 mg of CGAs),
three or five cups/day of coffee, = 365 and 607 mg of CGA/day
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 28 Sep 2020 14:23

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Le café vert / torréfié peut réduire le risque cardiovasculaire chez les sujets hypercholestérolémiques en diminuant le poids corporel, l'adiposité abdominale et la tension artérielle
par Beatriz Sarriá Foods 2020, 9 (9), 1191;

Dans des études précédentes, après avoir consommé régulièrement un mélange de café vert / torréfié, poids corporel, pourcentage de graisse corporelle, glucose, inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène-1 (PAI-1), résistine, leptine, ghréline, diastolique (DBP) et tension artérielle systolique (SBP) ) a changé de manière significative chez les sujets sains et hypercholestérolémiques. Cependant, l'indice d'évaluation du glucagon, du cholestérol total (T-C), des triglycérides (TG), du cholestérol LDL (LDL-C) et de l'homéostasie pour estimer la résistance à l'insuline (HOMA-IR) n'a changé que chez les hypercholestérolémiants. Ce travail examine les effets anti-obésité du mélange de café et la relation de l'antiobésité avec les modifications cardiométaboliques susmentionnées dans les hypercholestérolémies.

(1) Méthodes: Les plis cutanés tricipitaux et sous-scapulaires, le tour de hanche, de cuisse, de bras et de taille (WC) ont été mesurés en normocholestérolémie et hypercholestérolémie. Pour comprendre la relation entre les résultats cardiométaboliques et anti-obésité dans les hypercholestérolémies, une analyse factorielle a été réalisée en utilisant les valeurs de base des variables qui ont changé.

(2) Résultats: WC, WC / hanche et WC / hauteur ont montré une interaction café × groupe significative, et dans les hypercholestérolémies ont tendance à diminuer. Après analyse factorielle, trois facteurs sont apparus, représentant 29,46, 13,13 et 11,79% de la variance. Seul le facteur 1 (charges principales: WC, DBP et SBP, poids corporel, rapports WC / hanche et WC / taille, TG et ghréline, inversement) a diminué après la consommation de café.

(3) Conclusion: La consommation régulière de café vert / torréfié peut aider à contrôler le poids corporel et, chez les hypercholestérolémiants, peut réduire le risque cardiovasculaire en réduisant l'adiposité abdominale et la tension artérielle.
La torréfaction induit des modifications de la couleur, du goût et de l'arôme du café, liées à des modifications de sa composition chimique. Pendant la torréfaction du café, de nombreux composés phénoliques présents dans le grain de café vert sont perdus, mais à leur tour, des composés responsables des propriétés organoleptiques du café se forment lorsque les composants du café subissent des réactions complexes de Maillard, produisant des mélanoïdines et d’autres produits de dégradation

Le mélange de grains verts et torréfiés est un produit de café fonctionnel intéressant avec des effets plus positifs sur la santé que le café torréfié traditionnel, grâce à la teneur plus élevée en CGA fournie par la fraction de café vert, et en même temps, il est bien accepté par les consommateurs de café. aux propriétés organoleptiques apportées par la fraction torréfiée
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Messages: 13730
Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
Localisation: Athus

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Déc 2021 15:16

Appetite and Satiety Effects of the Acute and Regular Consumption of Green Coffee Phenols and Green Coffee Phenol/Oat β-Glucan Nutraceuticals in Subjects with Overweight and Obesity
by Mónica Redondo-Puente Foods 2021, 10(11), 2511;

Green coffee has weight management properties, yet its effects on appetite and satiety remain unclear as few, mainly acute, studies perform objective measurements. Therefore, the influence on appetite/satiety of acute and regular consumption of two nutraceuticals, a decaffeinated green coffee phenolic extract (GC) alone or combined with oat β-glucans (GC/BG), with known satiating properties, has been analysed subjectively using visual analog scales (VAS) and objectively measuring actual food intake and postprandial appetite and satiety hormones. A randomised, cross-over, blind trial was carried out in 29 overweight volunteers who consumed GC or GC/BG twice a day for 8 weeks.

After acute (day = 0) and regular consumption (day = 56) of the nutraceuticals, satiety was measured at 30, 60, 90, 150, and 210 min, as well as food intake at breakfast (30 min) and lunch (300 min). Additionally, in a subgroup of participants (n = 9), cholecystokinin, peptide-YY, glucagon-like-peptide-1, ghrelin and leptin concentrations were analysed in blood samples taken at the same time-points. According to VAS results, GC/BG reduced hunger more efficiently than GC. However, there were no statistically significant differences in food intake. Comparing the effects of the acute consumption of GC/BG and GC, leptin concentration at 150 min was higher after GC/BG intake vs. GC. Moreover, when comparing the effects of regularly consuming the two nutraceuticals, maximum ghrelin level decreased with GC/BG vs. GC.

In conclusion, acute and regular effects of the nutraceuticals on appetite/satiety differed, and subjective and objective results partially agreed; GC/BG may reduce hunger more efficiently than GC.
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 14 Déc 2021 13:41

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Effets sur l'appétit et la satiété de la consommation aiguë et régulière de phénols de café vert et de phénols de café vert / -glucane nutraceutique d'avoine chez des sujets en surpoids et obèses
par Monica Redondo-Puente Foods 2021, 10(11), 2511 ;

Le café vert a des propriétés de gestion du poids, mais ses effets sur l'appétit et la satiété restent flous car peu d'études, principalement aiguës, effectuent des mesures objectives. Par conséquent, l'influence sur l'appétit/la satiété d'une consommation aiguë et régulière de deux nutraceutiques, un extrait phénolique de café vert décaféiné (GC) seul ou associé à des β-glucanes d'avoine (GC/BG), aux propriétés rassasiantes connues, a été analysée subjectivement à l'aide de échelles visuelles analogiques (EVA) et mesurant objectivement l'apport alimentaire réel et les hormones postprandiales de l'appétit et de la satiété. Un essai randomisé, croisé et en aveugle a été réalisé chez 29 volontaires en surpoids qui ont consommé du GC ou du GC/BG deux fois par jour pendant 8 semaines.

Après une consommation aiguë (jour = 0) et régulière (jour = 56) des nutraceutiques, la satiété a été mesurée à 30, 60, 90, 150 et 210 min, ainsi que la prise alimentaire au petit-déjeuner (30 min) et au déjeuner (300 min). De plus, dans un sous-groupe de participants (n = 9), les concentrations de cholécystokinine, de peptide-YY, de glucagon-like-peptide-1, de ghréline et de leptine ont été analysées dans des échantillons de sang prélevés aux mêmes moments. Selon les résultats de l'EVA, la GC/BG a réduit la faim plus efficacement que la GC. Cependant, il n'y avait pas de différences statistiquement significatives dans l'apport alimentaire. En comparant les effets de la consommation aiguë de GC/BG et de GC, la concentration de leptine à 150 min était plus élevée après la prise de GC/BG par rapport à GC. De plus, lorsque l'on compare les effets de la consommation régulière des deux nutraceutiques, le niveau maximal de ghréline a diminué avec GC/BG vs GC.

En conclusion, les effets aigus et réguliers des nutraceutiques sur l'appétit/la satiété différaient, et les résultats subjectifs et objectifs étaient en partie d'accord ; La GC/BG peut réduire la faim plus efficacement que la GC.
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Messages: 13730
Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
Localisation: Athus

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 17 Sep 2022 12:11

Bioavailability and radical scavenging power of phenolic compounds of cocoa and coffee mixtures
Elly Acosta-Otálvaro Food Science and Technology International Vol. 28, No. 6, September 1, 2022

Cocoa and coffee are natural sources of phenolic compounds, which are degraded during beans processing of both. For this reason, there is an interest in obtaining extracts of these bio compounds. The aim of this study was uncovering the radical scavenging activity (AC) of mixtures of cocoa and coffee extracts, and the bioavailability of their phenolic compounds, resorting to in vitro models: DPPH and ORAC antioxidant methods, and the characterization of the trans-epithelial transport of cocoa and coffee phenolics through Caco-2 cells monolayer model of the intestinal barrier. The cocoa displayed a higher AC than the coffee regarding both DPPH and ORAC assays, while the mixtures increased in parallel with the percentage of cocoa in the blends. The combination index was calculated to set up the type of interaction in the cocoa-coffee mixtures, obtaining that the mixture 25:75 was moderately antagonistic, 50:50 nearly additive, and 75:25 slightly synergistic.

The absorption efficiency of the cocoa phenolic compounds was between 87.9%–97.4%, in the coffee compounds was 100%. The mixtures varied according to the proportion of cocoa and coffee. The results obtained allowed concluding that the phenolic compounds present in cocoa and coffee, respectively, are featured by high bioavailability and a valuable antioxidant capacity, while no pattern was found in the mixtures concerning the real benefit of using them combined.
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 18 Sep 2022 12:18

A combination of green tea, rhodiola, magnesium and B vitamins modulates brain activity and protects against the effects of induced social stress in healthy volunteers
Neil Bernard Boyle Nutritional Neuroscience Volume 25, 2022 - Issue 9 Pages 1845-1859

Magnesium (Mg), green tea and rhodiola extracts have, in isolation, been shown to possess stress and anxiety relieving effects. Green tea and rhodiola have been shown to modulate EEG oscillatory brain activity associated with relaxation and stress perception. The combined capacity of these ingredients to confer protective effects under conditions of acute stress has yet to be examined. We tested the hypothesis that a combination of Mg (with B vitamins) + green tea + rhodiola would acutely moderate the effects of stress exposure.

A double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, parallel group design was employed (; 25/0817). One hundred moderately stressed adults received oral supplementation of either (i) Mg + B vitamins + green tea + rhodiola; (ii) Mg + B vitamins + rhodiola; (iii) Mg + B vitamins + green tea; or (iv) placebo. After supplementation participants were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test. The effects of the study treatments on electroencephalogram (EEG) resting state alpha and theta, subjective state/mood, blood pressure, heart rate variability and salivary cortisol responses after acute stress exposure were assessed.

The combined treatment significantly increased EEG resting state theta (p < .02) – considered indicative of a relaxed, alert state, attenuated subjective stress, anxiety and mood disturbance, and heightened subjective and autonomic arousal (p < .05).

Mg, B vitamins, rhodiola and green tea extracts are a promising combination of ingredients that may enhance coping capacity and offer protection from the negative effects of stress exposure.
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices santé et anti-graisse du café vert ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 18 Sep 2022 12:20

Combination of tea polyphenols and proanthocyanidins prevents menopause-related memory decline in rats via increased hippocampal synaptic plasticity by inhibiting p38 MAPK and TNF-α pathway
Qian Yang Nutritional Neuroscience Volume 25, 2022 - Issue 9 Pages 1909-1927

Many studies have examined the beneficial effects of tea polyphenols (TP) and proanthocyanidins (PC) on the memory impairment in different animal models. However, the combined effects of them on synaptic, memory dysfunction and molecular mechanisms have been poorly studied, especially in the menopause-related memory decline in rats.

In this rat study, TP and PC were used to investigate their protective effects on memory decline caused by inflammation. We characterized the learning and memory abilities, synaptic plasticity, AMPAR, phosphorylation of the p38 protein, TNF-ɑ, structural synaptic plasticity-related indicators in the hippocampus.

The results showed that deficits of learning and memory in OVX + D-gal rats, which was accompanied by dendrites and synaptic morphology damage, and increased expression of Aβ1-42 and inflammation. The beneficial effects of TP and PC treatment were found to prevent memory loss and significantly improve synaptic structure and functional plasticity. TP+PC combination shows more obvious advantages than intervention alone. TP and PC treatment improved behavioral performance, the hippocampal LTP damage and the shape and number of dendrites, dendritic spines and synapses, reduced the burden of Aβ and decreased the inflammation in hippocampus. In addition, TP and PC treatment decreased the expressions of Iba-1, TNF-α, TNFR1, and TRAF2.

These results provided a novel evidence TP combined with PC inhibits p38 MAPK pathway, suppresses the inflammation in hippocampus, and increase the externalization of AMPAR, which may be one of the mechanisms to improve synaptic plasticity and memory in the menopause-related memory decline rats.
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

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