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Mark Alvisi arrêté

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Mark Alvisi arrêté

Messagepar OLYBAR » 14 Avr 2012 22:56

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Messagepar thanos999 » 14 Avr 2012 23:00

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Messagepar OLYBAR » 14 Avr 2012 23:05

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Inscription: 12 Fév 2009 19:38
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Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 14 Avr 2012 23:12

Individuals are Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Souvent, ces histoires se dégonflent rapidement
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Messages: 55394
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 15 Avr 2012 03:19

Mark was out with a woman he’s been dating and they planned to do a little partying. He told me he did have cocaine and ecstasy with him.

“I had a couple of ecstasy pills, and a gram of cocaine. When I was leaving the club, someone there offered me a Xanax. All of that was for personal use, and I planned to use it later that night."

People have speculated that Mark was driving while intoxicated on these drugs, but that was never the case.

“My date and I got to the car, and almost as soon as we got in, the police ran up on the car. They were shouting, ‘DON’T MOVE!’, and before I knew it they were searching me. They later told me that someone called them reporting that we looked suspicious, and the police were just responding to that call.”

While the actual events of that night are nothing to be proud of, it isn’t true that Mark was selling or endangering anyone else. I am not condoning what Mark did, but many of us (myself included) have done things we now regret. Many of us have done something illegal and not gotten caught. It’s pretty rare for me to quote the bible, but this situation seems appropriate, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

I spoke to a local Florida criminal attorney and he told me that Mark’s lack of prior criminal history in conjunction with the fact that all of his charges are considered “personal use” will likely lead to probation. He says it’s very unlikely for Mark to see any jail time, and it’s even possible that these charges will even be reduced to misdemeanors, or even dropped. It is important to note that Mark paid no bail, and was released on his own recognizance.
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Messages: 55394
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Ol'DirTy » 15 Avr 2012 05:30

Plusieurs caps d'extc avec 1g de coke et des xanax bars pour 1 soirée à 2 personnes, ça commence à faire beaucoup.
Messages: 251
Inscription: 24 Oct 2008 02:24

Messagepar Tony80350 » 15 Avr 2012 12:28

Perso, je vois pas ce que viens faire la coke dans un milieu pareil , mis à part le fait que c'est de la drogue.
Messages: 696
Inscription: 24 Jan 2010 13:51

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