par thanos999 » 17 Avr 2009 18:51
Dans le dernier Md, Fankhouser parle des fentes, il fait une version avec la machine a mollets debout
"Well, bro, how many people
do you see walking
around with 30-plus-inch
quads? Let me answer: not
many! Most people are walking
around on toothpicks.
Maybe, just maybe, if we saw
more people doing lunges, we
would see more 30-inch
quads. Bro, keep doing your
lunges. I flippin’ love lunges!
Lunges are a great workout,
and there are tons of different
ways to do them. Walking
lunges with DB’s are my
favorite way to do them.
Sometimes I just grab up
some DB’s and lunge on the
treadmill at the gym when I
am doing cardio. I have been
trying different types of lunges
at the gym and I found a great
way to do them. I have never
seen anyone do them this way
before, so I am taking credit
for this one.
I started to do them in the
standing calf raise machine.
You might be saying WTF—
how ya do that?! Well, let me
tell ya. The Bodyshop has
some huge pieces of wood laying
around for people to use
when they work out. Most people
use them to prop up the
benches or to do stiff-legs off
of, but I slid the wood into the
standing calf raise and started
doing my lunges. It works
great because you can use
heavy weight and be safe at
the same time. I will have to
make a video of this and post
it up on my thread on the MD
forum. You guys will like this