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Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar orque » 15 Déc 2015 18:14

Ce qui est surtout embêtant c'est que les (anti-sports de force) vont s'en donner à coeur joie pour casser un peu plus ces activités.
Coleman parle de faiblesse à une jambe. A le voir se mouvoir avec tant de difficultés, je pencherais plutôt pour un nouveau problème de hanche et des nerfs sciatiques qui ne fonctionnent plus. A chaque opération il se dégrade un peu plus.
Messages: 282
Inscription: 13 Jan 2015 15:24

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar NUGENT » 16 Déc 2015 10:21

A présent c'est plus un question de passion du sport mais plutôt une question de business.
Même s'il faut aller à la salle en fauteuil roulant, je ferais tourner la boutique. :?
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Inscription: 19 Fév 2011 12:26
Localisation: Californie Française

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 16 Déc 2015 13:39

"Trying my best to get these 15.9999999999 inch arms bigger. Even though I may have a setback in my back with a broken screw, my arms are working just fine as we did 25 reps with the 40lb dumbells. Not only that we also worked back before arms, since my lower back has the broken screw, we did upper back. Y'all know that's that never give up attitude that won me 8 Mr Olympia title. I should also mention that I have a screw loose in my back too, some may say I have a screw loose in my head for working out under the conditions that I workout under. All I have to say is I'm doing what I love doing and I have a huge Faith in My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that he will not put more on me than I can handle. I've been fortunate enough to have lived on this Earth for almost 51 years and I know God is not finished with me yet. My purpose on this Earth continues until God says my time is up, until then I'm going to do whatever he guides me to do because I know I exist only for him, My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To all those who have gotten Inspiration for what I have done, Thank God. It's like my chain says, I can do all things through him who strengthens me, Phil 4:13."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 24 Déc 2015 05:50

Ultimate Sports Nutrition, Arlington, Texas...


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 25 Déc 2015 05:56


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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 25 Déc 2015 06:01

Même la veille de Noël Ronnie Coleman est à la salle...

"Not too many people workingout on a Christmas Eve and at this hour. Only the hardcore, trying my best to get these small shoulders bigger. Merry Christmas everybody,"

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 27 Déc 2015 14:19

"Trying my best to get these 15.999888777 inch arms bigger. Doing one of my favorite made up exercises, one arm hammer curls, I'm only doing 30lb dumbells so I'm doing 30 reps. Normally I do 60lb dumbells for 12-15 reps. But because of my back injury at the moment, I'm doing lightweight baby for real. It's all good though because after the surgery and the 4 month layoff, I'll be back to my normal workout. But it looks like the heavyweight low rep workouts are done for me. I think I'll stick to the lightweight high rep workingouts forever. I've won my 8 Mr Olympia's, it's now time for the next guy up to lift the heavyweight low reps to win his 8 Mr Olympia's whomever that guy may be. (...) I hate to tell you guys my arms are really about 22 inches. Hopefully nobody reads this far down and you guys continue to believe my arms are really that small. I'm just having fun with my fans is all and I figure some really wanna believe my arms are 15.999888777. I just make up these numbers but I know for sure their about 22 inches, sorry guys. Like I said I'm just having fun because you guys are great and some of the best fans in the world but I know I'm not fooling the real guys."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 29 Déc 2015 14:43


"Trying my best to get these triceps bigger. It's 3 days after Christmas and I'm still trying to hang in there and stay consistent. Yes I am training light and doing 30 rep sets. I'm just trying to keep a little size on until my next surgery which I have no idea when that will be but I know it's soon because my Dr said he was ordering the parts to do the surgery today, which is Monday. But in the mean time I'm just trying to hold onto the little Swole that I have."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Kenseii » 29 Déc 2015 20:41

Il me fait un peu peine à voir, être pété à ce point là :shock:
Mais il a toujours la force d'aller s’entraîner et une passion à un tel point ça impose le respect 8)
Messages: 180
Inscription: 21 Oct 2011 22:52

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 31 Déc 2015 17:21

"When I say lightweight, I mean lightweight for real. Only have about 2 plates but doing 25 reps. Heavyweight is totally out of the question with my back fusion surgery coming up in a few weeks. My last fusion surgery in July came apart a few weeks ago on my trip to Russia. Somehow I broke one of the screws in my back and in turn because of the pressure associated with it broke the bone it was attached too. But my Dr gave me permission to workingout while we wait for some bigger screws and a few plates to attach to the new surgery to fix the problem I now have. Oh well all I can say while I await the bigger screws is its still on like a pot of neck bones since my Dr has approved me to continue my workouts, otherwise I would not be doing it. At least I don't think I would be."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 31 Déc 2015 17:49

Somehow I broke one of the screws in my back

et oui, on se demande bien comment ça a pu arriver?

and in turn because of the pressure associated with it broke the bone

je n'aimerais pas être à la place du chirurgien qui va rafistoler les morceaux
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Happy New Year

Messagepar Gilles » 1 Jan 2016 06:42

"Everyone stay safe tonight and have a great New Years...See you all in 2016!"

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 5 Jan 2016 20:03

"Yeah Buddy still hanging in there and trying to keep the little size that I have. When I say Lightweight, it's lightweight for real. It's all good though, I've won my 8 Mr Olympia's. I'm just trying to look like at one point in my life I competed and didn't do so bad. Training is my hobby and I know for sure I'll do it until the day I die. I started this weightlifting game when I was 12 years old. I fell in love with it back then which was some 40 years ago. I'm still in love with this game some 40 years later, now that is what you call true love."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 6 Jan 2016 06:11

Ronnie Coleman avec Cory Mathews.

Ronnie Coleman sera intronisé en mars prochain dans l'International Sports Hall of Fame 2016...

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Ronnie Coleman - nouvelles récentes

Messagepar Gilles » 7 Jan 2016 06:14

"Just trying to hold on to the little size that I have. Doing these lightweights for real. Everything is lightweight for like 3 to 4 sets of 20-25 reps. I think 22 inch arms are big enough to just walk around, no competitions for me. I've won my 8 Mr Olympia's and I think I'll just be happy as a pig in slop and let these other guys go for 8."

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47


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