isaac a écrit:pat g a écrit:Nutrimuscle-Conseil a écrit:
Cette semaine je suis tombée sur une étude détaillant le retard d'absorption des bcaas du à l'entrainement, je suppose que c'est la justification du shake à +2h, les bcaas sont alors disponibles à +3h ?
cela m'aurait interressé de la lire si tu la retrouve car moi je me basais sur l'étude de karlsson ou il avait fait prendre des bcaa avant pendant et après l'effort qui en résultait une ripsote anabolique 3.5 fois plus puissant que sous un groupe placebo, d'ou le fait que je prennent mes bcaa avant pendant et après l'effort...
C'est juste une étude que je trouvais intéressante pour les temps d'assimilation
1: Eur J Appl Physiol. 2009 Jan;105(2):215-23. Epub 2008 Oct 21.
Effect of strength training session on plasma amino acid concentration following
oral ingestion of leucine, BCAAs or glutamine in men.
Mero A, Leikas A, Knuutinen J, Hulmi JJ, Kovanen V.
Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyväskylä, PO Box 35,
40014 Jyväskylä, Finland.
We examined the acute effects of a 1-h strength training session (STS) on plasma
amino acid concentration following orally ingestion of leucine, branched-chain
amino acids (BCAAs) or glutamine in nine physically active men who participated
in double-blinded and randomised experiments. The subjects took placebo, leucine,
BCAAs, or glutamine capsules (50 mg/kg) in either rest (REST) or STS condition.
Blood samples were taken before and at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after the
beginning of the treatment and they were assayed for plasma amino acids with
HPLC. Following both leucine and BCAA ingestion the peak concentration of leucine
was similar at rest (524 +/- 46 and 530 +/- 29 nmol/ml, respectively) and similar
after STS (398 +/- 43 and 387 +/- 46 nmol/ml, respectively) but the rest and STS
concentrations differed from each other (P < 0.01-0.001). The modelled polynomial
data for the leucine treatment showed that the peak concentration of leucine
occurred at 67 min at rest and at 90 min in STS (difference between REST and STS:
P = 0.012). For the BCAA treatment the polynomial data showed that the peak
concentration of leucine occurred at 72 min at rest and at 78 min in STS (P =
0.067). The peak concentration of glutamine was similar in both rest and STS
condition and occurred at 60 min at rest and at 57 min in STS. In conclusion, 1-h
of STS slows the increase in the peak concentration of plasma leucine similarly
after oral ingestion of leucine or BCAAs but after oral ingestion of glutamine it
has no slowing effect on glutamine concentration.