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Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

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Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 25 Sep 2016 05:59

"I am hanging out at Leanmax Nutrition with my buddy Big Aubrey."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 30 Sep 2016 06:02

"Had a wonderful time in Chennai, India today this photo shoot. This is for the new line of clothing we're coming out with. It's Rocclo which stands for Ronnie Coleman Clothing."


"Another photo of me at my photo shoot today in Chennai India."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 1 Oct 2016 05:55

"Here in India having dinner with friends..."


"I know what you guys are thinking. Why is that grown man wearing makeup. Well because it's a photo shoot."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 1 Oct 2016 16:42

"Still here in India doing this photo shoot for the new line of clothing. This shoot is for the upcoming catalog to be released in a couple months. I'm here modeling a blue pair of "Nothing but a Peanuts" shorts."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 2 Oct 2016 05:57

"Photo from today's shoot, I'm basically sitting here chilling modeling RCC(Ronnie Coleman Clothing) sweat pants. We're still over here in Chennai India and everything here is great. The food, the weather, the people and the scenery here is awesome. They have one of the longest beaches in the world here. I'm really going to hate leaving tomorrow."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 7 Oct 2016 05:34

"This is one my tricks of the trade that I've never shared with anyone until now. I may post some of my tricks I used back in the day to get really lean."


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Le Docteur » 7 Oct 2016 07:52

C'est un nouveau tan ?
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Le Docteur
Messages: 2566
Inscription: 30 Mai 2012 13:07

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 7 Oct 2016 17:22

Posté il y a presqu'un an : Ronnie Coleman se défendait de faire de la pub pour un produit qui ne fonctionnerait pas et témoignait avec sa femme de son efficacité contre la couche adipeuse sur les abdos...

"You guys know I don't really respond to stupidity but when you question my honesty and integrity, I gotta say something. First of all the product that I'm endorsing is no fake ass product. This product like every other product that I've endorsed including my own I tested on myself and to back up my test I used my wife to test on her. Secondly and lastly I'm no sellout, the few dollars I made to endorse this product no way gets me out of debt because I have houses and cars that are paid for and I own my own supplement company. My real fans and friends know my character so I'm not gonna go on and on trying to prove a point. All I'm going to say is this product works and it's not fake. I've used creams and oils throughout my entire 8 Mr Olympia wins. The creams worked back then and this cream works now. Of course it's no magic pill that you take and instantly you have abs. Just like with any other product, you have to put in work for the results. For all those talking trash, you go out and win 8 Olympia's and have 6 surgeries and turn 51. I want to see you guys post your pictures after you have achieved what I've achieved."
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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 7 Oct 2016 17:27

"Trying my best to get back into shape. I've been training now for about 8 weeks after a 6 months layoff for a very serious fusion surgery I had recently. Things are going great and I've gotten a little stronger since I first started 8 weeks ago."


"It's going down this weekend in Oregon!!"

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 9 Oct 2016 05:32

"We are here at Sports Nutrition Center and 3 of the most beautiful girls showed up wearing my favorite sayings on their t-shirts."


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 12 Oct 2016 05:31

"Trying my best to get back into lifting shape after my 6 month layoff for my fusion surgery. My boy Big J training early morning sessions at Metroflex gym. I can almost bench about 225lbs, hopefully in the next few weeks, I'll be there. Like I always say, it's on like a marijuana bong."


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 14 Oct 2016 05:20


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 14 Oct 2016 05:24

"We are here at the original Metroflex gym trying our best to get our backs bigger. It's almost 3am but that only makes us stronger. Even though I'm working my way back from a back fusion surgery About 8 months ago, it's no excuses baby. Like I said a couple days ago, it's on like ding dongs because oh yeah it ain't over M/F's."


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 15 Oct 2016 05:34

"I'm trying my best to get these legs bigger. Still not walking unassisted but hopefully soon I'll get there. Took 6 months off from training so gotta go super light until my strength returns. So now when I say "lightweight baby" I really mean it. But like I said 2 days ago, it's still on like donkey kong."


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 16 Oct 2016 05:54

"Trying my best to get this chest bigger on a boring lazy Saturday night with my main man Big J. Training all alone in the Original Metroflex gym built by the one and only king of Bodybuilding stars Brian Dobson. This is the heaviest I've gone since my comeback of my 6 month layoff. Been back training now for about 8 weeks and my strengths coming back slowly but showily. Like I said a couple days ago it's on like a cheech and Chong marijuana bong."


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47


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