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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Messagepar randy_rhoads » 30 Mai 2011 22:57

En bref : en mangeant plus sainement, mon cholestérol total à augmenté de 0,40 en un an...(2.80 de rapport total/HDL)
Je me supplémente en oméga-3 d'ici en plus.

Je reformule : as-tu une recommandation concernant le cholestérol après l'entrainement et / ou par jour.

N'ayant pas ton niveau, je vais pas chercher à imiter ta supplémentaire ni ton training. Mais permet moi de m'intéresser à la façon dont tu t'alimentes, en dehors des poudres, capsules et compagnie.

merci de ta participation en tout cas
Messages: 75
Inscription: 3 Juin 2009 19:32

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 30 Mai 2011 23:09

ce qui augmente le cholestérol, en général, c'est un excès de sucre

pour ce qui est de la relation cholestérol muscle :

Manipulating Dietary Cholesterol for Optimum Muscle Growth

by Dharkam

Vince Gironda, the Iron Guru, used to recommend eating up to three dozen eggs a day in order to pack on mass fast. His rational was that the high cholesterol content would trigger a natural anabolic effect.

Ronnie Coleman, in his last video, Relentless, is taking a cholesterol lowering drug. Yet, such drugs are said to be detrimental to muscles.

Both behaviors seem contradictory!

Is high or low cholesterol better for muscle growth?
Why would anyone use a muscle wasting drug?
New research reconciles this paradox revealing that proper cholesterol manipulations can optimize muscle growth.

Acute training impact on cholesterol level

If moderate weight training does not seem to affect cholesterol levels, a traumatic workout will most definitely induce an acute reduction of blood cholesterol level within 2 hours (1). This shortage of cholesterol can last up to several days during the recovery phase. This lowering effect is due to an accelerated uptake of cholesterol by skeletal muscle. It reveals our fibers need this extra cholesterol in order to recover and grow.

Considering the positive impact of cholesterol on muscle growth (see below), it might be a good idea to include cholesterol-rich foods such as whole eggs in you first real post-workout meal. This strategy would make sure your muscles obtain all the cholesterol they need, preventing any potential shortage which would postpone recovery.

Dietary cholesterol intake on muscle growth

Riechman has studied the impact of cholesterol on (resistance) training-induced hypertrophy (2). This research has been conducted on elderly men and women, yet its findings seem relevant to younger subjects:

For 12 week, those people weight trained. When their daily cholesterol intake was inferior to 3.5 mg per kg of lean mass, no hypertrophy was detected. Strength only increased 36%. When their cholesterol consumption was above 5.7 mg/kg, muscle mass increased an average of 2.1 kg. Heavy cholesterol consumers experienced a strength increase of 86%.

Muscle growth and strength gains are closely related to dietary cholesterol intake. Considering a large egg contains around 200 mg of cholesterol, a 220 lbs bodybuilder would need at least 3 whole eggs a day.

Blood cholesterol level on muscle growth

Subjects with serum cholesterol lower than 178 mg/dl did not experienced much growth (+300 g of lean mass). When serum cholesterol was above 238 mg/dl, lean mass increased an average of 2.3 kg. The correlation between serum cholesterol and strength gains is statistically weaker. Subjects with low cholesterol level experienced an increase of 37% Vs 70% for subjects with high levels.

Muscle growth is positively correlated with blood cholesterol level.

In conclusion:

With regards to muscle hypertrophy, It is a good idea to follow a high cholesterol diet (at least 3 whole eggs a day).
This is especially true if your training is both intense and traumatic.
Be careful during a low calorie diet as cholesterol intake usually is reduced during this period.
Cholesterol level tends to decline in summer, so be careful at that time, too.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar randy_rhoads » 31 Mai 2011 07:59

t'es un chef !
Messages: 75
Inscription: 3 Juin 2009 19:32


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