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Levrone à 245lbs ?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Messagepar Loa » 25 Mai 2009 08:29

Je ne suis pas sûr que débat il y ait.
Messages: 94
Inscription: 19 Oct 2008 21:40

Messagepar thanos999 » 25 Mai 2009 09:40

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Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 25 Mai 2009 09:42

pour suivre la "transformation"

Started the day with a banana and coffee. Headed to the gym where I weighed in at 206. The plan was chest, shoulders and triceps. It’s been a few years, so i wanted to take it easy. Check out the video of me maxing out on bench.

It felt natural to be lifting, everything fell into place. I got in early so I didn’t have an audience or distractions. Thanks Lucien for spotting.

The workout:

Flat Bench: 4 sets, (135 lbs., 225 lbs., 275 lbs., 315 lbs.) 6-8 reps, cranked out 4 reps of 315 on last set – not bad.
Incline Bench: 4 sets of 6 (225 lbs.)
Peck-Deck Flies: 4 sets of 8 (180 lbs.) Free Weight Flies: 4 sets of 8 (35-pound dumbells)

(No negatives, I’ve never done negatives – more about this in future blog posts.)

Behind The Neck Press, Smith Machine: (1st set, 135lbs, 8 reps, 2nd-4th set, 185, 8 reps.)
Note: Someone asked on the blog about doing these in front of the neck. Behind the neck is ideal because it works front, mid and read delts – all three. If your front delts are lacking or disproportionate you can do some sets in front.
Side Lateral Raises: 2 sets at 35lbs, then 8 sets at 40lbs.

Push Downs with EZ Bar: 4 sets at 120lbs.

It’s a start. This simple workout was about 25% compared to my competition workouts in terms of weight, intensity and duration. I haven’t done even a set of pushups in 2 or 3 years, so I needed to ease into it.

Afterwards, I had two chicken breasts, two bowls of rice, and oceans of water. No supplements. I’m doing this 100% naturally – no problem.

Looking forward to being sore when I wake up tomorrow morning – I’ll let you know.

It’s a humble beginning. But sufficient proof that…it’s on.
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Messages: 15267
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 25 Mai 2009 09:45

"Today’s my first day in the gym. I’ll be posting some footage of the day later on.

I’m doing this steroid free. I’m coming from a low weight and I haven’t trained with free weights in over four years. The muscle memory and the fact that I’ll be ramping up my calories from 1,500 a day to 3,000 a day is why I believe I’m able to do 5 lbs a week. I’m going to do this safely and I’ll be telling you what I’m eating and what supplements I take, if any.


Ca fait 4 ans qu'il c'est pas entrainé avec des poids. Il va passer de 1500 calories par jour pour 3000 pour une journée.Il pense pouvoir prendre 5 livres par semaine.
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Messages: 15267
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Sébastien » 25 Mai 2009 09:48

5 livres / semaine (muscle sec ?) sans stéro ?
il a beau parler de mémoire musculaire, je ne sais pas combien de temps ça fait qu'il ne s'est plus entraîné naturellement ... ça me paraît un peu démeusuré comme objectif
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Messagepar thanos999 » 25 Mai 2009 09:56

Il est quand meme fort pour un gars qui c'est pas entrainé depuis 4 ans
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 25 Mai 2009 09:56

au début, il va pouvoir le faire
après, on va voir s'il prend du gras
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Messagepar thanos999 » 25 Mai 2009 10:19

Il a peut etre besoin de reprendre du poids pour avoir des roles au ciné
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Messages: 15267
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar maximass » 25 Mai 2009 10:48

Sébastien a écrit:5 livres / semaine (muscle sec ?) sans stéro ?
il a beau parler de mémoire musculaire, je ne sais pas combien de temps ça fait qu'il ne s'est plus entraîné naturellement ... ça me paraît un peu démeusuré comme objectif

+1 !
Enfin, on verra l'évolution dans les semaines et mois qui viennent!
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Inscription: 25 Mai 2009 10:33

Messagepar Daegog » 25 Mai 2009 16:54

Il a de beau reste!
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Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:31

Messagepar Alban » 25 Mai 2009 18:17

Il dit peser 206 lbs (=93,4 kg), et tourner à 1500 kcal par jour.... Il ne nous prendrait pas pour des pimpins par hasard ?
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Messagepar pat g » 26 Mai 2009 09:38

c'est aussi ce que je me suis dit, 1500 c'est vraiment très peu pour son gabarit: 7.3 kcal/lbs c'est de la sèche hardore
pat g
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Inscription: 4 Déc 2008 14:01
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Messagepar thanos999 » 27 Mai 2009 08:51

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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 28 Mai 2009 09:26

Levrone Transformation Update – 5/27/09
May 27, 2009

I got a good workout in this morning, feeling a lot better. No footage, but I’m going back this afternoon for a leg workout. I’ll get some footage of that so please check back tonight if you want to see it and read full details about the day’s workout and my progress. (This morning I did chest, shoulders, tris, bis and traps.) Also, stay tuned for body measurements later today so we have a benchmark to look at my progress.

4 pounds gained in a few days. Hard to believe just from one workout and upping calories, and getting a 24-hour stomach thing. It’s muscle memory, the calorie jump and a lot of rest. My system was empty when I stepped on the scale this morning so I believe my gain is lean.

Even I’m amazed. As many of you like to point out, I’m something of a “genetic freak.” I will try to take that as a compliment. :) I prefer the phrase “genetic marvel.” Either way, my genetics don’t do your workouts any good. So here’s something that might:

This morning I had eight egg whites and a cup of oatmeal. I plan on three more meals today, each will be two chicken breasts, two bowls of rice and mixed vegetables. There’s fat in the chicken and rice but it’s minimal. It’s smart to keep things clean and simple at the beginning of a new program to see how your body reacts in a natural state. Then you adjust upward from there, as I’m sure I’ll need to do, and I’ll be telling you about it.

100,000 blog hits in one week. Something big is happening. It was not planned and not sponsored by anybody. This is a pure moment. This is me doing my thing, inspired by you – just you and me and I’m having more fun than I’ve had in years, believe it. Get out to the gym and let’s do this together, and let me know how you’re doing. Just like you, I look forward to seeing how it’s going to turn out.

Again, for footage and details of today’s workouts check back with me tonight.
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Messages: 15267
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 28 Mai 2009 09:26

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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym


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