Actualités sport, fitness & musculation, vidéos des pros, études scientifiques. Discutez avec la communauté Nutrimuscle et partagez votre expérience...
Jason Poston : "Through my docs body fat evaluations and progress pics I've monitored my progress from last years Arnold Classic. Ive added 3lbs of muscle in offseason and I'll be 8lbs bigger than last Arnold (at least) BUT I've been discouraged being 9% BF this week but I just started the diet 10days ago! I will get to 3% in 5 weeks."
Jason Poston : "Meal 1: 8 egg white omelet with mushrooms & spinach flavorgod spicy everything. 3 pieces of natural deli turkey slices cooked in 1/2 Tbsp of Olive Oil and flavorgod - taste like Bacon! Low Carb breakfast for this diabeast - it allows me to use less insulin so I can drop the most fat to Arnold. Low sodium flavorgod keeps the flavor better when I'm craving higher calorie foods."
Jeremy Buendia : "Left was the end of November, middle was January 6th (6 weeks off of diet and cardio), and right is current. 23 days into my diet and cardio. Gotta turn it up, phone call today says I've gotta be shoot ready in 3 weeks. Gotta get crispy early this year. I weigh about the same in all 3 of these pics."