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Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

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Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 8 Jan 2016 06:24

"Trying my best to hold on to these 22 inch arms. Yeah I know I told you guys last week they were 15.9998888 but come on guys we all know that was the joker in me. I've had 22 inch arms since I was in college weighing 220lbs. I'm every bit of about 260 at the moment and I do diet to stay as lean as possible. I'm still trying to look like I did win the Olympia at one point in my life. Even though I did win 8 and I worked really hard for all 8 of them. Like I said yesterday, I've won my 8, now its somebody's else turn to win 8."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 10 Jan 2016 05:44

"Training biceps on an early Saturday morning (1:30am) and I'm in the gym all alone. So I'm doing a selfie of my bicep. As I said a few days ago, they are really 22 inches and not 15.8988999. That was only the joker in me. There are many other things I can be doing on this early Saturday morning but when training is your hobby, there is nothing better than doing what I'm doing.

"I'm very fortunate to have made it to 2016 because some of my friends didn't get the chance to make it this far. So I'm hoping this will be will be the year that this world becomes more peaceful for all of us. What I'm trying to say is I hope 2016 is the year that life gets easier and more peaceful. So let me start it off by thanking all the people who have been by my side and supporting me, my company and my family. I couldn't have accomplished and achieved all the things I've achieved without your prayers and good wishes and I know I have tons of people out there who love and support me. Let me be the first to say that I love and support all you guys too. God Bless you all and may you keep being successful and this 2016 be the year you accomplish all your goals."
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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 12 Jan 2016 05:57

Ronnie Coleman a atteint le million d'abonnés à sa page Instagram...

"I would truly like to thank each and every follower who follows me on this Instagram page from the bottom of my heart. This is my first million follow milestone on all of my social media pages. I never thought and it never seemed I'd ever make the million followers milestone because I've been in the 900k range for years on Facebook so this is truly an honor for me. You guys are the greatest fans in the world to me and I have nothing but love for you guys in my heart. Once again thank you guys very much for this most prestigious honor. And of course I couldn't have done it without you guys as with any accomplishment or accolade. All the best to you guys and God Bless."
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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 12 Jan 2016 19:53


"Trying my best to keep this little size I have on my chest. I am doing it by staying with the same exercises that got me the size I had when I won those 8 Mr Olympia's. It's like they say if it ain't broke, there is no need to fix it. A good metaphor to live by if I have to say so myself. Because we are going to be doing big things in 2016. I'm still psyched for achieving my first 1 million social media followers in anything."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar QUI » 13 Jan 2016 01:11

ses coudes font flipper quand meme
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Inscription: 8 Oct 2008 19:26

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar razorsedge » 13 Jan 2016 08:59

A mon avis , un troisième coude est en train de pousser la dessous...Je dois sire que les entrainements de Coleman sont extraordinaire à voir. Ayant la plupart de ses vidéos, c'est que du bonheur. A condition bien sûr de prendre ça comme du divertissement.
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Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 14 Jan 2016 19:57

"Trying my best to keep the little size I have on my upper back. Still doing these old school exercises that I did back in the day when I was winning those 8 Mr Olympia's. I'm still in love with them because they worked back then and their still working out. I'll forever be in love with this iron game, it's what I look forward to doing each and every day. I now have about 40 years in this game and I'm definitely looking forward to the next 40 years. No matter what I'll be doing this as long as I'm alive. When this is your hobby, life doesn't get any better than a good old fashioned workout."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar audiomaniac » 14 Jan 2016 21:06

passé un certain age tu es obligé de faire uniquement du cable ou tu peux encore faire du poids libres ?
Messages: 3543
Inscription: 3 Oct 2008 18:04

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar orque » 14 Jan 2016 21:42

à partir d'un certain age comme tu dis, tu paies les coquecigrues que tu as faites : absence d'apprentissage de la technique, absence d'échauffement, méthodes d'entrainement farfelues, diète extravagante, supplémentation offshore, alcool, tabac. Voilà pour l'essentiel.

Certains sont cassés à 35 ans et ne peuvent plus s'entrainer que sur machines. D'autres même passés 50 balais s'entrainent exclusivement avec des poids libres (haltères, barres, squat, développés, soulevé de terre, tirages) sans "souffrir" d'autre que de quelques inflammations de temps à autre.

Je te laisse ranger dans la bonne catégorie ceux que je voyais il y a 30 ans faire leur première barre de couché avec deux rondelles bleues de 20 kg de part et d'autre de la barre ...
Messages: 282
Inscription: 13 Jan 2015 15:24

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 27 Jan 2016 20:10

"Trying my best to just keep the little size that I do have on these tiny triceps. Since I'm no longer competing, there is no need to train heavy anymore. Training is truly just my hobby now and part-time job because I do plan to guestpose and for sure do seminars where I'll be taking off my shirt by request to hit a few poses. As always, it's still on like King Kong."

"Just having a little fun on a late night at Metroflex gym. Of course we're the only ones here this late because we're the only ones that are truly hard core or stupid however you wanna see it. Whatever the case we're having some real true fun and enjoying our late night session all by ourselves."
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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 29 Jan 2016 22:32

"Always pumping it up at Metroflex doing these late night sessions. I have to say I do love them because I'm practically in the gym alone with no distractions whatsoever. There are no bikini babes in here, no one on a machine when I need it so there's no waiting on no one to get off a machine when I need it. I'm just in and out for the workout and back home asap so that I can eat my food and do whatever I need to do after that which is most of the time email. I'm coming down to my final workouts before my next surgery which is next week and I'll be off from training for a very long time. But for right now, it's still on like a marijuana bong. YEAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!"

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar thanos999 » 4 Fév 2016 07:49

changement des vis

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Messages: 15282
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Anoxer » 4 Fév 2016 11:08

Les vis doivent déjà être changées ?!
Je donne pas cher de son état dans quelques années...
Messages: 42
Inscription: 9 Mai 2015 20:21

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar thanos999 » 4 Fév 2016 14:50

il en a cassé
le chirurgien va lui en mettre des plus solides
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Messages: 15282
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar orque » 4 Fév 2016 16:23

Mouai, enfin c'est la version officielle. Je pencherais plutôt pour une fracture vertébrale avec désinsertion des vis et tiges de stabilisation.
C'est le chirurgien qui a du avoir du taf pour trouver de nouveaux points d'ancrage.
Et la moelle épinière, qu'est ce qu'elle en pense de la situation ?
Messages: 282
Inscription: 13 Jan 2015 15:24


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