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Après une paire d'années sans les entraîner, Calum Von Moger se remet aux abdos...
"Abdominals. In the beginning I trained them all the time. Before every workout I would do 2 sets 20 leg raises and 3 sets 30 sit-ups. Suddenly they disappeared from my training split and for a couple years they were left out. They became the hardest muscle group for me to get motivated to train. After not training abs for a long time now I've decided to start training them again as I want to bring the details up higher and keep the waist line in. The core does get worked to a degree from all the compound exercises e.g. Squats, bent over rows, heavy tricep push downs etc. but now it's time to focus on them again. Here's my first routine back, an old favorite of mine:
Sit-ups. 10 reps hands to knees 10 reps elbows to knees 10 reps crunches 10 reps hands to feet 10 reps side bends 1 min plank 20 leg raises