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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Messagepar berkut » 29 Avr 2012 14:18

Ol'DirTy a écrit:
berkut a écrit:apparement il veut faire olympia :D

lol...t'as vraiment pas saisi son ton ironique dans sa réponse.

ni toi dans la mienne 8) mais cela dit un gars comme levrone aurait pu le faire, mais bon la le contexte est diférent c'est vrai .
Messages: 322
Inscription: 24 Déc 2009 14:27
Localisation: aisne

Messagepar Alban » 30 Avr 2012 06:57

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:il fait encore 100 kg

Epsos17 a écrit:Son visage s'est presque métamorphosé ! Mais il garde encore un bon physique malgré ce qu'il a dû enduré.

C'est marrant, quand on lit les messages du début, on aurait cru qu'il pesait 50 kg.

Je dis à certains : mieux vaut ne rien dire et passer pour un c... que de l'ouvrir et de ne laisser aucun doute quant à ce sujet.
Messages: 2651
Inscription: 14 Sep 2008 16:48
Localisation: 92

Messagepar OLYBAR » 30 Avr 2012 21:29

MD: Thanks for calling and I won't keep you long. I know you have a lot of catching up to do. How confident were you that you would be allowed to stay in the US? Steve told me this particular judge deports 80 percent of the cases he sees?

VM: 84 percent. Yeah, it was tricky and I was pretty worried. They were looking for reasons to deport me all along.

MD: So what do you think made the judge decide to let you stay?

VM: It was a few things, I think. I've been in the USA since I was four years old, I have four kids here, and probably most important of all - I've paid a lot of fucking taxes to Uncle Sam, and that's all on record with the IRS. So maybe he sees me as contributing to the country that way.

MD: This all happened at the Federal Building in New York City. Did you have to go back to Hudson County in New Jersey to get your stuff?

VM: No, I didn't want to go back there, I've seen enough of that place! I didn't have anything back there that was important to me. Before I left for New York I gave it all to a buddy of mine in there, my books and magazines.

MD: What was your first meal as a free man, and your second?

VM: The first thing I ate was a whole barbecue chicken with rice, and it was delicious. After that my brother took me to an Argentine steakhouse and I got a 24-ounce churrasco steak.

MD: So, are you starving now that you have access to good food again?

VM: Not really, because I haven't been training. If I don't train, I don't have much of an appetite. Once I'm back into hard training every day again, it will be a different story.

MD: Have you seen your kids yet?

VM: I saw my two girls, and I'll see my sons next week.

MD: You must be dying to train again. When will you have your first workout?

VM: I was thinking about Monday, but now I'm thinking about just going tomorrow. I need to find a yoga club or a fitness place so I can blend in!

MD: Okay, let me stop you right there. Haters have been saying you must not be about 170 pounds now. I am guessing you're nothing less than 200. What do you weigh?

VM: I'm 220. I haven't been 170 pounds since I won the Elmo's Gym contest when I was 19. I was actually 165, I started my diet at 170. Whatever, if the haters want to think I weigh 120 pounds, let them. They're the last thing on my mind now.

MD: So 220 and lean, not a bad starting point at all.

VM: Yeah, I could probably do the 212 Olympia in a few months.

MD: But seriously, you're not going to train at any of your usual gyms for a while?

VM: I think I'll stick to the Equinox Club and 19th Street Gym for at least a couple weeks just to do some full-body circuits and start getting things back to normal. It will probably take me about a month to get back up to speed and start doing one bodypart a day again.

MD: Okay, I know you have a lot going on now, so what would you like to say?

VM: I want to thank Steve Blechman and MD, Gerard Dente, all my family and friends, especially Jonathan, Dennis James, and anyone who helped me stay positive through the last seven months. Anybody who was there for me or even who just supported and believed in me even if I never met you, I appreciate it. This was just a small chapter in my life. It happened, and it's part of what makes me me. I wouldn't change a thing. To the negative people who doubted me, have always doubted me, and will continue to doubt me, you don't know a damn thing about true warriors. We don't give up. ... tinez.html
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Inscription: 12 Fév 2009 19:38
Localisation: World Gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 9 Mai 2012 09:01

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Messages: 15278
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar chibani34 » 9 Mai 2012 09:54

je regarde une ancienne photo de lui et sa forme de visage n est vraiment pas la meme,
quand ont stoppe les produits le visage revient a la "normal"?
ca me parrait gros.
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Messages: 2476
Inscription: 30 Avr 2009 13:00
Localisation: agde34300

Messagepar berkut » 9 Mai 2012 19:38

ca développe certainement les muscles fasciaux se qui pourrait changer l'aspect du visage
Messages: 322
Inscription: 24 Déc 2009 14:27
Localisation: aisne

Messagepar thanos999 » 11 Mai 2012 06:17

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Messages: 15278
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Mai 2012 07:40

c'est pas parce qu'on sort de prison qu'il faut nous prendre pour des c...
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 15 Mai 2012 21:43

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:en 1 semaine, il va reprendre 10 kg de muscle sec
dans 1 mois, il sera énorme et sec

Steve Weinberger last night said Victor has been back in the gym training at Powerhouse and already gained back 35 lbs.
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Messages: 55400
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Tony80350 » 16 Mai 2012 15:12

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:
Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:en 1 semaine, il va reprendre 10 kg de muscle sec
dans 1 mois, il sera énorme et sec

Steve Weinberger last night said Victor has been back in the gym training at Powerhouse and already gained back 35 lbs.

Messages: 696
Inscription: 24 Jan 2010 13:51

Messagepar GabrielF » 16 Mai 2012 20:26

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:
Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:en 1 semaine, il va reprendre 10 kg de muscle sec
dans 1 mois, il sera énorme et sec

Steve Weinberger last night said Victor has been back in the gym training at Powerhouse and already gained back 35 lbs.

il doit prendre de la whey 8)
Messages: 188
Inscription: 24 Avr 2012 18:53
Localisation: Paris

Messagepar popey » 17 Mai 2012 07:11

Moi je le trouve trés courageux d'afronter les cameras dans son état

bravo a lui pour son mental a toutes épreuves
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Messages: 253
Inscription: 24 Sep 2011 19:57
Localisation: reunion

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 20 Mai 2012 07:37

quand il croise les bras, il est énorme
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Messages: 55400
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar isolate » 20 Mai 2012 22:50

Il revient trés vite sur les points forts:pecs et bras...
Messages: 81
Inscription: 3 Fév 2009 00:35

Messagepar thanos999 » 24 Mai 2012 23:21

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Messages: 15278
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym


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