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Levrone à 245lbs ?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Messagepar thanos999 » 7 Aoû 2009 11:54

des info sur sa diete

Nutritional Approach: 8-Week MASS Transformation

The objective of this first issue of The Levrone Insider is to wrap up the nutritional approach for the first MASS transformation.

I say "approach," because I'm not giving a detailed plan at this time. There are thousands of diet plans online. My approach is simple and it works for me. The Levrone Guidelines are a collection of time-tested boundaries and requirements combined with the most important key ingredient: ruthless consistency.

My philosophy on diet is similar to my philosophy of training. Simple, direct, no-nonsense. Or as one of you said, "shut up and lift." I'm not going to indulge in over-analysis. I don't walk around with a food scale. If there is a profound secret in my nutrition, it's consistency.

For insiders only. Please keep this email private, and in return I will keep it free. Don't share it or post it on forums. If people want to see it, they can sign up for it like you did.


Basic Nutritional Guidelines For Growth

• Consume no less then 300 grams of protein a day
• Keep fat and carb intake low

Pretty simple, huh?


Sample Meal

Breakfast – Big bowl of oat meal, mix in whey protein. The oatmeal provides energy, cuts appetite.

Lunch – A pile of sliced turkey breast. Vegetable salad. Ground beef with tofu mixed in.

Snack – Organic fruit & nut mix

Snack – Can of tuna with 3-4 crackers

Snack – Two plums

Dinner – A mountain of lean chicken, vegetables, rice or whole wheat pasta

Late snack – Whey protein shake or bar


Further Explanation

How big is a "pile," or a "mountain?" As big as it needs to be to complete the 300 gram requirement. It's lean protein, so eat till you're satiated. If you're working out and burning calories you should have no trouble downing enough protein to support muscle growth, especially if you're using whey protein.

How low is "low fat" and "low carbs?" Look at my sample meal. There's a little fat in the nuts and ground beef. A little carbs in the oatmeal, rice and fruit – enough to keep me from fainting from low blood sugar. Don't eat pizza, fries, nachos, etc. Stay away from bread, potatoes, sweets and sugary drinks as much as possible. Avoiding that stuff is obvious, right? Then why are you eating it? Adopt ruthless consistency.

Dealing with hunger pangs might be a problem for some of you. Especially if you crave carbs. When I start to think about the wrong food at the wrong time, it helps to get busy doing something that takes my mind off food. I'll work out a song on the guitar or play with my son Gabe, and time flies by till the next meal. Serves the dual purpose of not eating AND being productive at the same time.

Sometimes one glass of fine wine takes my mind off food. Don't try this if you're under age and have any health problems or medications that prevent you from drinking safely. Check with your doctor.

Also, FUZE Slenderizer drinks seem to take the edge of hunger. It's subtle, maybe a little psychological, but there's Super Citromax in there, a mild appetite suppressant. It's a low carb drink, low calorie, has chromium and L-Carnitine, tastes good, so why not?



Levrone Formula

Mid-way through my transformation I started experimenting with a custom arginine blend with a trusted expert. I'm skeptical of hyped-up products with fancy colorful labels put out by big companies. That stuff might be OK for some kid, but given my past – working with the greatest nutritional scientists in the world customizing my stack and nutrition – I felt weird buying some miracle powder off the shelf with goofy pictures and words on it. Ain't happening.

However, I know there's something to NO in terms of getting a pump for your workout. Over several weeks I played with the ingredients, to refine the effect, sort of like messing with the eq on a stereo. I used quality ingredients, stayed away from caffeine, and hit on something that created a fantastic feeling and turned me into a monster for a few hours.

I sampled a few other leading NO products, just to see if there was anything special about mine. There is. I'm not mentioning this as a hard-sell, but in the interest of full disclosure about my nutrition. It's not even available as of the sending of this newsletter. Try an arginine-based product if your doctor says it's okay. When mine's ready, you might want to try mine.
YOR Health

On days I didn't feel like shoveling down vegetables either from being in a hurry or just full from all that protein, I relied on YOR Health SuperGreens. I don't want to worry about free radicals and vitamin deficiency when I'm on a high-protein diet. I just want a quick insurance policy that I'm getting everything I need, and I want it to taste decent.

I liked SuperGreens a lot, so I tried other YOR Health products out of curiosity. YOR Repair, YOR Essential Vitamin, YOR Probiotic, YOR 1,2,3,4 - Digestive Enzymes.

I was in a lot of pain at times, coming back from the big layoff. YOR Repair seemed to help me through some rough spots.

YOR Health seems to have some nice products, you might want to look into them. If you know of other quality products out there, let me know.
365 Whey Protein Powder.

I picked this up at Whole Foods. Seems like a quality product. Natural flavor, sweetened with stevia, which is natural and has little-to-no net effect in terms of carbs. Mixes easily. Has free-form branch chain aminos and free form l-glutamine. The can is narrow, when the product gets low it's hard to get my hand all the way in with the scooper. Some of you bigger guys might need to enlist the help of the woman in your life for this, but it's worth it.
Finger Man

I tried some raw food and liked the way I felt. It didn't stick but I may revisit it – it's hanging out in the back of my mind. Raw egg mixed with raw cheese, mung, seaweed and dried beans. I had fun being exposed to the strange and compelling world of the Finger Man. Give him a shout out on his blog.


Ruthless Consistency

Above all, what matters most is RUTHLESS CONSISTENCY in keeping within the basic guidelines. My nutritional plans have to breathe. My approach was instinctive and flexible, and it worked. If you have specific questions about timing, or different kinds of protein, etc., ask away. But don't let the endless pursuit for the latest diet tip distract you from the power and magic that comes from bold simplicity and basics.

Just like training, you need to utilize calm power, slow down, breathe, visualize – and you will have more will power than ever, and you'll stick to the guidelines with ruthless consistency.

Stay within these guidelines and you will get results. The patterns will become ingrained and much easier to maintain as your body adapts. You can customize a plan that expresses your own unique tastes and needs – as long as you stay within the guidelines.

The nutrition for the DEFINITION TRANSFORMATION has different guidelines. Stay tuned for the next issue of Levrone Insider, for that.

– Kevin
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 7 Aoû 2009 11:55

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Messagepar Criti » 13 Aoû 2009 19:29

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Inscription: 2 Juin 2009 20:45
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Messagepar francix » 21 Aoû 2009 20:14

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Inscription: 7 Déc 2008 13:54

Messagepar Criti » 21 Aoû 2009 21:57

Déjà postée ces vidéos...

Levrone Formula

On commence à voir le bout du futur compléments 8)
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Inscription: 2 Juin 2009 20:45
Localisation: Bordeaux

Messagepar bodynat59 » 22 Aoû 2009 07:03

Si y a moyen pourquoi pas...
Quelqu'un pourrait il traduire briévement de quoi il sagit dans la compo de ses suppléments, merci :wink:
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Messagepar chibani34 » 22 Aoû 2009 10:46

il doit prendre de la bio active :D
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Messagepar francix » 30 Aoû 2009 10:48

It’s the final week of this 2nd Transformation and I have to finish strong. This is one thing I always did just before I went on stage for Mr. Olympia – that week leading up to it. This is one of my secrets.

Not a lot of talking on this clip. Three exercises, four cycles, no breaks, bang, bang, bang. I could have said, “Hey guys, here I am at the hack squats…” but I think you get the point. This is about intensity, total focus. Conditioning, definition, sweating it out. One more week of cutting and we’ll see the results.

The video below captures the fourth, final set. At the peak of my exhaustion. You best believe I felt a burn. But once again, knowing you’re watching forced me to keep my form and finish out strong on my fourth rotation.

Legs are already a draining prospect, leg supersets are about as tough it gets. I figure the bravest among you will hazard a leg superset workout after watching this. Don’t waiver, finish strong, I’ll be watching in spirit. Let me know how it goes. Out.

Messages: 302
Inscription: 7 Déc 2008 13:54

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 30 Aoû 2009 11:06

ce hack, il est super dur
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Messagepar Daegog » 30 Aoû 2009 16:38

On peut voir qu'il est vraiment mort sur cette dernière série
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Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:31

Messagepar francix » 3 Sep 2009 17:59

Toujours en super sets

ROTATION super Sets – Flat Bench Press:

225 lb x 20 Reps. du moins 19 :)

ROTATION super Sets - Shoulder Cable Raises:

70 lb x 20 Reps.

ROTATION super Sets - Tricep Cable Push downs:

150 lb x 20 Rep
Messages: 302
Inscription: 7 Déc 2008 13:54

Messagepar francix » 5 Sep 2009 20:21

Messages: 302
Inscription: 7 Déc 2008 13:54

Messagepar thanos999 » 8 Sep 2009 10:58

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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar NICO-71 » 8 Sep 2009 13:00

Terrible. 8)
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Inscription: 4 Déc 2008 18:31

Messagepar Kensei » 8 Sep 2009 14:15

Il dit lui meme se sentir mieux maintenant que quand il etait "gros".
Quand je le vois j me dis qu il a de très bon reste.
En plus la il commence a bien séché apparement 8)
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Inscription: 16 Aoû 2009 00:17
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