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Serge Nubret à l'hopital ?

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Messagepar magicdim » 29 Avr 2009 07:55

Franchement ça me mets mal à l'aise qu'il y ait un débat sur son dos alors qu'il est à l'hopital, donc pour ma part j'en arrêterais là.

Mais vu que j'aimerais bien savoir comment deviner si un gars est naturel ou pas je vais ouvrir un autre post à ce sujet, je verrais bien les différents avis...

Maintenant non, je ne suis pas naïf, et je me doute bien que parmi les "gros" la plupart sont ou ont été dopés, et que ça ne résulte pas QUE de l'entrainement et de la proteine en poudre....

Voilà, maintenant y'a -t'il quelqu'un qui ai des news de Serge???
Messages: 86
Inscription: 9 Mar 2009 12:03
Localisation: Loiret (45)

Messagepar BouBou » 29 Avr 2009 16:33

QUI a écrit:
BouBou a écrit:La faute à qui ? :idea:

oui tout est de ma faute :lol:

Ah c'est bô ça :o
Messages: 92
Inscription: 14 Déc 2008 16:25
Localisation: Alpes Maritimes

Messagepar Seb59150 » 29 Avr 2009 20:09

Arnold a reconnu qu'il avait pris des steroïdes ( je sais pas si c'étaient dejà ça), et d'autre de l'époque aussi. Mais il a dit aussi qu'a l'époque on ne savait pas trop les contrecoup que ça pouvait avoir. Ca serait bizarre que serge nubret qui a fini éème derrière arnold et devant les autres ait rien pris, j'ai même lu ici gundill qui disait que franck zane se dopait aussi. mais a l'époque c'était pas la même chose, alors moi ça me parait moins grave qu'aujourd'hui.
Messages: 8
Inscription: 12 Mar 2009 20:39
Localisation: Wattrelos

Messagepar The Rock » 30 Avr 2009 03:26

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The Rock
Messages: 45
Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 19:24

Messagepar magicdim » 30 Avr 2009 08:04

mouais..enfin sur ce coup là on peut craindre un montage video... :roll:
Messages: 86
Inscription: 9 Mar 2009 12:03
Localisation: Loiret (45)

Messagepar The Rock » 1 Mai 2009 03:27

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The Rock
Messages: 45
Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 19:24

Messagepar magicdim » 5 Mai 2009 12:04

toujours pas de nouvelles de notre pauvre Serge?? :(
Messages: 86
Inscription: 9 Mar 2009 12:03
Localisation: Loiret (45)

Messagepar thanos999 » 6 Mai 2009 18:34 ... hp?t=61039

Dear Friends of Serge,

Tommy and I are putting together a card to send to Serge from all of his
friends and fans to show him love and support. Serge has been in the hospital since March 18 when he was poisoned at Pascale's apartment and sent
to intensive care toxicology. A police investigation has been going on for the past several weeks to fully examine all who were involved and the cover
up at Lariboisiere Hospital (where Serge had been sedated/drugged into a state of coma/confused trance where he did not recognize anyone for over a
month and could not move or talk). His daughter, Karine, an anesthetist, was the doctor in charge of him. No one was allowed to see him.
When the police became involved, Serge's condition started to improve immediately--less than 24 hours later he started to recognize people again after the drugs/sedation were ceased. He is still unable to talk or move very much. Police District 10 is not giving out much information right now because of protocol/security procautions; some of his family are currently
under investigation.
If you would like to add a message to Serge to lift his spirits, please send
it to me or to Tommy at and it will be included on a card for him. Before Serge was poisoned, he was in one of the best conditions of his life. His
physique looked similar to and weighed the same as it had decades earlier at
his best. Because he had no heart attack/stroke and his heart/brain MRI was also normal, we are hoping for recovery of memory and health and that there
is no permanent damage from being poisoned, drugged and sedated. Please send him positive energy and prayers.
Thank you,

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Messages: 15280
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Thecatz » 6 Mai 2009 19:18

pourquoi sa fille l'aurait empoisonné et drogué? c'est bizarre et trash...
Messages: 208
Inscription: 25 Déc 2008 18:34

Messagepar thanos999 » 6 Mai 2009 19:21

:?: C'est sa fille qui s'occupe de lui vu qu'elle est un médecin anesthésiste
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Messages: 15280
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar pat g » 7 Mai 2009 08:25

:shock: :shock:
pat g
Messages: 389
Inscription: 4 Déc 2008 14:01
Localisation: Lyon

Messagepar tourneboules » 7 Mai 2009 10:54

On ne connait pas le poison en question, et Serge s'est peut-être lui-même administré ce produit. :roll:
Messages: 21
Inscription: 17 Nov 2008 10:39

Messagepar pat g » 7 Mai 2009 12:56

Ce qui me gène dans ce rapport c'est le terme de poison, est-ce peut être un faux-ami, mais si c'est la même signification qu'en français c'est quand même différent d'un surdosage d'un produit par exemple.
pat g
Messages: 389
Inscription: 4 Déc 2008 14:01
Localisation: Lyon

Messagepar Thecatz » 7 Mai 2009 17:02

Bah disons qu'il est dit que c'est sa fille qui s'occupe de lui et qu'elle empêcher toutes visites et que lorsque la police à commencer à enquêter, il a commencer à se reveiller car il n'était plus drogué.

En gros celui qui écrit ça sous entends que sa fille est responsable...
Messages: 208
Inscription: 25 Déc 2008 18:34

Messagepar thanos999 » 6 Juin 2009 18:32

"Hi guys,

I spent a week in Paris not long ago to see Serge myself, I have been trying to get him help since I came back, because he needs it. I can say with some confidence that the updates we got before were all lies... I read him the card as he could not himself. He was touched by the messages from the people and fans here, but he is not happy in hospital. He is not in a very good condition and I am more than worried, I am concerned about how he is being treated there. I am concerned about the whole thing, the discreetness, everything. I spent 4-5 days with him.

I can briefly explain that he is not able to talk, he only makes noises.. He cannot move.
What has been done to him was not explained to me by anybody. I was actually in so much shock the first time I saw him that I cried in front of him and did not even sleep that night. I am not making it up, this is not a happy situation. I wish I could do more.. I'm sorry for not posting earlier, I was unsure of what to report back here.

Alot of people have now been informed of what Serge is going through, I hope he gets the necessary treatment to make a full recovery, because I was not sure if he was getting that when I saw him. He was not being encouraged to move, he was either in bed or sat down in a chair when I saw him. I was informed recently that he has now been moved to L'hopital Fernand Widal."
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Messages: 15280
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym


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