par thanos999 » 4 Mar 2020 13:26
In a attempt to save my right leg. A stent was put in my right peck that goes all the way down to my right leg.
Unfortunately the day after the emergency surgery the stent irrupted. Within seconds my right peck, shoulder and neck was full of Blood to the point were my neck was so swollen that I was losing consciousness due to not being able to breathe. My amazing doctors had to go in and do a emergency surgery to stop the blood loss. But due to me being on intravenous heparin ,
They had to wait 24 hours to make sure I wouldn’t bleed out. So I laid there screaming and hallucinating going in and out of consciousness. Due to the nerve damage and neuropathy. I lost full usage of my right peck, shoulder all the way down to my fingers. ( evidently blood and nerve endings/internal tissue don’t get along too well )