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Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

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Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 30 Mar 2016 13:39

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 10 Avr 2016 05:49

"My brother and my best friend getting ready for this wedding about to break my neck as those old folks say. Yeah Buddy!!!!!!! Time to do dis, my brother is officiating and it's on like a pot of neck bones."

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 11 Avr 2016 05:15

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 17 Avr 2016 16:31

Hier avec Cory Mathews, "Lockout Supplements 9 Year Anniversary Summer Party"...

"Had a great Time at Lockout Supplements today. It was my first appearance since the surgery February 2nd. Gotta say wasn't so bad seeing it's only been 2.5 months since the surgery where I couldn't even stand days afterwards. But no matter what, dat elbow seems to follow me everywhere I go. It's cool though, that too will one day be history. In the meantime, it's all good..."



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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 18 Avr 2016 05:49

"Yeah buddy, that's right I like to eat those Garters but only when I'm taking them off my wife's leg. But of course I'm just having fun at out wedding last weekend. I had so much fun taking it off I forgot who caught it once I threw it. It was all good and we had a lot of fun, yeah buddy."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 22 Avr 2016 05:40

Avec Derek Ciocca et Marc Lobliner au Boynton Barbell Center...




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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 23 Avr 2016 05:23

"Just did the "everything but the kitchen sink" ice cream eating challenge at Sloan's in Delray with Marc Lobliner and Derek Ciocca they even decided to being one sink out."


"18 scoops of ice cream, 4 large cookies, 4 whole brownies, whipped cream, all toppings and a ton of other things."
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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 26 Avr 2016 21:40

"This might be the first time I've ever been caught eating sweets on camera. Had to go hulk mode for this ice cream eating challenge with Captain America AKA Marc Lobliner and Ironman AKA Derek Ciocca. Who do you think won?"

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 27 Avr 2016 05:15

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar thanos999 » 27 Avr 2016 22:58

coleman et ron love
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Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 28 Avr 2016 21:42

"Yeah Buddy sometimes the best best thing I love about my Swoleoclock is the fact that I can color coordinate them with my outfits. Just got this little nice gift from the folks at Swoleoclock yesterday and thought it would go great with this photo."

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 14 Mai 2016 05:30

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 14 Mai 2016 05:54

Un gâteau d'anniversaire très spécial pour les 52 ans de Ronnie Coleman au Bodypower UK 2016...

"The people at Bodypower went above and beyond and made me this absolutely wonderful cake for my birthday today. Gotta say this is easily one of the greatest birthday presents I've ever received. I guess this kinda makes up for having to spend my birthday on the road away from family and friends."


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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 14 Mai 2016 16:35

"It's day 2 out here at the Bodypower and I showed up to a packed booth of fans."

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 15 Mai 2016 06:28

"Trying to get a pump in my biceps while doing legs. The physical therapy continues, of course this is not a real workout. I'm just trying to get the muscle back in my legs from the surgery atrophy. It's a long journey back but in about another 3 months I'll be able to do a real workout. That will be 6 months since my last surgery and according to my Dr the bones in my back will be fully healed from the 6 screws that have been screwed into my spine. I can't wait, counting down the days until my first official workout. "


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47


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