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"I was on CTV MORNING SHOW yesterday morning. The only bad thing about is I had to get up at 6am. That was after going to bed about 3am because I was up late because of a late night workout. It was all good though because I had a great workout."
"Would like to say Thanks to the Steve and Staff at Monster Gym for the late workout tonight. Just flew into London from Dallas arriving 7:30am this morning. Had to get a rest and a few meals in before training but thanks to the guys at Monster Gym for keeping it open late for me."
"Y'all know Bigron loves the kids. Here we are at the World Power Show in London England today. I'm here all day signing autographs and taking pictures. I'm also doing 2 seminars so I'm very busy here today. So if you guys are bored and close by with nothing to do, stop by and Hollar atcha boy."
"Had a nice dinner with my old workout partners Gus Carter, Curtis Fails and 5 time Miss International Champ Vickie Gates. It was good to catch up on old times and talk about the good old days. We really pushed each other to the max back in the day and made each other better athletes."