par thanos999 » 9 Déc 2011 00:00
RH: Okay, the next question is quite ridiculous in the big picture, but all the meatheads want to know— are you holding your size?
VM: I'm down about 10 or 15 pounds I guess. I'm not sure, I'm not weighing myself.
RH: What kind of equipment do you have access to?
VM: Nothing except a chin-up bar. No weights at all. There are only so many chin-ups, push-ups and crunches you can do before it gets redundant. I'm trying not to atrophy too much, but at the same time I can't worry too much about it either.
RH: How's the food?
VM: Mostly slop. They feed you enough to keep you alive. There's stuff that looks like tuna, but it's not tuna. Stuff that looks like bologna or turkey, but it's not. A lot of “mystery meat.” They do give you tons of bread, but it's all white bread. No wheat or whole-grain in here! We can't have supplements either, or else I would be having my MHP shakes and pudding every day. I could hold my weight if I ate all the carbs and sugar, but I don't want to put fat on. The commissary here makes big bucks selling candy to the inmates. There are guys walking out of here with three or four cavities and diabetes! No thanks. I'll lose a little muscle instead.