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Vitamine D3

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Messagepar Persephone » 16 Déc 2008 09:00

J'ai de gros doutes sur cette étude.

J'ai déjà mis plusieurs études qui montraient qu'en l'absence de soleil (hiver) il fallait environ entre 4000 et 5000IU pour simplement maintenir son taux.

Si on ne veut vraiment pas faire de prise de sang, la seule donnée fiable pour l'instant c'est que (en moyenne), 1000IU de D3 augmente le taux sanguin d'environ 10ng/mL, mais tout dépend de la valeur de base. Sans parler du fait que cette relation n'est pas linéaire avec la dose, donc ça vaut ce que ça vaut.

J'ai dû faire un papier récemment sur la D3 et les facteurs qui influencent les besoins sont (liste non exhaustive): l'âge, les conditions et le lieu de vie (ville urbaine ou pas, pollution atmosphérique, etc), la pigmentation cutanée, la taille, le sexe, la masse grasse, l'état de santé, les apports en calcium, le tabagisme et des facteurs génétiques.

Pour rappel:
Human serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol response to extended oral dosing with cholecalciferol

Healthy men seem to use 3000–5000 IU cholecalciferol/d, apparently meeting > 80% of their winter cholecalciferol need with cutaneously synthesized accumulations from solar sources during the preceding summer months. Current recommended vitamin D inputs are inadequate to maintain serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol concentration in the absence of substantial cutaneous production of vitamin D.

Vitamin D intake to attain a desired serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration

Determination of the intake required to attain serum 25(OH)D concentrations >75 nmol/L must consider the wide variability in the dose-response curve and basal 25(OH)D concentrations. Projection of the dose-response curves observed in this convenience sample onto the population of the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey suggests a dose of 95 µg/d (3800 IU) for those above a 25(OH)D threshold of 55 nmol/L and a dose of 125 µg/d (5000 IU) for those below that threshold.

Par ailleurs, en pratique, je n'ai jamais vu personne atteindre un taux normal avec 1200IU en l'absence de soleil.
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Messages: 1190
Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 25 Déc 2008 12:51

Estimation of the dietary requirement for vitamin D in healthy

Kevin D Cashman, Tom R Hill, Alice J Lucey, Nicola Taylor, Kelly M Seamans, Siobhan Muldowney,
Anthony P FitzGerald, Albert Flynn, Maria S Barnes, Geraldine Horigan, Maxine P Bonham, Emeir M Duffy, JJ Strain,
Julie MW Wallace, and Mairead Kiely
Background: Knowledge gaps have contributed to considerable
variation among international dietary recommendations for vitamin D.
Objective: We aimed to establish the distribution of dietary vitamin
D required to maintain serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]
concentrations above several proposed cutoffs (ie, 25, 37.5, 50, and
80 nmol/L) during wintertime after adjustment for the effect of
summer sunshine exposure and diet.
Design: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind 22-wk intervention
study was conducted in men and women aged 20–40 y (n
238) by using different supplemental doses (0, 5, 10, and 15g/d)
of vitamin D3 throughout the winter. Serum 25(OH)D concentrations
were measured by using enzyme-linked immunoassay at baseline
(October 2006) and endpoint (March 2007).
Results: There were clear dose-related increments (P  0.0001) in
serum 25(OH)D with increasing supplemental vitaminD3. The slope
of the relation between vitamin D intake and serum 25(OH)D was
1.96 nmol  L1  g1 intake. The vitamin D intake that maintained
serum 25(OH)D concentrations of 25 nmol/L in 97.5% of
the sample was 8.7 g/d. This intake ranged from 7.2 g/d in those
who enjoyed sunshine exposure, 8.8 g/d in those who sometimes
had sun exposure, and 12.3 g/d in those who avoided sunshine.
Vitamin D intakes required to maintain serum 25(OH)D concentrations
of 37.5, 50, and 80 nmol/L in 97.5% of the sample were
19.9, 28.0, and 41.1 g/d, respectively.
Conclusion: The range of vitamin D intakes required to ensure
maintenance of wintertime vitamin D status [as defined by incremental
cutoffs of serum 25(OH)D] in the vast majority (97.5%)
of 20 – 40-y-old adults, considering a variety of sun exposure
preferences, is between 7.2 and 41.1 g/d. Am J Clin Nutr
2008;88:1535– 42.
It is well established that prolonged and severe clinical vitaminD
deficiency, represented as serum or plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D
[25(OH)D] concentrations of 10–25 nmol/L, leads to rickets in
children and osteomalacia in adults (1). Less severe vitamin D deficiency
causes secondary hyperparathyroidism and increases bone
turnover and bone loss (2–4). Currently, in the United Kingdom, a
plasma concentration of 25 nmol 25(OH)D/L is used as the lower
threshold for vitamin D status (1). There is, however, a lack of
consensus on the cutoffs of plasma 25(OH)D that define the lower
limit of adequacy or sufficiency, and values between 30 and 80
nmol/L have been suggested (5–7). In addition, a growing body of
evidence suggests that serum 25(OH)D concentrations of 50
nmol/L may be associated with greater risk of a wide range of other
nonskeletal chronic diseases (8, 9). With this in mind, it is of concern
that a high prevalence of low vitamin D status has been reported in
adults from many countries, as reviewed in several reports (10–13).
In addition, the age profile of those with low vitamin D status is
contrary to previously accepted wisdom; for example, younger
adults in the United Kingdom are more likely to have serum
25(OH)D values of 25 nmol/L than are older adults (20.2% and
11.7% of adults aged 19–34 y and 35–64 y, respectively) (14).
In humans, vitaminDis obtained primarily through cutaneous
biosynthesis in the presence of ultraviolet B (UVB) sunlight and
also from the diet (1, 5). In the absence of sufficient sun exposure
for dermal synthesis, vitamin D becomes an essential nutrient.
Considerable variation exists between authoritative dietary recommendations
for vitamin D intakes (1, 5, 15, 16). The UK
Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy
(COMA) chose in 1991 not to set a reference nutrient intake
(RNI) for persons aged 4–64 y on the basis of the expectation that
skin synthesis of vitamin D would generally ensure adequacy
(15), a recommendation upheld in 1998 by the UK COMA subgroup
on bone health (1).
In contrast, the US Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) panel for
calcium and related nutrients set adequate intakes (AIs) for vitamin
D in 1997 (5). The US DRI panel concluded that there was
insufficient evidence to set estimated average requirements
[(EAR)], which are the foundation for setting recommended
dietary allowances (RDA), for vitamin D, and the panel emphasized
the fact that contributions from sunlight and food are difficult
to measure (5). An AI for vitamin D was set on the basis of
intakes necessary to achieve “normal” ranges of serum 25(OH)D
concentrations. However, in establishing the AI, the US DRI
1 From the Departments of Food and Nutritional Sciences (TRH, AJL, NT,
KS, SM, AF, MK, and KDC), Medicine (KDC), Epidemiology and Public
Health (APF), and Statistics (APF), University College, Cork, Ireland, and
the Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health, University of Ulster, Coleraine,
United Kingdom (GH, MSB, MPB, EMD, JMWW, and JJS).
2 Supported by the UK Food Standards Agency.
3 Reprints not available. Address correspondence to KD Cashman, Department
of Food and Nutritional Sciences, and Department of Medicine,
University College, Cork, Ireland. E-mail:
Received June 25, 2008. Accepted for publication August 5, 2008.
doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26594.
Am J Clin Nutr 2008;88:1535– 42. Printed in USA. © 2008 American Society for Nutrition 1535
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
panel assumed that there was no cutaneous synthesis of vitamin
D through sun exposure (5). The European Union (EU) dietary
recommendation [population reference intake (PRI)] for vitamin
D in adults ranges from 0 to 10 g/d to account for the widely
varying latitudes in which EU citizens live (35–70 oN) (16).
The aim of the present study was to perform a randomized
controlled intervention study in adults (aged 20–40 y) by using
supplemental intakes (0, 5, 10, and 15 g/d) of vitamin D3
throughout the winter to establish the distribution of dietary
requirements for the maintenance of nutritional adequacy of vitamin
D during late winter, as indicated by serum 25(OH)D
concentrations ranging from 25 nmol/L to 80 nmol/L. In
addition, the effect of summer sunshine exposure (and the resulting
tissue vitaminDstores) on these dietary requirements was
A total of 245 apparently healthy adults were recruited to this
2-center 22-wk vitamin D intervention trial. Subjects were recruited
in Cork, Ireland (n  123), and Coleraine, Northern
Ireland (United Kingdom) (n  122), with the use of advertisements
placed around the universities, at shopping centers, and at
various workplaces. We aimed to recruit equal numbers of men
and women and equal numbers of participants aged from 20 to
30 y and from 30 to 40 y. Inclusion criteria were consenting
white men and women aged 20–40 y. Volunteers were excluded
if they consumed vitamin D–containing supplements for 12 wk
before initiation of the study or if they planned to take a winter
vacation (during the course of the 22-wk intervention) to a location
at which either the altitude or the latitude would be predicted
to result in significant cutaneous vitamin D synthesis from solar
radiation (eg, a mountain ski resort or a sunny winter coastal
resort). Severe medical illness, hypercalcemia, known intestinal
malabsorption syndrome, excessive alcohol use, current medications
known to interfere with vitaminDmetabolism, and pregnancy
or plans to become pregnant during the 22-wk intervention
also were reasons for exclusion.
All participants gave written informed consent according to
the Helsinki Declaration. The study was approved by the Clinical
Research Ethics Committee of the Cork Teaching Hospitals,
University College Cork, and by the Research Ethics Committee
of the University of Ulster, Coleraine. The study was also registered
on the Current Controlled Trials Register (ISRCTN Reg.
no. ISRCTN20236112; Internet: http://www.controlled-trials.
Design and conduct of study
The present study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
in which adult subjects at 2 centers were randomly assigned to
receive 0 (placebo), 5, 10, or 15g vitamin D3/d for 22 wk. This
range of supplemental vitamin D was estimated to provide a
range of intakes of vitamin D that fit closely within the 2.5th and
97.5th percentiles of intakes for UK adults (data from the National
Diet and Nutrition Survey [NDNS (14)]. The upper end of
the estimated range of daily total intake was well below the
tolerable upper intake level (UL) for vitamin D (50 g/d) established
by the EU Scientific Committee on Food (16) and the US
DRI panel (5). Randomization was centralized, computergenerated,
stratified by center, and adjusted for age (20–30 or
30–40 y) and sex. The vitamin D3 capsules and matching
placebo capsules were produced by Banner Pharmacaps (Tilburg,
Netherlands) and were identical in appearance and taste.
The vitamin D3 content of the capsules was independently confirmed
by laboratory analysis (Consultus Ltd, Glanmire, Ireland).
Compliance was assessed by capsule counting. An a priori
decision was made to include only those subjects whose compliance
exceeded 85%. The allocation remained concealed until
the final analyses, and all data were reported by persons who
were blinded to the allocation scheme.
The study was carried out in 2 locations: Cork, Ireland (latitude
51 °N), and Coleraine, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom (latitude
55 °N). A 2-center approach was chosen because of the
differences in summer weather patterns and cloud cover between
the 2 centers and because the 2 centers, which are separated by 4 °
of latitude, provide a geographic spread that covers a sizeable
area of Ireland and the United Kingdom. [Data from the NDNS
show that mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations in older adults
were10 nmol/L lower in the northern part of the United Kingdom
(55–57 °N) than in London and the Southeast (51 °N) (17)].
All subjects were recruited between March 2006 and June
2006, and they were asked to keep a sunshine-exposure diary and
answer a sunshine-exposure questionnaire during a defined period
in July 2006. Instructions on recording and completing the
sunshine diary were provided during a screening visit to the study
centers. The 7-d diary was developed as part of the EU Framework
V–funded OPTIFORD project (18). Variables recorded
included time spent outdoors, weather conditions, and manner of
All subjects commenced the intervention study between October
2 and November 2, 2006, and they finished the study 22 wk
later, between February 27 and April 7, 2007; this timespan
represents a period during which vitamin D status would be
expected to decline to a nadir (19). During the intervention phase,
each participant made 2 further visits to the study centers, at
baseline (week 0) and endpoint (week 22). At each visit, an
overnight fasting blood sample was taken from each participant
by a trained phlebotomist between 0830 and 1030. Blood was
collected by venipuncture into an evacuated tube without an
additive and processed to serum, which was immediately stored
at 80 °C until required for analysis. Anthropometric measurements
including height, weight, waist circumference, and biceps,
triceps, subscapular and suprailiac skinfold thicknesses were
taken as described previously (20). Habitual intakes of calcium
and vitamin D were estimated by using a validated foodfrequency
questionnaire (FFQ) (21, 22), which was administered
by a research nutritionist; a health and lifestyle questionnaire,
which assessed physical activity, general health, smoking status,
and alcohol consumption, also was completed. Participants were
contacted monthly by phone, E-mail, or both to promote compliance
and encourage completion of the study protocol.
Laboratory analysis
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
25(OH)D concentrations were measured in serum samples by
using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [(ELISA) OCTEIA
25-Hydroxy Vitamin D; Immuno Diagnostic Systems Ltd,
Boldon, United Kingdom]. The intraassay and interassay CV for
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
the ELISA method was 5.9% and 6.6%, respectively. This
ELISA is used for the quantitative measurement of 25(OH)D,
further details of which have been described previously (23). The
quality and accuracy of serum 25(OH)D analysis in our laboratory
are ensured on an ongoing basis by participation in the
Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme [(DEQAS)
Charing Cross Hospital, London, United Kingdom].
Serum intact parathyroid hormone
Serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentrations
were measured in serum with the use of an ELISA (MD Biosciences
Inc, St Paul, MN). The intraassay and interassayCVwas
3.4% and 3.8%, respectively.
Serum total calcium
Total calcium and albumin concentrations in serum were measured
by using an automated system (Instrumentation LaboratoriesUKLtd,
Warrington, United Kingdom). Serum calcium concentrations
were adjusted for albumin concentration.
Mathematical modeling of the relation of vitamin D
intake and status
The aim of the modeling was to describe the conditional distribution
of serum 25(OH)D at specific values of vitamin D
intake. Given the skewed distribution of serum 25(OH)D, the
mean value of log-transformed serum 25(OH)D was modeled as
a linear function of vitamin D intake. The linear model was
chosen after a series of models were assessed for best fit. A
regression model was used to estimate the variation in 25(OH)D
concentrations around the mean, and Q-Q plots were used to
examine the assumption that variation around the predicted value
was normally distributed. The distribution of log serum
25(OH)D was transformed to obtain the distribution for serum
25(OH)D as a function of total vitamin D intake. Finally, we
estimated the dietary requirements for vitamin D to maintain
selected percentages of the population above specific serum
25(OH)D concentrations. The 95% CIs of required vitamin D
intakes were calculated by using a bias-corrected bootstrap based
on 10 000 replications.Amore complex model that included sun
preference as a categorical variable allowed the mean concentrations
of log serum 25(OH)D to vary with sun preference. Sun
preference and total vitamin D intake were independent predictors
of serum 25(OH)D concentrations. There was no evidence
that the association between serum 25(OH)D and vitamin D
intake depended on sun preference. Results were verified by
using robust regression models that minimized the effect of outliers
and heteroscedasticity.
Statistical analysis
Because of the relative paucity of data on the relation between
habitual vitamin D intake and serum 25(OH)D concentrations,
power calculations were performed under relatively pessimistic
assumptions about the magnitude of any relation and the residual
variation in serum 25(OH)D concentration, after the effect of
background dietary intake has been removed. Specifically, a
value of 0.5 was assumed to represent the minimum clinically
important slope, and the residual variation of serum concentration
of 25(OH)D around the mean line was assumed to be normal.
On the basis of the distribution of data from older women from
our group’s previous study (22), it was assumed that the distribution
of dietary intakes in the current study would be similar.
With these assumptions, a study design recruiting 240 volunteers,
60 ofwhomwere assigned to 1 of 4 dose levels (0, 5, 10, and
15 g vitamin D/d), and including 20% to cover potential dropouts,
had 90% power to show a dose-response relation.
Statistical analysis of the data were conducted by using SPSS
for WINDOWS software (version 12.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL)
and STATA software (version 10.0; StataCorp LP, College Station,
TX). The distributions of all variables were tested with the
use of Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Descriptive statistics (x SD
or median and interquartile range, where appropriate) were determined
for all variables. Serum concentrations of 25(OH)D and
PTH, as well as baseline dietary vitaminDand calcium, were not
normally distributed and thus were log transformed to achieve
near-normal distributions. Serum concentrations of albumincorrected
calcium, endpoint dietary calcium and total vitamin D
concentrations, and age, weight, height, and body mass index
(BMI; in kg/m2) were normally distributed. Baseline characteristics
of subjects in both study centers were compared by using
chi-square (for male-to-female ratio and sun preference) or unpaired
Student’s t tests. Baseline characteristics of subjects in the
different intervention groups were compared by using chi-square
tests (for male-to-female ratio and sun preference) and one-factor
analysis of variance (ANOVA). Changes in calcium and vitamin
Dintake from baseline to endpoint were tested by usingANOVA
and Tukey’s test. Linear models of the response in a repeatedmeasures
ANOVA for the differences in serum 25(OH)D and
PTH concentrations were also constructed. The main effects
included were dietary treatment and sex. The linear models also
included 2-way interactions between the main effects. P  0.05
was considered to be statistically significant.
Baseline characteristics of subjects
Of the 245 subjects recruited into the study, 238 returned for
the intervention phase, and 221 completed the intervention
phase. The progress of these subjects through the trial is shown
in Figure 1. Subjects in Cork were slightly but significantly (P
0.01) younger than those in Coleraine (Table 1), but there was
no significant (P  0.5) difference in mean age between males
and females (data not shown). There was no significant difference
in mean weight, height, orBMIat baseline between subjects
from the 2 centers (Table 1).
Two-factor ANOVA showed that, whereas baseline serum
25(OH)D concentrations did not differ by sex (P  0.5), they
differed significantly (P0.001) by center (Table 1). There was
no significant interaction (P0.2) between these 2 main factors.
Baseline serum PTH concentrations were similar in subjects
from both centers (P0.7; Table 1) but were significantly higher
in women than in men [median (interquartile range); 49.2 (35.3–
63.7) and 40.7 (30.1–54) ng/mL, respectively; P  0.05). Mean
SDbaseline serum albumin– corrected calcium concentrations
were significantly lower in subjects from Cork than in those from
Coleraine (P  0.001; Table 1) and significantly higher in men
than in women (8.80.3 and 8.70.2 nmol/L, respectively; P
There was no significant between-center difference in habitual
vitamin D or calcium intake in subjects at baseline (Table 1);
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
however, men had significantly (P  0.006) higher intakes of
vitamin D and calcium than did women [3.8 (2.4 –5.8) and 3.3
(1.7–5.0) g/d, respectively, for vitamin D; 1128 (857–1485)
and 803 (587–1045) mg/d, respectively, for calcium), which was
expected, because men typically have higher food and nutrient
intakes than do women.
Baseline serum 25(OH)D concentrations in subjects who described
themselves as often having exposure to summer sunshine
(n  84) were significantly (P  0.01) higher than those in
subjectswhodescribed themselves as avoiding (n27) or sometimes
having exposure to summer sunshine (n  107) [82.4
(61.6 –105.9), 50.5 (43.7–78.2), and 65.2 (51.0–86.3) nmol/L,
respectively]. The difference between the latter 2 groups was not
significant (P  0.3).
Effects of vitamin D intervention
There difference in mean age, weight, height or BMI at baseline
among the 4 treatment groups was not significant (P  0.7;
data not shown). Similarly, there was no significant difference in
the proportion of men to women, in sun exposure preferences, in
mean habitual dietary vitamin D or calcium intake, or in mean
preintervention serum 25(OH)D, PTH, or albumin-corrected calcium
concentrations among the treatment groups (Table 2).
No adverse events were reported during the study. Of the 17
dropouts, 5, 6, 2, and 4 were from the placebo and 5, 10, and 15
g vitamin D/d groups, respectively. Subjects dropped out for a
variety of reasons (eg, pregnancy, loss of interest, illness unrelated
to the intervention, or desire to take sun holiday), and in no
instance was dropping out related to the intervention. Six subjects
failed to exceed the minimum 85% compliance, and they
were excluded from the main analysis. In the remaining subjects,
there was good supplement adherence based on pill count [100%
(97.4 –100%)], and compliance did not differ significantly
among the 4 treatment groups (P  0.7).
As expected, total vitamin D intake (diet plus supplemental
vitamin D) increased in a dose-related manner with supplementation
(4.4  3.6, 9.1  2.4, 13.9  2.0, and 19.2  3.1
g/d in the placebo and 5, 10, and 15 g vitamin D/d groups,
62 Placebo
Dropouts = 5
Noncompliers = 0
57 (5 μg/d) Vitamin D3
Dropouts = 6
Noncompliers = 3
58 (15 μg/d) Vitamin D3
Dropouts = 4
Noncompliers = 1
48 Endpoint
61 (10 μg/d) Vitamin D3
Dropouts = 2
Noncompliers = 2
57 Endpoint 57 Endpoint 53 Endpoint
FIGURE 1. Flow of subjects through the study.
Baseline characteristics of the subjects who entered the intervention study1
All subjects
(n  221)
(n  108)
(n  113)
Male:female (n) 111:111 54:54 57:56
Age (y) 29.9  6.22 28.7  6.0 31.1  6.33
Weight (kg) 77.0  15.8 76.6  15.9 77.3  15.7
Height (m) 1.71  0.09 1.72  0.10 1.71  0.08
BMI (kg/m2) 26.1  4.3 25.8  4.0 26.3  4.5
Dietary calcium (mg/d) 976 (682–1301)4 955 (676–1301) 990 (718–1307)
Dietary vitamin D (g/d) 3.6 (2.1–5.4) 3.4 (2.1–5.1) 3.6 (2.3–5.7)
Serum 25(OH)D (nmol/L) 70.3 (53.4–90.3) 76.2 (57.4–104.1) 64.9 (48.5–84.9)4
Serum PTH (ng/mL) 43.8 (32.3–59.3) 43.6 (31.5–57.6) 44.1 (34.4–60.1)
Serum calcium (mmol/L)5 8.8  0.3 8.7  0.3 8.9  0.34
Summer sun exposure preferences (%)
Sun avoiders 12.7 13.0 12.4
Some exposure 48.8 54.0 44.2
Frequent exposure 38.5 33.0 43.4
1 PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
2 x  SD (all such values).
3 Significantly different from subjects in Cork, P  0.001 (unpaired Student’s t tests).
4 Median; interquartile range in parentheses (all such values); used in the case of nonnormally distributed variables.
5 Albumin corrected.
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
respectively; P  0.0001). In contrast, calcium intake at endpoint
did not differ significantly (P0.5) among the 4 groups
(data not shown).
There was a significant (P  0.0001) effect of treatment on
mean postintervention serum 25(OH)D concentrations, with
clear dose-related increments with increasing supplemental vitamin
D3 (Table 2). There was no significant difference in mean
postintervention serum albumin– corrected calcium concentrations
among the treatment groups (8.60.3, 8.70.3, 8.60.3,
and 8.60.3 mmol/L in the placebo and 5, 10, and 15g vitamin
D/d groups, respectively; P  0.526) and no significant change
over time (P for time treatment0.336). None of the subjects
had hypercalcemia. There was a trend (P  0.06) for postintervention
serum PTH concentration to be affected by treatment,
and post hoc analysis showed a significantly (P  0.009) lower
mean concentration in the group receiving 15 g/d than in the
group receiving placebo (Table 2). However, the treatment
time interaction in repeated-measures ANOVA was not significant
(P  0.274) for the effect of vitamin D supplementation on
serum PTH concentrations.
Relation between vitamin D intake and vitamin D status
The relation between serum 25(OH)D concentrations in late
winter 2007 and the total vitamin D intake (diet and supplemental)
in the 20–40-y-old subjects is shown in Figure 2. The slope
of the relation between total vitamin D intake and serum
25(OH)D concentrations in the entire group was 1.96 nmol/Lg
intake. There was no significant difference between the slope
estimates for men and women (1.82 and 2.15 nmolL1 g1
intake, respectively; P  0.26).
Using mathematical modeling of the vitamin D intake–status
data, we estimated that the vitamin D intakes that maintained
serum 25(OH)D concentrations 25 nmol/L in 90%, 95%, and
97.5% of the 20–40-y-old adults were 2.7, 5.9, and 8.7 g/d,
respectively. An EAR [the vitaminDintake required to maintain
serum 25(OH)D concentrations 25 nmol/L in 50% of the
adults] could not be estimated because, at the lowest vitamin D
intake (0.1 g), the serum 25(OH)D concentrations in the 50th
percentile were 34.5 nmol/L. Data on sun preference also were
incorporated into the model; the vitamin D intakes that maintained
serum 25(OH)D concentrations of 25 nmol/L in 97.5%
of the sample were 7.2, 8.8, and 12.3g/d in those who reported
often having sunshine exposure, those who sometimes had sunshine
exposure, and sunshine avoiders, respectively. The vitamin
D intakes that maintained serum 25(OH)D concentrations above
2 other commonly suggested cutoffs in 97.5% of the sample were
26.1, 27.7, and 31.0 g/d (for 50 nmol/L) and 38.9, 40.6, and
43.9 g/d (for 80 nmol/L) in those who reported often having
Habitual dietary intake, summer sunshine exposure preference, and biochemical measures of vitamin D status among treatment groups before and after
Treatment group
(n  57)
5 g vitamin D/d
(n  48)
10 g vitamin D/d
(n  57)
15 g vitamin D/d
(n  53)
Habitual dietary vitamin D (g/d) 3.4 (2.0–5.0)3 4.3 (2.2–5.7) 3.5 (2.3–4.7) 3.6 (1.8–5.8) 0.856
Habitual dietary calcium (mg/d) 924 (694–1197) 905 (655–1314) 976 (681–1286) 1014 (744–1387) 0.600
Summer sun exposure preferences (%)
Sun avoider 12.5 12.5 8.9 17.0
Some sun exposure 50.0 50.0 46.4 49.1
Frequent sun exposure 37.5 37.5 44.6 34.0 0.885
Serum 25(OH)D (nmol/L)
Before intervention4 65.7 (58.4–94.1) 60.0 (50.0–89.7) 72.2 (55.7–91.9) 75.9 (55.9–89.3) 0.623
After intervention5,6 37.4 (31.4–47.9)a 49.7 (44.6–60.0)b 60.0 (51.0–69.1)c 69.0 (59.1–84.2)d 0.0001
Serum PTH (ng/mL)
Before intervention4 49.7 (32.9–62.1) 46.9 (34.0–70.3) 43.1 (35.6–57.9) 38.4 (29.0–50.3) 0.145
After intervention5,6 56.2 (41.3–67.8)a 52.0 (35.9–67.9)a 50.5 (41.1–69.4)a 43.0 (33.1–62.0)b 0.060
1 PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Values in a row with different superscript letters are significantly different, P  0.05.
2 One-factor ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test.
3 Median; interquartile range in parentheses (all such values), used in the case of nonnormally distributed variables.
4 All baseline blood samples were taken between October 2 and November 7, 2006.
5 Repeated-measures ANOVA was used to test the treatment time interaction; and the same trend was observed for serum 25(OH)D (P0.0001), but
the treatment time interaction was not significant for serum PTH (P  0.274).
6 All endpoint blood samples were taken between February 27 and April 7, 2007.
FIGURE 2. The relation between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
[25(OH)D] concentrations (in late winter 2007) and total vitamin D intake
(diet and supplemental) in 20–40-y-old healthy persons (n  215) living at
northerly latitudes (51 and 55 oN). Mean response and 95% CIs in the shaded
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sunshine exposure, thosewhosometimes had sunshine exposure,
and sunshine avoiders, respectively.
Whereas a serum 25(OH)D concentration of25 nmol/L has
been used by several authorities as the traditional indicator of
adequacy for vitamin D (1, 5, 15, 16), several other biochemical
cutoffs for serum 25(OH)D, ranging from 37.5 to 80 nmol/L,
have been suggested (6 –9, 24). The 50th, 90th, 95th, and 97.5th
percentile estimates for vitamin D intake, obtained by using a
range of alternative indicators of adequacy for vitamin D status,
are shown in Table 3.
The RDA for nutrients is generally established as the average
daily intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement
for nearly all (97–98%) persons in a life-stage and sex group
(1, 5). Uncertainty and gaps in the available data about the relative
contribution of sunshine and diet to vitamin D status and
vitamin D requirements for health maintenance have presented
international authorities with considerable difficulty in setting
dietary requirements for vitamin D. An approach that prioritizes
the identification of the intake values that will maintain serum
25(OH)D concentrations above chosen cutoffs when dermal production
of vitaminDis absent or markedly diminished is urgently
required. We examined the relation between vitamin D intake
and serum 25(OH)D concentrations in late winter, after a 4-dose
vitamin D intervention study that lasted 22 wk (from October
2006 to March 2007) in 221 healthy 20–40-y-old whites living
at 51 °N and 55 oN. We found that a daily intake of 8.7 g
vitamin D/d would have maintained serum 25(OH)D concentrations
25 nmol/L in 97.5% of the sample. Because the thresholds
for vitaminDadequacy are widely disputed, we also reported the
50th, 90th, 95th, and 97.5th percentiles of vitamin D intakes
required to maintain serum 25(OH)D concentrations in excess of
37.5, 50, and 80 nmol/L (6, 7).
These data could provide a basis for reconsideration of the
establishment of anRNIfor vitaminDby the authoritative bodies
responsible for devising nutrition policy. In the United Kingdom,
COMA concluded in 1998 that there was no evidence on which
to base a recommendation to establish an RNI (1). When it was
establishing the AI for vitamin D for persons aged 19–50 y (5),
the US DRI panel for calcium and related nutrients relied heavily
on data from a study by Kinyamu et al (25), which showed that
an average intake of 3.3–3.4 g vitamin D/d was sufficient to
keep serum 25(OH)D concentrations above 30 nmol/L during
winter months in most (94%) women 25–35 y old (n  52) in
Nebraska (latitude: 41 oN). The panel rounded down this intake
value to 2.5g/d and then doubled it to achieve an AI of 5.0g/d
(5). Working from a lack of data in men, the panel also made an
assumption that the AI for men would be similar to that for
women (5). The findings of the present study suggest that a
vitamin D intake of approximately twice the AI is required by
healthy white men and women at latitudes of50 oNto maintain
25(OH)D at these concentrations (30 nmol/L).
In setting the AI, theUSDRI panel also assumed that there was
no cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D through sun exposure (5).
This is true in winter, and, whereas summertime dermal synthesis
can be viewed as a supplement (“top-up”) to help generate wintertime
tissue stores of vitamin D, individual variation is likely to
be high, which makes summertime dermal synthesis an unreliable
contributor to vitamin D status. In the current study, sun
exposure preference was assessed as a surrogate for tissue stores;
as expected, whereas most people liked some (50%) or a lot
(38%) of sun,12% of subjects were sun avoiders. One might
expect this minority of subjects to have the highest dietary requirement
for vitamin D in winter as a consequence of their low
tissue stores. In fact, the vitamin D intake required to maintain
serum 25(OH)D concentrations in late winter above 25 nmol/L
was 12.3, 8.8, and 7.2 g/d for sunshine avoiders, those who get
some sunshine, and those who enjoy the sun, respectively. This
analysis, although perhaps limited by the relatively small number
of sunshine avoiders, serves to illustrate not only the greater
dietary requirement for vitamin D in persons who steer clear of
the sun but also the potential importance of high vitaminDstores
from sun exposure during summer in offsetting potentially deleterious
effects of low dietary intakes of vitaminDduring winter.
It is interesting that the UK COMA subgroup on bone health,
in their re-evaluation of dietary vitamin D requirement (1), took
an approach completely opposite to that of the US authority (5)
in terms of contribution of sun exposure to vitamin D requirement.
The COMA subgroup suggested that most of the adult
population in the United Kingdom can achieve adequate vitamin
Dstatus if the skin of the face and arms is exposed for30 min/d
between April and October. Some have argued, however, that
this degree of surface exposure may not be sufficient (26). Moreover,
the COMA subgroup concluded there had been no new
evidence to suggest that persons aged 4–64 y rely on dietary
intake for adequate vitamin D status. The data from the present
study clearly show that vitaminDtissue stores, developed during
summer via exposure of skin to sunshine, were not sufficient to
maintain serum 25(OH)D concentrations of25 nmol/L in most
of the population, and that dietary vitamin D is an absolute
requirement to maintain status above this minimum threshold.
Estimated dietary requirements for vitamin D at selected percentiles in 215 men and women aged 20–40 y to maintain serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
25(OH)D concentrations above selected biochemical cutoffs during winter1
Cutoff 50th percentile2 90th percentile 95th percentile 97.5th percentile
Serum 25(OH)D 25 nmol/L — 2.7 (0.0, 4.7) 5.9 (3.6, 8.0) 8.7 (6.5, 11.1)
Serum 25(OH)D 37.5 nmol/L 2.3 (0.0, 4.2) 13.8 (12.1, 15.9) 17.0 (14.8, 19.9) 19.9 (17.2, 23.5)
Serum 25(OH)D 50 nmol/L 10.2 (8.9, 11.4) 21.7 (19.3, 25.0) 25.0 (21.9, 29.1) 28.0 (24.2, 32.8)
Serum 25(OH)D 80 nmol/L 23.1 (21.0, 26.0) 34.8 (30.4, 40.6) 38.3 (33.0, 44.8) 41.1 (35.4, 48.7)
1 All values are estimate; 95% CI in parentheses. Results were based on a log-linear model of serum 25(OH)D as a function of vitamin D intake; the 95%
CIs were calculated by using a bias-corrected bootstrap based on 10 000 replications.
2 The vitamin D intake value that will maintain serum 25(OH)D concentrations in 50% of 20–40-y-old adults above the indicated cutoff during winter.
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Survey data from the UK NDNS showed that up to 20% of UK
adults 19–34 y old (whose median vitamin D intake was 2.5
g/d) have plasma 25(OH)D concentrations of 25 nmol/L
(14), which underscores our findings. We acknowledge that cutaneous
vitamin D synthesis during summer months probably
offsets the dietary requirement for vitamin D that would ensure
adequacy during wintertime. However, it is worth noting that the
percentage of the population with unprotected sun exposure may
be rapidly declining, as a consequence of public education campaigns
in relation to skin cancer (27).
In the current analysis, we placed strong emphasis on using a
cutoff of 25 nmol/L for serum 25(OH)D on the basis that concentrations
of20–27.5 nmol/L are considered to be consistent
with vitamin D deficiency and rickets or osteomalacia (1, 28),
and the 25 nmol/L threshold has been in use to date by various
important authorities (1, 5, 15, 16). However, we also reported
dietary requirements for vitaminDin the current sample of white
20–40-y-old persons by using several other serum 25(OH)D
cutoffs (37.5, 50, and 80 nmol/L) (6, 7). The rationale for these
alternative definitions of adequacy for vitamin D in relation to
skeletal and nonskeletal health benefits has been detailed elsewhere
(8, 9). In an extended vitamin D supplementation study
(supplementation range: 0–250 g/d) in adult males (x age:
38.7 y) in Omaha, NE (latitude: 41.2 oN), Heaney et al (29) used
pharmacokinetic modeling to estimate the vitamin D intake required
to maintain prewinter serum 25(OH)D concentrations, to
reach concentrations of 80 nmol/L during winter, or both. They
reported a slope estimate of 0.70 nmol  L1  g1 intake (29),
a figure that has been used widely to predict dietary requirements
for the US adult population (27, 30). Although derived by a
different means, the slope estimate in our study was 1.96 nmol/
Lg intake. It is not clear why there is a large variation between
these estimates, because both studies were in young adults and
both were conducted throughout winter. Despite similar concentrations
of 25(OH)D (70 nmol/L) at baseline (October), the
placebo group in the study by Heaney et al (29) experienced a
mean decline in serum 25(OH)D of only 11.4 nmol/L between
October and March, whereas the concentration in our placebo
group decreased by 28.3 nmol/L over the same period. The men
in the study by Heaney et al (29) may have had higher tissue
stores after a summer at 41 oN in the United States, whereas our
subjects presumably had less sun at latitudes of 51–54 oN in
Ireland. It is interesting that our slope estimate agrees well with
the estimates ranging from 1.6 –2.2 nmol  L1  g1 intake
derived in several studies in older adults (31–34). Heaney et al
(29) suggested that tissue stores in the subjects in those studies
may have made a lower contribution to serum 25(OH)D concentrations
than did the tissue stores in the younger men in their own
study. Our estimate of the dietary vitamin D requirement needed
to maintain serum 25(OH)D concentrations above 80 nmol/L in
97.5% of our sample of 20–40-y-olds was 41 g/d, which is
considerably less than the 114 g/d suggested by Heaney et al
(29). Our data also show that, even for the lower cutoff of 50
nmol/L serum 25(OH)D, which may be associated with a lower
risk of a wide range of nonskeletal chronic diseases (8, 9), the
dietary requirement (28.0 g/d) is still much higher than the
amount currently being consumed by adult populations (14, 22,
35).Apotential limitation of the present study was that relatively
few subjects (17%) achieved winter serum 25(OH)D concentrations
of80 nmol/L, because of our use of a maximum of 15g
supplemental vitamin D/d. This fact may have influenced the
accuracy with which we can estimate the dietary requirement to
achieve such high serum 25(OH)D concentrations. To absolutely
confirm that our recommended intakes can achieve 25(OH)D
concentrations in the range of 50 to 80 nmol/L, a wintertime
intervention study using higher doses of vitamin D (at least
20–40 g/d) would be required.
In conclusion, to ensure that the needs of 97.5% of 20–40-
y-old persons are met in relation to vitamin D status during
winter, 8.7 g vitamin D/d is required to maintain serum
25(OH)D concentrations above the most conservative threshold
of adequacy (ie, 25 nmol/L).
The authors’ responsibilities were as follows: MK, JMWW, AF, MPB,
EMD,JJS, andKDC:the conception of work and are grant holders; TRH, NT,
AJL, KMS, GH, MSB, JMWW, MK, and KDC: the execution of the study;
SM, NT, TRH, GH, AJL, and MB: sample analysis; and all authors: data
analysis and writing of the manuscript. None of the authors had a personal or
financial conflict of interest.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 25 Déc 2008 13:29

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status of the US population: 1988–1994
compared with 2000–2004

Anne C Looker, Christine M Pfeiffer, David A Lacher, Rosemary L Schleicher, Mary Frances Picciano,
and Elizabeth A Yetley
Background: Changes in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]
concentrations in the US population have not been described.
Objective: We used data from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Surveys (NHANES) to compare serum 25(OH)D concentrations
in the US population in 2000–2004 with those in 1988–
1994 and to identify contributing factors.
Design: Serum 25(OH)D was measured with a radioimmunoassay
kit in 20 289 participants in NHANES 2000–2004 and in 18 158
participants in NHANES III (1988 –1994). Body mass index (BMI)
was calculated from measured height and weight. Milk intake and
sun protection were assessed by questionnaire. Assay differences
were assessed by re-analyzing 150 stored serum specimens from
NHANES III with the current assay.
Results: Age-adjusted mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations were
5–20 nmol/L lower in NHANES 2000–2004 than in NHANES III.
After adjustment for assay shifts, age-adjusted means in NHANES
2000–2004 remained significantly lower (by 5–9 nmol/L) in most
males, but not in most females. In a study subsample, adjustment for
the confounding effects of assay differences changed mean serum
25(OH)D concentrations by 10 nmol/L, and adjustment for
changes in the factors likely related to real changes in vitamin D
status (ie, BMI, milk intake, and sun protection) changed mean
serum 25(OH)D concentrations by 1–1.6 nmol/L.
Conclusions: Overall, mean serum 25(OH)D was lower in 2000–
2004 than 1988–1994. Assay changes unrelated to changes in vitaminDstatus
accounted for much of the difference in most population
groups. In an adult subgroup, combined changes in BMI, milk intake,
and sun protection appeared to contribute to a real decline in
vitamin D status. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;88:1519 –27.
Interest in vitamin D status is high, because of its potential
links with an increasing number of diseases and conditions (1).
The vitamin D status of the population has not been assessed in
a representative sample of the current US population; the most
recent published national estimates are based on data that are
more than a decade old (2). Since the time of those data, there
have been trends in other factors in the population that could
potentially affect vitamin D status. For example, the prevalence
of overweight increased in the US population in the past decade
(3, 4). Body fat is inversely related to serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
D [25(OH)D] (5), but it is not known whether the increase in the
prevalence of overweight has been accompanied by a decline in
vitaminDstatus.Aclear understanding of changes in the vitamin
D status of the US population and of factors that may have
contributed to these changes is relevant in light of the considerable
efforts currently underway to better define the role of this
important vitamin in health (6 –9).
Serum 25(OH)D concentrations were measured in the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for
the first time in the third NHANES (1988 –1994), and they have
been part of the current continuous NHANES process since
2000. These data provide the opportunity to compare vitamin D
status in representative samples of the noninstitutionalized US
population who were assessed at 2 different time-points. The
objectives of the present study are 1) to describe current
25(OH)D concentrations in a wide range of population subgroups,
including children aged 1–11 y and pregnant women, for
whom national estimates have not previously been available and
2) to compare differences in serum 25(OH)D betweenNHANES
III and NHANES 2000–2004 before and after adjustment for
assay method changes. We also performed exploratory analyses
to compare the relative contributions of confounding from assay
method with the combined effects of biological and behavioral
factors (eg, body mass index, sun protection, and milk consumption)
that may have contributed to observed differences over
time. This evaluation was limited to a single population subgroup
for which data on these factors were available. Identifying the
contribution of confounding factors is essential to avoiding erroneous
conclusions about observed changes in the population’s
vitamin D status, because changes in confounding factors are
unrelated to changes in vitamin D status over time. Identifying
biological and behavioral factors that contribute to a real change
1 From the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Hyattsville, MD (ACL and DAL); the National Center
for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
GA (CMP and RLS); and the Office of Dietary Supplements, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (MFP and EAY).
2 The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do
not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, or the US Department of Health
and Human Services.
3 Reprints not available. Address correspondence to AC Looker, Room
4310, National Center for Health Statistics, 3311 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville,
MD 20782. E-mail:
Received March 20, 2008. Accepted for publication July 23, 2008.
doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26182.
Am J Clin Nutr 2008;88:1519 –27. Printed in USA. © 2008 American Society for Nutrition 1519
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Supplemental Material can be found at:
in population status can provide essential information for subsequent
discussions of ways in which the population status change
can best be addressed.
Vitamin D status was assessed by using data from the
NHANES, which is conducted by the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(
CDC)to assess the health and nutritional status of a large
representative sample of the noninstitutionalized civilian US
population. In NHANES III, a nationally representative sample
was obtained in two cycles between 1988 and 1994, whereas in
NHANES 2000–2004, a nationally representative sample was
collected in each year. Although a representative sample is collected
annually, data are released in 2-y periods to protect confidentiality
and increase statistical reliability. These data release
increments began in 1999, however, serum 25(OH)D was not
added to the survey until 2000, and thus the serum 25(OH)D data
from the year 2000 are available only through the NCHS Research
Data Center. Serum 25(OH)D data from 2000–2002 and
2003–2004 are publicly available on the NCHS website, however.
Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. All
procedures in each NHANES were approved by the NCHS Institutional
Review Board.
In each NHANES, data were collected via household interviews
and direct standardized physical examinations conducted
in specially equipped mobile examination centers (10, 11). Because
the mobile examination centers can be adversely affected
by weather, data are collected in northern latitudes in summer and
in southern latitudes in winter. This procedure created a seasonlatitude
structure in both surveys, in which 75% of the data
collected from November through March came from latitudes
35 °N, and 86% of the data collected from April through
October came from latitudes 35 °N.
NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 were designed to
provide reliable estimates for 3 racial-ethnic groups: non-
Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican Americans.
Race and ethnicity were self-reported by the participants. Because
racial-ethnic groups are not evenly distributed geographically
across the United States, the season-latitude aspect of the
survey affects racial-ethnic comparisons (2). In both surveys,
non-Hispanic whites were significantly more likely to have been
examined in April–October and to be living at higher latitudes
than were either non-Hispanic blacks or Mexican Americans (P
 0.05). Furthermore, the racial-ethnic composition of the US
population has changed since the 1990s because of an increase in
the Hispanic population (12), which may explain why raceethnicity
differed significantly between surveys for the sample
examined in November–March (See Table S1 under “Supplemental
data” in the current online issue). Significantly more
Mexican Americans and persons of other races (and concomitantly
fewer non-Hispanic whites and non-Hispanic blacks) were
examined in these months in NHANES 2000–2004 than in
The present study used serum 25(OH)D measurements from
20 289 persons from NHANES 2000–2004 (11 995 persons
aged6 y from NHANES 2000–2002; 8294 persons aged1 y
from NHANES 2003–2004). The analytic sample size for
NHANES 2000–2004 represents 69% of the persons who were
originally selected for the survey and 90% of those examined in
the survey. Serum 25(OH)D measurements from 18 158 persons
aged12 y inNHANESIII were used in the present study, which
represents 67% of those originally selected for the survey and
92% of those examined in the survey.
The description of the observed difference in serum 25(OH)D
in the population is based on data collected in NHANES III
(1988 –1994) and NHANES 2000–2004. However, data from
the current NHANES that were used to assess potential explanatory
factors for the observed serum 25(OH)D difference had to
be limited to NHANES 2003–2004 because sun protection data
were not collected in NHANES before 2003. Information on sun
protection also was not collected in NHANES III, and therefore
data from the 1992 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
were used to assess sun protection in the population at the time of
NHANES III. The NHIS annually obtains a nationally representative
sample; the study is conducted via household interview
(13). The items on sun protection were part of the Cancer Control
Supplement administered to 12 035 adults aged 18 y in 1992.
The response rate to this supplement was 87% (13). All procedures
in the 1992 NHIS were also approved by the NCHS Institutional
Review Board, and written informed consent was obtained
from all subjects. For the present study, the age range of
the 1992 NHIS sample was limited to 20–59 y old, to be comparable
to the age range in NHANES 2003–2004 with sun protection
data. Sun protection data were available for 8697 adults,
who represented 99% of the Cancer Control Supplement participants
in that age range.
Serum 25(OH)D measurements were performed in both
NHANES surveys at the National Center for Environmental
Health, CDC, by using a radioimmunoassay (RIA) kit (DiaSorin,
Stillwater MN) (11, 14). According to quality-control pools that
passed specification limits, the interassay CV was 15–25% for
lower values (20–62 nmol/L) and 14–18% for higher values
(86–143 nmol/L) during NHANES III and 8.3–11% for lower
values (24–58 nmol/L) and 10% for higher values (102–112
nmol/L) during NHANES 2000–2004. Long-term participation
of this laboratory in the UK DEQAS international vitamin D
proficiency testing program (Internet: has
shown that the 25(OH)D measurements met performance targets.
However, small shifts in the serum 25(OH)D assay performance
due to changes in reagent and calibrator lots over a period
of years have been observed in the CDC laboratory. The kit
manufacturer also reformulated the kit in the late 1990s by introducing
an antibody that improved binding. To assess whether
these changes in the assay contributed to observed differences in
population serum 25(OH)D data from NHANES, the CDC laboratory
reanalyzed a subset of 150 banked serum samples (stored
at70 °C) fromNHANESIII with the current version of theRIA
over a 3-mo period in 2004. (For details of this study, see Appendix
S1 under “Supplemental data” in the current online issue.)
Pregnancy status in NHANES 2000–2004 was based on a positive
urinary pregnancy test or self-reported pregnancy.
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Data for the following vitamin D–related variables from
NHANES III and NHANES 2003–2004 were used when analyzing
trends in vitamin D status: body mass index (BMI; in
kg/m2), season and latitude of blood collection, dietary calcium
intake, frequency and type of milk consumption, vitaminmineral
supplement (VMS) use in the past month, and physical
activity level. BMI was calculated. Body weight was measured
by using an electronic load cell scale, and standing height was
measured with a fixed stadiometer (10, 11). Latitude and season
were based on the geographical location and the month of blood
specimen collection. Dietary calcium intake from food was
based on a single 24-h recall. Milk intake was based on selfreported
frequency of consumption in the past month. The questions
on milk intake differed slightly between the 2 surveys. In
NHANES 2003–2004, respondents were instructed not to include
milk used in cooking in their responses, whereasNHANES
III respondents did not receive that instruction. In addition, milk
consumption was coded as times consumed per month in
NHANES III. To be comparable with milk consumption in
NHANES 2003–2004, responses from NHANES III were recoded
as “never or rarely” (0–3 times/mo) or “sometimes or
often” (4 times/mo). Type of milk was based on the fat content
(ie, whole, 2%, 1%, or skim or nonfat milk) of the milk that was
self-reported as usually consumed. VMS use was based on selfreported
use of any type of supplement in the past month. Physical
activity was based on self-assessment of usual activity compared
with others of the same age and sex. Responses were coded
as “more,” “same,” and “less.”
Data on sun protection from the 1992 NHIS and from
NHANES 2003–2004 also were used in the analysis of vitamin
Dstatus trends. In both surveys, respondents were asked whether
they practiced the following behaviors if they were outside for
1 h on a sunny day: stay in the shade, wear protective clothing
(eg, long sleeves or hat with brim), or use sunscreen. Response
categories differed between the surveys, and thus responses to
NHANES 2003–2004 items were recoded to be comparable to
the 1992 NHIS by combining “always” and “most of the time” to
represent “very likely,” using “sometimes” to represent “somewhat
likely,” and combining “rarely” and “never” to represent
“unlikely.” Respondents who reported not going out into the sun
in NHANES 2003–2004 were excluded (n  40), because there
was no comparable response category in the 1992 NHIS.Asingle
sun-protection variable was created by assigning the highest
frequency reported for any of the 3 behaviors. For example, a
respondent who reported being “very likely” to stay in the shade
was coded as “very likely” to practice sun protection overall,
even if he or she did not report wearing protective clothing or
using sunscreen.
Data analyses
Sample weights were used in calculations of point estimates in
all analyses. Analyses were performed by using SUDAAN software
[version 9.01; Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle
Park, NC (15)]. Data collected in the contiguous United
States (25–47 °N) from both surveys were included in the analyses.
The distribution of race-ethnicity by season of blood collection
was compared between NHANES III and NHANES
2000–2004 by using chi-square analyses. Means, selected percentiles,
and prevalence with serum 25(OH)D below selected
thresholds forNHANES2000–2004 were calculated by age, sex,
and race-ethnicity. Adjusted means by selected characteristics
(ie, age, sex, race-ethnicity, season of blood collection, and, for
women of child-bearing age, pregnancy status) also were calculated
for NHANES 2000–2004 by using multiple linear regression.
The mean for each characteristic was adjusted for all of the
other characteristics in the model.Whenmultiple comparisons of
means between groups were made, a Bonferroni correction was
Changes in serum 25(OH)D in the population aged 12 y
between NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 were examined
by calculating age-standardized means by sex and season of
blood collection for each survey period for the total population
and by race-ethnicity when possible. Data were limited to subjects
aged 12 y because serum 25(OH)D was not measured in
younger persons in NHANES III. Means were calculated separately
by season and sex to avoid confounding due to differences
in the racial-ethnic composition of the sample by season between
surveys, and because an interaction was also found between sex
and survey. Means were age-standardized to 2000 US Census
population estimates. Regression models that included
NHANES survey and age were used to test the significance of
observed differences. These models were run separately by sex,
season, and race-ethnicity. When multiple comparisons were
made, a Bonferroni correction was used. Because the proportion
of nonwhites in the sample examined in November–March differed
significantly between surveys, the sample used in the comparison
for this season was limited to non-Hispanic whites.
Age-adjusted means of the serum 25(OH)D concentrations
were compared between NHANES III and NHANES 2000–
2004 before and after adjustment for assay differences detected
in the comparison study (See Appendix S1 under “Supplemental
data” in the current online issue). The NHANES III values were
predicted by using the following equation:
NHANES III 25OHDcorrected 2004 RIA
 0.8429  NHANES III 25OHD1988 –1994 RIA
 2.5762 nmol/L (1)
The analyses to identify and assess the relative contribution of
potential explanatory factors for the observed difference in serum
25(OH)D between surveys were limited to a single subpopulation
group because data for some relevant factors were not
available for all groups from both surveys. In specific, to avoid
confounding due to differences in the racial-ethnic composition
of the sample by season between surveys, the analyses were
limited to a subsample of non-Hispanic whites who were examined
in April–October. We chose April–October because the
observed difference in serum 25(OH)D between surveys was
greater for the sample examined during that season than for the
sample examined during November–March. We limited the
comparison to non-Hispanic whites because the sample size for
April–October was greatest for this racial-ethnic group. Data
from the current NHANES were limited to 2003–2004 because
sun protection data were available only for these survey years.
The analyses were focused on persons aged 20–59 y because the
sun protection data in NHANES 2003–2004 were collected only
for that age group. Data were analyzed separately by sex because
of the previously noted sex  survey interaction. The mean age
of this subsample differed between surveys (x: 38.1 and 40.3 y in
NHANES III and NHANES 2003–2004, respectively; P 
0.05), and thus the means were age-standardized to the 2000 US
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
Census. For this subsample, a 2-step modeling approach was
sequentially used: step 1) regression to predict mean serum
25(OH)D concentrations after adjustment for the confounding
effect of assay differences (NHANES III only) and step 2) regression
to predict mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations after
adjustment for changes in biological and behavioral factors
(NHANES 2003–2004 only).
The first step in the analyses of potential explanatory factors
was to assess the contribution of assay differences. This was
accomplished by calculating predicted mean age-standardized
serum 25(OH)D concentrations for 10 472 non-Hispanic white
adults aged 20–59 y from NHANES III on the assumption that
the current assay had been used. The predicted mean was calculated
by applying the previously described regression equation
from the assay comparison study to the serum 25(OH)D data for
this NHANES III subsample.
The second step was to assess the potential contribution of
changes in vitamin D–related biological and behavioral factors in
this population subgroup between surveys. We first identified
factors that changed between 1988–1994 and 2003–2004 in a
manner consistent with the observed serum 25(OH)D changes.
Specifically, we used linear or logistic regression to compare
means or percentages of selected vitamin D–related factors betweenNHANESIII
or the 1992 NHIS andNHANES2003–2004
for non-Hispanic whites aged 20–59 y.
Next, regression equations to assess the effect of the variables
identified in the preceding step on serum 25(OH)D data from
NHANES 2003–2004 were created for this subgroup. Regression
equations to predict serum 25(OH)D concentrations by using
age, latitude, physical activity, VMS use, BMI, milk intake,
and sun protection were developed separately by season and sex
because of the previously noted interactions. These regression
equations were then used to predict mean age-standardized serum
25(OH)D concentrations for NHANES 2003–2004 on the
assumption that the factors identified earlier as having changed
had not changed since the mid-1990s. This step was accomplished
by substituting means or percentages for these variables
from the mid-1990s (either fromNHANESIII or the 1992 NHIS)
in the equation for values from NHANES 2003–2004 and then
calculating the adjusted mean serum 25(OH)D concentration.
Adjusted mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations in 2000–2004
by selected characteristics are shown for a wide range of US
population groups in Table 1. For more detailed information
about the unadjusted serum 25(OH)D distribution by age, sex,
and race-ethnicity for NHANES 2000–2004, see Table S2 (for
means, medians, and selected percentiles) and Tables S3 and S4
(for prevalence with serum 25(OH)D below selected cutoffs)
under “Supplemental data” in the current online issue. After
adjustment for sex, race-ethnicity, and season, mean serum
25(OH)D concentrations differed significantly by age: they were
highest in children aged 1–5 y and then significantly lower in
each succeeding age category. The adjusted mean serum
25(OH)D concentration was significantly higher in males than in
females and in those whose blood was drawn in April–October
than in those whose blood was drawn in November–March. Non-
Hispanic whites had the highest adjusted mean serum 25(OH)D
concentrations, followed by Mexican Americans and then non-
Hispanic blacks. Pregnant females had significantly higher adjusted
mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations than did females
who were not pregnant.
Differences between age-standardized mean serum 25(OH)D
concentrations fromNHANESIII andNHANES2000–2004 are
shown in Figure 1 for persons aged12 y. Data were combined
for the two phases composing NHANES III (1988–1991 and
1991–1994) and for the 3 survey periods composing NHANES
2000–2004 (2000, 2001–2002, and 2003–2004) because means
did not differ significantly within these time periods. Agestandardized
means based on observed serum 25(OH)D concentrations
were significantly (P  0.0003) higher (by 12–20
nmol/L in males and 5–13 nmol/L in females, depending on
season) in NHANES III than in NHANES 2000–2004 in all
groups examined. Adjustment for assay differences by predicting
means for NHANES III, assuming that the current assay had
been used, reduced but did not completely remove the differences
between surveys. The age-standardized predicted means
for NHANES III adjusted for assay differences remained significantly
higher in all male groups except the Mexican American
males examined in April–October. In contrast, the agestandardized
predicted means from NHANES III were significantly
higher in only one group of females—non-Hispanic black
Adjusted mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D by selected
characteristics in persons aged 1 y: NHANES 2000–20041
Subjects Values P2
n nmol/L
Age (y)3 0.001
1–5 895 76.43  1.584
6–11 2285 70.02  1.09
12–19 5361 63.86  0.98
20–49 5454 62.06  0.84
50–69 3215 59.22  0.99
70 2340 57.45  0.76
Sex 0.01
Male 9873 62.91  0.81
Female 9677 61.54  0.85
Race-ethnicity5 0.001
Non-Hispanic white 8055 66.87  0.89
Non-Hispanic black 5020 40.14  0.88
Mexican American 5086 53.94  0.93
Season 0.001
November–March 7824 58.86  0.86
April–October 11726 63.76  1.01
Pregnancy status
(Women ages
13–56 y)
No 4886 61.50  1.53
Yes 739 69.52  0.97
1 NHANES,National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Means
for each characteristic have been adjusted for all other characteristics shown
in the table.
2 P value for overall F test for this variable from linear regression.
3 Means in each age category differ significantly from the mean of the
preceding age category based on t tests, P  0.05.
4 x  SEM (all such values).
5 Means in each race-ethnicity group differ significantly from those in
the other 2 race-ethnicity groups, P  0.05 (t test).
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
females examined in April–October (Figure 1). Differences between
the predicted means after adjustment for assay differences
from NHANES III and the observed means from NHANES
2000–2004 ranged from 5 to 9 nmol/L in males and from 0.7 to
6.1 nmol/L in females. These differences likely represent a real
difference in serum 25(OH)D status between surveys.
Results of the subgroup analyses to identify vitamin D–related
biological and behavioral factors that had changed significantly
between NHANES III and NHANES 2003–2004 among 20–59-
y-old non-Hispanic whites are shown in Table 2 and Table 3. Of
the variables examined, BMI, milk consumption, and sun protection
differed significantly between surveys in a direction that
was consistent with a decrease in serum 25(OH)D. BMI and sun
protection increased significantly and milk consumption decreased
significantly between NHANES III and NHANES
2003–2004. As shown in Figure 2, higher BMI, lower milk
intake, and more frequent sun protection were associated with
significantly lower serum 25(OH)D concentrations. VMS use
and dietary calcium also changed significantly between
NHANES III and NHANES 2003–2004, but the direction of the
change was not consistent with a decrease in serum 25(OH)D,
and thus these variables were not used in subsequent modeling.
Results of the multiple-step analyses to explore how much of
the observed difference in serum 25(OH)D between surveys was
due to assay changes and how much was due to changes in factors
that are truly related to vitamin D status, such as BMI, milk
intake, and sun protection, are shown in Figure 3. As noted
earlier, this analysis was limited to non-Hispanic whites aged
20–59 y who were examined between April and October in
NHANES III or NHANES 2003–2004. The effect of assay
change was assessed by statistically adjusting the serum
25(OH)D data from the NHANES III subsample for this factor,
whereas the effect of changes in BMI, milk intake, and sun
protection was assessed by adjusting the serum 25(OH)D data
from the NHANES 2003–2004 subsample for these factors. As
such, this analysis is an indirect assessment of the effect of assay
changes compared with BMI, milk intake, and sun protection
changes. The observed age-standardized means were 10–18
nmol/L higher in NHANES III than in NHANES 2003–2004 in
this population subgroup (Figure 3A). The difference in agestandardized
means between surveys was reduced by 10.3–11.2
nmol/L, depending on sex, by adjusting the NHANES III values
for assay differences: the predicted age-standardized means for
NHANES III, assuming the current assay had been used, were
only 7.1 nmol/L higher than the observed age-standardized mean
for males from NHANES 2003–2004, and the 2 means did not
differ significantly between surveys in females (Figure 3B). The
remaining difference in males likely represents a real difference
in serum 25(OH)D status between NHANES III and NHANES
2003–2004 for this subsample.
Results of modeling to assess biological and behavioral factors
that may have contributed to a true decline in serum 25(OH)D
status between surveys in the non-Hispanic white adult subgroup
are shown in Figure 3C. Adjustment of theNHANES2003–2004
serum 25(OH)D values for changes in mean BMI, milk consumption
rates, or sun protection in this subgroup reduced the
real serum 25(OH)D difference between surveys in men by 5.9
nmol/L, so that the predicted age-standardized mean after adjustment
for assay differences for NHANES III was only 1.1
nmol/L higher than the predicted mean adjusted for biological
and behavior factors for NHANES 2003–2004. In women, adjustment
for these population changes resulted in a predicted
age-standardized mean for NHANES 2003–2004 that was 1.6
nmol/L higher than the predicted mean for NHANES III.
Acomparison of the observed serum 25(OH)D concentrations
between NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 suggests that a
decline in measured vitamin D status may have occurred in the
population over the past 10–15 y, because the age-standardized
mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations observed in NHANES
2000–2004 were roughly 5–20 nmol/L lower than those seen in
NHANES III (1988 –1994) in persons aged 12 y. Adjustment
for confounding from assay differences reduced the difference in
serum 25(OH)D between NHANES III and NHANES 2000–
2004 by 10 nmol/L. Thus, most of the observed difference in
serum 25(OH)D between NHANES III and NHANES 2000–
2004 appears to have been an artifact of assay changes rather than
an actual decline in serum 25(OH)D concentrations. However,
the remaining difference appears to represent a true decline in the
vitamin D status of the population since NHANES III.
Our analyses to identify potential biological and behavioral
factors that contributed to the actual decline in serum 25(OH)D
values between surveys suggest that changes in BMI, milk intake,
and sun protection may have played a role, at least in the
subgroup of non-Hispanic white adults in whom the analyses
FIGURE 1. Age-standardized mean serum concentrations of 25-
hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] by sex (A: males; B: females) and season of
blood collection among persons aged 12 y: the third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) (f, as originally assayed; o,
as predicted if current assay used) compared with NHANES 2000–2004.
NHW,non-Hispanic white; NHB, non-Hispanic black; MA, Mexican American.
*P0.05 comparingNHANESIII withNHANES2000–2004 (t tests).
The comparison for November–March was limited to NHWs because of the
significant difference in the proportion of nonwhites between NHANES III
and NHANES 2000–2004 in the November–March sample.
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
were conducted. We focused on these factors because they are
related to serum 25(OH)D concentrations, and because they appeared
to have changed in a direction that is consistent with a
decline in serum 25(OH)D in this population group. These findings
may be relevant to future discussions of approaches to
address the decline in serum 25(OH)D. In addition, the finding
that changes in relevant biological and behavioral factors in the
population appear to explain some portion of the serum 25(OH)D
difference remaining between surveys after adjustment for confounding
factors supports the likelihood that this remaining serum
25(OH)D difference is real rather than due to other, uncontrolled
confounding factors. More research is needed to compare
the effects of confounding with those of behavioral and biological
factors in other population subgroups. Such analyses were
precluded in the present study because of a lack of data for some
of the relevant factors in other population groups and because of
Selected variables related to serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D by survey for non-Hispanic white persons aged 20–59 y: NHANES III
(1988 –1994) compared with NHANES 2003–20041
NHANES 1988–1994 NHANES 2003–2004
Variable Subjects Value SE Subjects Value SE
n n
Age (y) 3433 38.11 0.24 1323 40.272 0.42
Latitude (°N) 3433 37.863 0.50 1323 37.19 0.73
Body mass index (kg/m2) 3433 26.24 0.16 1307 28.012 0.23
Dietary calcium (mg/d) 3344 901.47 13.21 1263 973.262 21.78
Male (%) 1616 50.89 0.62 676 50.61 0.96
Female (%) 1817 49.11 0.62 647 49.39 0.96
Season of blood collection
November–March (%) 1121 30.81 3.93 364 28.23 5.95
April–October (%) 2312 69.19 3.93 959 71.77 5.95
Milk consumption
Never or rarely (%) 773 21.93 0.86 364 27.522 1.49
Sometimes or often (%) 2645 78.07 0.86 955 72.48 1.49
Type of milk usually consumed
Whole milk (%) 877 27.49 1.93 263 22.45 2.17
2% milk (%) 1303 43.91 1.83 455 43.87 1.9
1% milk (%) 255 9.46 1.22 113 11.56 1.57
Skim or nonfat milk (%) 578 19.13 1.32 220 22.12 2.03
Vitamin-mineral supplement use in past month
Yes (%) 1419 42.15 1.12 686 53.742 2.73
No (%) 2014 57.85 1.12 636 46.26 2.73
Activity level compared with peers
More (%) 1044 31.86 1.05 410 32.12 1.82
Less (%) 784 23.22 1.17 334 23.39 1.38
Same (%) 1539 44.92 1.16 574 44.49 1.7
1 NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; SE, SE of the mean or percentage.
2 Significantly different from NHANES 1988–1994, P  0.05 (t test).
3 x (all such values except percentages).
Prevalence of sun protection by survey in subjects aged 20–59 y: NHIS 1992 compared with NHANES 2003–20041
NHIS 1992 NHANES 2003–2004
Practice sun protection Subjects Percentage SE Subjects Percentage SE
n % n %
Very likely (always or most of the time) 1572 41.9 1.04 650 47.5 2.02
Sometimes 1113 29.6 0.91 472 37.02 1.04
Unlikely (rarely or never) 1104 28.5 1.06 223 15.52 1.70
Very likely (always or most of the time) 2818 57.4 0.92 846 57.4 2.39
Sometimes 1235 25.3 0.78 421 29.82 1.77
Unlikely (rarely or never) 855 17.4 0.73 180 12.7 1.52
1 NHIS, National Health Interview Survey; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; SE, SE of the percentage.
2 Significantly different from NHIS 1992, P  0.05 (t test).
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
the need to account for differences between surveys in the racialethnic
composition by season.
The effect of using different assays to measure serum
25(OH)D was described previously. Binkley et al (16) found that
differences in mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations between
different assay types could be as much as 2-fold when the same
set of blood samples were measured. Variations in results obtained
by using the same method in different laboratories also
were described (17). The results of the present study suggest that
changes of 12% in the same assay over time can also affect
serum 25(OH)D concentrations, even when the assays are performed
in the same laboratory. Standard reference materials for
serum 25(OH)D are currently being developed by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (18), and the use of those
standard reference materials should improve agreement between
assay methods. It is important to note that the assay adjustment
used in the present study was based on the current version of the
RIA, because the NHANES III– era RIA version could not be
reconstructed. However, without a standard reference material
for serum 25(OH)D, it is not clear which assay version is the best
in terms of assessing nutritional status.
In addition to examining trends in serum 25(OH)D, we evaluated
mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations in the current
NHANES by selected demographic characteristics. These data
fill an important gap for some groups in whom data have previously
been scanty—in particular, children, adolescents, and
pregnant women (19, 20). In the present study, mean serum
25(OH)D concentrations were highest in children aged 1–5 y,
intermediate in children aged 6–11 y, and lowest in adolescents
aged 12–19 y. Weng et al (21) found a similar pattern by age in
their sample of apparently healthy children and adolescents.
Pregnant women had higher serum 25(OH)D concentrations
than did nonpregnantwomenof the same age inNHANES2000–
2004. Recent community-based studies of vitamin D status in
pregnant women in the United States have reported that low
vitamin D status is common in this group, but those studies did
not include comparisons with nonpregnant women (20, 22).
It is important to note that statistical adjustments to serum
25(OH)D data for assay differences or biological and behavior
factors that changed betweenNHANESIII andNHANES2000–
2004 were made in the present study only. The publicly released
serum 25(OH)D data for NHANES III and NHANES 2000–
2004 that are available on theNHANESwebsite (Internet: www. are the observed, unadjusted values.
We recommend that researchers who use the publicly released
data to make comparisons between surveys should consider the
confounding effects of assay differences and changes in population
demographics in their analyses.
The present study had limitations. The analyses to compare the
contribution of confounding factors with changes in vitamin
D–related biological and behavioral risk factors in the population
were limited to adults aged 20–59 y because of a lack of sunprotection
data in other age groups. These analyses were further
limited to non-Hispanic whites to avoid confounding due to
differences in the racial-ethnic composition of the sample by
season between surveys. A correction factor was needed to account
for a shift in the 25(OH)D assay quality-control pools that
occurred while the assay comparison study was being conducted.
The effect of the biological and behavior factors also was estimated
indirectly by using regression to predict mean values, so
that results depended on the robustness of the underlying models.
The models to assess changes in vitamin D–related factors in the
population were limited to factors for which nationally representative
data were available, and thus some potentially important
factors could not be considered. For example, because direct
estimates of dietary vitamin D intake from food are not available
FIGURE 2. Mean age- and sex-adjusted serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] by selected variables for non-Hispanic whites
aged 20–59 y: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survery (NHANES) 2003–2004. For BMI:■, normal;, overweight; and t, obese. For
sun protection: 0, unlikely; u, sometimes; and s, very likely. For milk intake:2, sometimes or often; `, never or rarely. P values are from an overall
F test for variable from linear regression.
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
for NHANES 2000–2004, dietary intake of vitamin D was represented
only indirectly by the milk intake variable in the model.
The fact that some of the observed differences in serum 25(OH)D
between NHANES III and NHANES 2003–2004 in men was not
explained by our models suggests that additional variables may
have played a role.
Other study limitations include the potential nonresponse bias
in both NHANES datasets, because not all those who were selected
to participate in the survey did so. Nonresponse bias in
NHANES is reduced by a nonresponse adjustment factor included
in the calculation of the sample weights. However, 5–
10% of those who came to the mobile exam centers did not have
serum 25(OH)D data in the 2 surveys, and this nonresponse is not
addressed by the sample weight adjustments. Finally, some important
at-risk groups, such as institutionalized persons and persons
living in the northern United States during the winter, were
not included in the NHANES sampling frame by design.
In summary, age-standardized mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations
based on observed values were significantly lower in
2000–2004 than in 1988–1994 in all groups examined. Adjustment
for assay changes noticeably reduced the difference between
surveys. However, mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations
remained significantly lower in males (except Mexican Americans)
in NHANES 2000–2004 than in NHANES III, even after
adjustment for assay differences. This remaining difference
likely represents a real decline in vitamin D status. Changes in
BMI, milk intake, and sun protection appeared to contribute to
this decline in a subgroup of non-Hispanic white adults. The
possibility that trends in overweight, sun protection, and milk
intakemaycontinue supports the need to continue monitoring the
serum 25(OH)D status of the population.
Wethank Donna LaVoie of the National Center for Environmental Health
for performing the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin DD assays in the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2000–2004 and to
Donna LaVoie and Della Twite for performing the assays in NHANES III.
We also thank Christopher T Sempos of the Center for Scientific Review,
National Institutes of Health, for his thoughtful assistance in interpreting the
assay comparison study results.
The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—all authors: the study concept
and design and the collection of data; ACL, CMP, and RLS: statistical
data analysis; all authors: interpretation of data; ACL and CMP: the writing
of the manuscript draft; all authors: critical revision of the manuscript and
contributions to the final manuscript. None of the authors had a personal or
financial conflict of interest.
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Statistics. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data sets
Men Women
18.3 nmol/L*
10.3 nmol/L*
Men Women
7.1 nmol/L*
0 nmol/L*
Men Women
25(OH)D nmol/L 25(OH)D nmol/L 25(OH)D nmol/L
5.9 nmol/L* –1.6 nmol/L*

FIGURE 3. A and B: Observed and predicted age-standardized mean
serum concentrations of 25-hyroxyvitaminD[25(OH)D] by sex among non-
Hispanic whites aged 20–59 y who were examined in April–October: third
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III; 1988–
1994) compared with NHANES 2003–2004. A: Observed age standardized
means from both surveys (NHANES III  and NHANES 2003–2004 .
B: Predicted age-standardized mean serum concentrations of 25-
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the current radioimmunoassay was used (t), compared with observed means
for NHANES 2003–2004. C: Predicted age-standardized mean serum concentrations
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1994, assuming that the current radioimmunoassay was used, compared with
means predicted for NHANES 2003–2004 if mean BMI and milk consumption
rates fromNHANESIII and 1992 sun-protective behavior rates from the
National Health Information Survey were applied (u). *Calculated as the
NHANES III mean minus the NHANES 2003–2004 mean.
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Pediatr (Phila) 2007;46:42– 4.
Downloaded from at SCD Université Paris 5 on December 19, 2008
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Forum Admin
Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar earl grey » 10 Jan 2009 17:26

Par commodité quelle dose max de D3 peut-on prendre en une fois sans risque ?
earl grey
Messages: 98
Inscription: 29 Déc 2008 22:34

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Jan 2009 04:24

tu as une belle réponse là

High Dose Vitamin D3 Supplementation in the Elderly

Summary: In a randomized, double-blind trial involving 63 elderly subjects, large loading doses of vitamin D(3), as well as monthly dosing, was found to normalize 25(OH)D levels among frail elderly subjects. Subjects were randomized to: 1) 500,000 IU loading dose; 2) loading dose + 50,000 IU/month; 3) 50,000 IU/month. Subjects in both the 'loading' and 'loading+monthly' groups were found to have significant increases in 25(OH)D levels after 1 month, as compared to baseline (+58 nmol/L), after which time the levels plateaued at around 69 nmol/L for the 'loading' group and 91 nmol/l for the 'loading+monthly' group. In the group that only received monthly supplementation, 25(OH)D levels plateaued at around 80 nmol/L at 3-5 months. The authors conclude, "Large loading doses of vitamin D(3) rapidly and safely normalize 25(OH)D levels in the frail elderly. Monthly dosing is similarly effective and safe, but takes 3-5 months for plateau 25(OH)D levels to be reached."
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Forum Admin
Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Persephone » 13 Jan 2009 07:15

En pratique en France on donne jusqu'à 200 000IU par prise. D'autres pays ont déjà utilisé jusqu'à 600 000IU. Mais plus la dose ponctuelle augmente plus le risque "d'effets de bord" augmente.
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Messages: 1190
Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

Messagepar earl grey » 14 Jan 2009 10:35

Merci pour les réponses,je suis tranquille maintenant :)

Je suis content d'avoir eu votre avis ça me rassure vu que je prend 4000 UI /j je vois que je ne risque pas grand choses a prendre 40000 UI tout les 10 jours comme ca je me complique moins la vie.

Par ailleurs je me demande si la vit d ne m'as aider a progresser vu que c'est le cas depuis que j'en prend,mais je ne suis pas sur vu que ca peut être attribuer a d'autre paramètres.
earl grey
Messages: 98
Inscription: 29 Déc 2008 22:34

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 14 Jan 2009 11:19

Moins de vitamine D = plus de gras chez les jeunes femmes

Vitamin D Status and Its Relationship to Body Fat,
Final Height, and Peak Bone Mass in Young Women

Richard Kremer, Patricia P. Campbell, Timothy Reinhardt, and Vicente Gilsanz
Department of Medicine (R.K.), McGill University Health Center, McGill University, Montre´ al, Que´ bec, Canada H3H
2R9; U.S. Department of Agriculture (T.R.), National Animal Disease Center, Ames, Iowa 50010; and Department of
Radiology (P.P.C., V.G.), Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, California 90027
Context: VitaminDinsufficiency hasnowreached epidemic proportions and has been linked to low
bone mineral density, increased risk of fracture, and obesity in adults. However, this relationship
has not been well characterized in young adults.
Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
D (25OHD), anthropometric measures, body fat (BF), and bone structure at the time
of peak bone mass.
Design: This was a cross-sectional study.
Outcome Measures and Subjects: Anthropometric measures, serum 25OHD radioimmunoassay
values, and computed tomography and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry values of BF and bone
structure in 90 postpubertal females, aged 16–22 yr, residing in California were measured.
Results: Approximately 59% of subjects were 25OHD insufficient (29 ng/ml), and 41% were
sufficient (30 ng/ml). Strong negative relationships were present between serum 25OHD and
computedtomography measures of visceralandsc fatanddual-energy x-ray absorptiometry values
of BF. In addition, weight, body mass, and imaging measures of adiposity at all sites were significantly
lower in women with normal serum 25OHD concentrations than women with insufficient
levels. In contrast, no relationship was observed between circulating 25OHD concentrations and
measures of bone mineral density at any site. Unexpectedly, there was a positive correlation
between 25OHD levels and height.
Conclusions: We found that vitamin D insufficiency is associated with increased BF and decreased
height but not changes in peak bone mass. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 67–73, 2009)
Vitamin D, a key regulator of bone metabolism, is thought to
play an important role in adipogenesis and the prevention
of a variety of diseases, including osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes,
and immune disorders (1–3). It is derived from skin exposure to
sunlight (vitamin D3) or food supplements (vitamins D2 or D3)
and undergoes successive hydroxylations in the liver and kidneys
to give rise to its active metabolite 1,25 dihydroxyvitaminD(4).
The vitamin D receptor is widely distributed in various tissues
including bone and fat and triggers most of the action of vitamin
D(5). There are, however, significant discrepancies in the results
of previous studies assessing the relation between vitamin D,
bone health, and adiposity.
Whereas several studies in adults have shown that vitamin D
increases bone mineral density (BMD) (6), prevents osteoporotic
fractures (7, 8),andreduces the risk of falling in the elderly (9), other
studies in adolescents and young adults have yielded conflicting
results; some, but not all, found an association between vitamin D
and bone mass (10–15). Moreover, a recent study in adults aged
30–79 yr suggests the relation between 25-hydroxyvitamin D
(25OHD)levelsandBMDis present in the white population but not
African-Americans or subjects of Hispanic ethnicity (16).
ISSN Print 0021-972X ISSN Online 1945-7197
Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 2009 by The Endocrine Society
doi: 10.1210/jc.2008-1575 Received July 22, 2008. Accepted October 27, 2008.
First Published Online November 4, 2008
Abbreviations: BMC, Bone mineral content; BMD, bone mineral density; BMI, body mass
index; CSA, cross-sectional area; CT, computed tomography; CV, coefficient of variation;
DXA, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; 25OHD, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
E n d o c r i n e C a r e
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, January 2009, 94(1):67–73 67
Downloaded from at Bibl Interuniv de Medecine Series AGR Douane 1 115 on January 13, 2009
Obesity has now reached epidemic proportions, and the combined
percentage of overweight and obese individuals in the
United States is staggering, approaching 32% in children and
adolescents and 66% in young adults (17). Although vitamin D
insufficiency is prevalent in this population, especially in low
socioeconomic groups (18, 19), limited information regarding
the relationship between weight and vitaminDlevels is available.
Several studies have shown adult obesity to be inversely correlated
with25OHDlevels (20–26), and it has been suggested that
adipogenesis may be inhibited by 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D
(27). Even obese adults who take supplemental vitamin D2 and
are exposed to UV light have 25OHD levels substantially lower
than nonobese matched controls (24).
Discrepancies in the results from previous studies may, in
part, be related to the use of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
(DXA) to obtain bone and/or fat measures because this projection
technique cannot correct for the influence of other soft tissues
in the region of interest (28). In this investigation, to account
for the influence of soft tissues on DXA bone measurements, we
examined the relations between vitamin D, bone health, and
adiposity by using both DXA and computed tomography (CT).
Additionally, the confounding effects of growth and development,
aging, and gender on the relations between fat mass, bone
mass, and vitamin D were controlled by including only sexually
and skeletally mature young females aged 16–22 yr.
Subjects and Methods
Study subjects
This study was approved by the institutional review board at our
institution, and informed consent was obtained from all parents and/or
subjects. An initial interview was conducted to describe the purpose and
aims of the study and the tests to be performed. Candidates for this study
were excluded if they had a diagnosis of any underlying disease or chronic
illness, if they had been ill for longer than 2 wk during the previous 6
months, if they had been admitted to the hospital at any time during the
previous 3 yr, or if they were taking any medications including oral
contraceptives. Candidates who were pregnant, had ever been pregnant,
or with absence of menses for more than 4 consecutive months were also
excluded from the study. To decrease the seasonal variability in biochemical
determinations, all appointments were scheduled betweenMay
and October. In addition, all subjects had normal kidney function and
normal liver function tests, and there was no evidence of liver abnormalities
detected by CT.
All potential participants underwent a general physical examination,
including assessments of the degree of sexual development, and a radiographic
examination of the left hand and wrist. Only those who had
reached sexual maturity, defined as Tanner V of breast development
(29), and skeletal maturity, defined as epiphyseal closure in the phalanges
and metacarpals using the radiographic atlas of Greulich and Pyle (30),
were included in the study. Measurements of weight were obtained to the
nearest 0.1 kg, using the Scale-Tronix (Scale-Tronix, Inc, Wheaton, IL),
and measurements of height were obtained to the nearest 0.1 cm, using
the Harpenden stadiometer (Holtain Ltd., Crymmych, Wales, UK). Body
mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kilograms) divided by height
squared (square meters); for the purpose of this study, subjects were
divided into a lean group (BMI  25 kg/m2) and an overweight group
(BMI25 kg/m2). Using this approach, 90 female subjects were enrolled
in this study and underwent imaging determinations of bone and adipose
tissue and biochemical measurements of calcium-regulating hormones.
Bone and fat measurements
DXA and CT determinations of bone and fat were performed on the
same day by the same technologist. Using a Hologic QDR4500 DXA
scanner (Hologic, Inc., Bedford, MA), the bone mineral content (BMC;
grams) and the BMD (grams per square centimeter) were measured for
the total body and for the axial and appendicular skeleton independently.
In addition, the total, subtotal (excluding the head), arms, trunk, and leg
fat mass (kilograms) were determined. The coefficients of variation
(CVs) for repeated DXA measurements of BMC, BMD, and fat mass at
the various locations examined have been reported to range from 0.7 to
4.1%, and the radiation exposure is negligible (31).
For CT determinations, a Hilite Advantage scanner (General Electric
Healthcare, Milwaukee, Whey Isolat) with a standardized reference phantom for
simultaneous calibration was used. In the axial skeleton, values for cancellous
bone density (milligrams per cubic centimeter) and the crosssectional
area (CSA; square centimeters) were measured at the midportion
of the first three lumbar vertebral bodies, and in the appendicular
skeleton, the CSA (square centimeters), cortical bone area (square centimeters),
and cortical bone density (milligrams per /cubic centimeter) at
the midshafts of the femurs were obtained; CVs for these bone measurements
in young adults were previously reported between 0.6 and 1.5%
(32). Additionally, from the same cross-sectional abdominal images
measurements of the visceral fat (square centimeters) and sc fat (square
centimeters) were obtained. For the purpose of this study, sc fat was
defined as the amount of adipose tissue located between the skin and the
rectus muscles of the abdomen, the external oblique muscles, the broadest
muscles of the back, and the erector muscles of the spine at the level
of the umbilicus. Visceral fat was defined as the intraabdominal adipose
tissue surrounded by the rectus muscles of the abdomen, the external
oblique muscles, the lumbar quadrate muscle, the psoas muscles, and the
lumbar spine at the same level. The CV for repeated measures of visceral
and sc fat has been reported to range from 1.5 to 3.5% (33). The time to
complete the CT scans was approximately 10 min and the effective radiation
dose was approximately 0.1 mSv (34).
Biochemical determinations
Serum levels of 25OHD were assayed using a RIA as described by
Hollis et al. (35). The lower limit of detection was 5 ng/ml (12.5
nmol/liter). Goat anti-25OHD was a gift from Dr. Bruce Hollis (Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC). 125I-25-hydroxyvitamin
D3 and donkey antigoat secondary antibody were purchased
from Diasorin (Stillwater, MN). This assay recognizes equally serum
25-hydroxy-vitaminD2 and serum 25-hydroxy-vitaminD3 and shows
no bias when compared with HPLC (36). Calculated assay precision
for within-assay variation averages 6% and for interassay 16%. For
the purpose of this study and according to the current consensus, subjects
were divided into a 25OHD sufficient, or normal, group (30 ng/ml) and
an insufficient group (29 ng/ml). Intact PTH (1–84) was measured with
an electrochemiluminescent assay (37). The sensitivity of the assay is 1.2
pg/ml (0.127 pmol/liter) and intra- and interassay variations are 1.9–4 and
2.6–6.5%, respectively. To minimize interassay variability, all samples
were analyzed simultaneously.
Statistical analysis
A sample size of 90 subjects allows the determination of correlations
greater than r.28 with80%power. Statistical analysis was carried out
using Statview (version 5.0.1; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Data were
analyzed using simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression
analysis, and unpaired t tests. All values are expressed as mean  SD.
Relation between 25OHD and subject characteristics
The age, anthropometric characteristics, and ethnic background
of the women studied are described in Table 1. Weight
68 Kremer et al. Vitamin D and Adiposity J Clin Endocrinol Metab, January 2009, 94(1):67–73
Downloaded from at Bibl Interuniv de Medecine Series AGR Douane 1 115 on January 13, 2009
and BMI were significantly higher, whereas height was significantly
lower, in Hispanics than Caucasians. When all subjects
were taken together, a significant positive correlation was found
between height and25OHD(Fig. 1). In contrast, significant negative
correlations were observed between 25OHD, weight, and
BMI (Fig. 1). Multiple regression analysis showed that the negative
relation between 25OHD and weight and the positive relation
between 250HD and height persisted, even after accounting
for differences in ethnic background.
Table 2 shows the mean values for 25OHD concentrations in
lean (BMI  25 kg/m2) and overweight (BMI 25 kg/m2) subjects.
Whereas mean serum values were significantly lower in
Hispanics than Caucasians, ethnic differences in 25OHD concentrations
did not persist after adjusting for BMI (Table 2).
Thirty-seven women (41%) had normal 25OHD concentrations
(30 ng/ml), whereas 53 women (59%) had insufficient
25OHD concentrations (29 ng/ml); of the insufficient
group, 24 (45%) had values 20 ng/ml or less. Compared with
women with normal 25OHD values, vitamin D-insufficient
subjects were of identical age but were significantly shorter
and heavier and had greater BMI (Table 3). When the sufficient
group was analyzed independently, no associations were
present between vitaminDand any anthropometric measures.
In contrast, there were significant negative correlations between
25OHD and both weight and BMI (r  0.28 and
0.33, respectively; P  0.045 and 0.015, respectively) in the
insufficient group.
A significant inverse correlation was found between 25OHD
and PTH (r0.27; P  0.01), and PTH values were higher in
the insufficient than the sufficient group (2.280.88 and 1.92
0.90, respectively; P  0.025).
Relation between 25OHD and imaging measures of
body fat and bone
CT measures for sc and visceral fat and DXA measurements
for whole-body fat, truncal fat, and upper and lower extremity
fat were significantly lower in women with normal 25OHD concentrations
than women with insufficient 25OHD (Table 4). In
contrast, there were no differences inCTorDXAvalues for bone
in the axial and appendicular skeleton between women with
sufficient and those with insufficient 25OHD concentrations
(Table 4).
Regardless of imaging technique, strong negative correlations
were observed between all measures of body adiposity
and 25OHD at all sites (Table 5). These associations were
present when all women were considered together and when
25OHD-insufficient subjects were analyzed independently
(Table 5); this relation was not present in women with sufficient
25OHD. In contrast, regardless of whether all subjects
were taken together or were separated by 25OHD concentration
group, no significant association was found between
25OHD levels and any DXA or CT bone phenotypes (data not
TABLE 1. Age and anthropometric characteristics of 90 women separated by ethnic background
All (n  90) Hispanic (n  53) Caucasian (n  37) P
Age (yr) 19.4  1.5 (16.3–22.8) 19.6  1.4 (17.0 –22.8) 19.1  1.6 (16.3–22.2) 0.100
Weight (kg) 68.3  17.5 (45.5–126.0) 72.7  20.5 (45.5–126.0) 61.9  8.8 (45.6 –90.3) 0.003
Height (cm) 162.9  4.7 (153.9 –171.8) 161.6  4.7 (153.9 –171.8) 164.8  4.1 (156.3–170.8) 0.001
BMI 25.7  6.3 (16.7– 44.5) 27.7  7.1 (17.6–44.5) 22.8  3.5 (16.7–35.6) 0.001
Values are expressed as mean  SD and (range). P values indicate results of unpaired t tests between ethnic backgrounds.
FIG. 1. Relation between vitamin D concentrations and height, weight, and BMI.
Cau, Caucasian; Hisp, Hispanics.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, January 2009, 94(1):67–73 69
Downloaded from at Bibl Interuniv de Medecine Series AGR Douane 1 115 on January 13, 2009
We found a strong inverse correlation between weight and body
mass and circulating vitamin D and that young women with
vitamin D insufficiency were significantly heavier and had
greater body mass than women with normal levels. Additionally,
the results of this study showed significant reciprocal relations
between 25OHD and CT measures for sc and visceral fat and
DXA measures of adiposity for the whole body, trunk, and extremities.
The high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in this
young population living in a sun-rich area is surprising and likely
multifactorial. A recent report indicates that vitamin D insufficiency
is common in children aged 6–21 yr living in the northeastern
United States and is associated with season, ethnicity/
black race, age, and vitamin D intake (18), but similar
observations have not yet been reported in California. Whereas
vitamin D insufficiency was more common in Hispanics than
Caucasians in our study cohort, this difference did not persist
after adjusting for BMI, indicating that the predominant risk
factor was body fat rather than any variability in skin color
attributed to ethnicity.
In view of the prevalence of both vitamin D insufficiency and
obesity in children and adolescents, it is possible that vitamin D
status is an independent predictor of weight gain. Several studies
in the adult population suggest that obesity is associated with
vitamin D insufficiency (20–24, 26, 38), and one indicates that
low vitaminDintake is an independent predictor of obesity (25).
Another investigation in postmenopausal women receiving calcium
plus vitamin D reported a small effect on weight gain prevention
compared with placebo (39). Indeed, vitaminDhas been
shown to lower leptin concentrations and may therefore contribute
to the maintenance of body mass (40).Onthe other hand,
body fat may also contribute to low circulating vitamin D levels
by trapping vitamin D in fat tissues (24). Thus, obesity may, in
part, be a direct consequence of vitamin D insufficiency and/or
may result in vitamin D insufficiency. It is noteworthy that vitamin
D insufficiency has been implicated in numerous health
conditions including osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, and rheumatoid
arthritis (1, 2, 41) and that increased body fat is also
strongly associated with greater risk of diabetes and cancer (42).
Consequently, vitamin D insufficiency may play an important
role in the development of these various clinical conditions either
directly or indirectly.
In addition to weight and body mass, we specifically determined
fat content and fat distribution using DXA and CT. Previously,
using bioelectrical impedance analysis in a large group
of women of all ages, indirect measures of the percentage of body
fat were found to be inversely related to circulating 25OHD; an
association that was particularly noticeable in white females
aged 12–49 yr (38). Another study using DXA also found a
negative correlation between 25OHD and percentage of body
fat, but not BMI, in healthy adult women (22). The current study
extends these findings to a young population of white females
and indicates a strong inverse correlation between body fat and
25OHD using total-body measurements by DXA and site-specific
measurements by CT. Our data indicate that 25OHD is
inversely correlated with not only total body fat but also specific
measures of visceral fat and sc fat, suggesting that this relationship
is independent of the site of fat accumulation.
Unexpectedly, there was a positive correlation between circulating
25OHD and height in the population studied. Whereas
vitamin D is key to skeletal development and its deficiency may
result in short stature associated with rickets (15), none of the
subjects in this study had any clinical or radiological evidence of
rickets. A significant decrease in height was previously reported
in adolescent girls aged 13–17 yr who had vitamin D deficiency
without any clinical evidence of rickets (10). Further studies are
needed to determine the possible role of vitaminDin longitudinal
bone growth in the absence of clinical evidence of rickets.
TABLE 3. 25OHD values, age, and anthropometric characteristics of 90 women separated by 25OHD concentration groups
All (n  90) Sufficient (n  37) Insufficient (n  53) P values
25OHD (ng/ml) 30.1  13.0 (6.7– 69.6) 42.4  10.1 (30.0–69.6) 21.5  5.9 (6.7–29.6) 0.001
Age (yr) 19.4  1.5 (16.3–22.8) 19.2  1.6 (16.3–22.8) 19.5  1.4 (17.0 –22.87) 0.408
Weight (kg) 68.3  17.5 (45.5–126.0) 63.9  11.9 (45.6 –113.0) 71.3  20.0 (45.5–126.0) 0.046
Height (cm) 162.9  4.7 (153.9 –171.8) 164.1  3.9 (156.8 –170.3) 162.1  5.1 (153.9 –171.8) 0.048
BMI (kg/m2) 25.7  6.3 (16.7– 44.5) 23.7  4.6 (16.7– 43.9) 27.1  7.1 (17.6–44.5) 0.014
Values are expressed as mean  SD and (range). P values indicate results of unpaired t test between 25OHD concentration groups.
TABLE 2. 25OHD concentrations (nanograms per milliliter) of 90 women separated by ethnicity and body mass
25OHD (ng/ml)
All (n  90) Hispanic (n  53) Caucasian (n  37)
All BMI (n  90) 30.1  13.0 (6.7– 69.6) 26.6  12.3a,b (6.7– 67.3) 35.1  12.4 (14.2– 69.6)
Lean (BMI  25 kg/m2) (n  51) 34.3  13.8c (15.2– 69.6) 31.2  14.6 (15.2– 67.3) 36.6  12.9 (16.1– 69.6)
Overweight (BMI  25 kg/m2)
(n  39)
24.6  9.5 (6.7– 46.0) 23.3  9.3 (6.7– 44.9) 29.7  9.3 (14.2– 46.0)
Values are expressed as mean  SD and (range).
a Indicates a significant difference between Hispanics and Caucasians (P  0.002).
b ANOVA analysis indicates no statistical difference between Hispanics and Caucasians when adjusted for BMI (P  0.09).
c Indicates a significant difference between lean and overweight subjects (P  0.001).
70 Kremer et al. Vitamin D and Adiposity J Clin Endocrinol Metab, January 2009, 94(1):67–73
Downloaded from at Bibl Interuniv de Medecine Series AGR Douane 1 115 on January 13, 2009
An intriguing result of this study was the absence of a correlation
between vitamin D status and bone determinations, regardless
of site or whether assessed by DXA or CT. Previous
investigations in adults indicated that vitamin D supplementation
improved BMD and reduced the risk of osteoporosis and
fractures (6–8, 14). However, studies in adolescent females
yielded discrepant results; some reported an association between
low bone mass and vitamin D insufficiency and low vitamin D
intake (12, 13), whereas others, like ours, found no such relation
(10, 11). Although our population was comprised of Hispanics
and Caucasians, this study was not powered to analyze Caucasians
and Hispanics separately, and the possibility of ethnic variability
in the response to vitaminDexposure cannot be excluded.
Similarly, our findings in females do not exclude the notion that
vitamin D influences bone mass in adolescent and young adult
males, as previously reported (43, 44). Despite these limitations,
the results of the current study support the hypothesis that the
negative effect of vitamin D insufficiency on bone mass may not
be present in healthy young adults around the time that bone
mass reaches its peak.
The use of two techniques for the accurate and independent
assessment of the relations of vitaminDto bone and fat tissue,
the use of the same technologist to obtain all CT and DXA
measures and the rigorous assessment of the sexual and skeletal
development, is a major strength of this study. Previous
studies on the effects of vitamin D insufficiency on bone were
mostly conducted using DXA, a technique that is low in cost,
has minimal radiation exposure, and is readily accessible and
easy to use.
AlthoughDXAvalues are influenced by changes in body configuration
(28, 45, 46) and inherently underestimate bone acquisition
in short and/or overweight individuals (47), it should be
TABLE 4. CT and DXA fat and bone measurements in 90 women separated by 25OHD concentration groups
All Sufficient Insufficient
(n  90) (n  37) (n  53) P
Fat phenotypes
Subcutaneous (cm2)
Visceral (cm2)
252.8  152.7
36.46  42.89
203.3  98.9
24.74  33.88
288.1  174.0
44.81  46.83
Total (kg)
Trunk (kg)
Arms (kg)
Legs (kg)
24.81  11.79
11.29  5.76
1.64  1.02
4.75  1.91
21.59  7.67
9.35  3.82
1.34  0.61
4.33  1.38
27.10  13.62
12.69  5.61
1.85  1.19
5.05  2.17
Bone phenotypes
Vertebral BD (mg/cm3)
Vertebral CSA (cm2)
Femoral CBD (mg/cm3)
Femoral CBA (cm2)
Femoral CSA (cm2)
299.1  43.5
8.78  1.32
1234  36
4.23  0.53
5.11  0.72
294.4  37.3
8.73  1.21
1236  37
4.24  0.39
5.07  0.57
302.5  47.5
8.83  1.40
1233  37
4.23  0.61
5.14  0.81
Total BMC (g)
Total BMD (g/cm2)
Trunk BMC (g)
Trunk BMD (g/cm2)
Hip BMC (g)
Hip BMD (g/cm2)
Arm BMC (g)
Arm BMD (g/cm2)
Leg BMC (g)
Leg BMD (g/cm2)
2105  298
1.11  0.07
168.0  26.9
0.88  0.07
39.56  6.16
1.05  0.11
138.8  23.9
0.73  0.06
389.9  62.7
1.17  0.09
2110  272
1.11  0.08
161.8  19.3
0.88  0.07
40.19  4.95
1.05  0.08
137.8  18.0
0.74  0.06
392.8  50.4
1.17  0.08
2101  317
1.11  0.07
172.5  30.6
0.88  0.08
39.12  6.90
1.04  0.13
139.5  27.4
0.73  0.06
387.8  70.5
1.16  0.10
P-values indicate results of unpaired t test between 250HD concentration groups. CBD, Cortical bone density; BD, bone density.
TABLE 5. Relations between 25OHD concentrations and imaging measures of fat and bone in 90 women
Fat phenotypes
All (n  90) Sufficient (n  37) Insufficient (n  53)
r P r P r P
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, January 2009, 94(1):67–73 71
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noted that despite these limitations, our findings were similar,
regardless of technique.
In conclusion, our study indicates that vitamin D insufficiency
is extremely common in young women living in a sunrich
area of the United States. It also supports the hypotheses
that either vitaminDinsufficiency is a risk factor for increased
body fat or increased body fat is a risk factor for vitamin D
insufficiency. The positive association between height and vitamin
D status is unexplained and intriguing and warrants
further investigation. Our data, however, do not support a
role for vitamin D in regulating bone mass acquisition around
the time it reaches its peak.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Vicente Gilsanz,
M.D., Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Department of Radiology, MS
81, 4650 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90027. E-mail:
This work was supported by the Department of theArmy(DAMD17-
01-1-0817), the National Institutes of Health (1R01 AR052744-01),
and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Dimensional
Fund Advisors Canada.
Disclosure Summary: R.K., P.P.C., T.R., and V.G. have nothing to
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Persephone » 14 Jan 2009 11:31

Une vieille étude qui nous rappelle que ce n'est pas parce qu'on habite au soleil qu'on ne manque pas de vitamine D:

Low Vitamin D Status Despite Abundant Sun Exposure
Context: Lack of sun exposure is widely accepted as the primary cause of epidemic low vitamin D status worldwide. However, some individuals with seemingly adequate UV exposure have been reported to have low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration; results which might have been confounded by imprecision of the assays employed.

Objective: The objective of this study was to document the 25(OH)D status of healthy individuals with habitually high sun exposure.

Setting: This study was conducted in a convenience sample of adults in Honolulu, HI, (latitude 21°).

Participants: The study population consisted of 93 adults 30 women and 63 men, mean (SEM) age and BMI of 24.0 (0.7) years and 23.6 (0.4) kg/m2 respectively. Their self-reported sun exposure was 28.9 (1.5) hours/week yielding a calculated sun exposure index of 11.1 (0.7).

Main Outcome Measures: Serum 25(OH)D concentration was measured using a precise HPLC assay. Low vitamin D status was defined as a circulating 25(OH)D concentration < 30 ng/ml.

Results: Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration was 31.6 ng/ml. Using a cutpoint of 30 ng/ml, 51% of this population had low vitamin D status. The highest 25(OH)D concentration was 62 ng/ml.

Conclusion: These data suggest that variable responsivity to UVB radiation is evident among individuals, causing some to have low vitamin D status despite abundant sun exposure. Additionally, as the maximal 25(OH)D concentration produced by natural UV exposure appears to be ~60 ng/ml, it seems prudent to utilize this value as an upper limit when prescribing vitamin D supplementation.
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Messages: 1190
Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 14 Jan 2009 11:49

c'est quand tu es très bronzé
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Messages: 55486
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar icelove » 14 Jan 2009 12:23

y a-t-il un rapport avec la vitamine D, le soleil et la testosterone par rapport à la période automne/hiver et la période printemps/été ? :idea:
Messages: 324
Inscription: 17 Nov 2008 15:38

Messagepar Persephone » 14 Jan 2009 12:42

Nutrimuscle-Conseil a écrit:c'est quand tu es très bronzé

C'est un des nombreux facteurs. Mais c'est difficile d'affirmer avec certitude qu'ils s'agit bien de cela ici.
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Messages: 1190
Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

Messagepar Persephone » 4 Fév 2009 12:41

Vitamin D status and muscle function in post-menarchal adolescent girls.

Context: There has been a resurgence of vitamin D deficiency among infants, toddlers and adolescents in the United Kingdom. Myopathy is an important clinical symptom of vitamin D deficiency, yet it has not been widely studied.

Conclusions: From these data we conclude that vitamin D was significantly associated with muscle power and force in adolescent girls.
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Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

Messagepar Persephone » 4 Fév 2009 21:35

J'ai finis la monographie de la vitamine D sur Lanutrition.
Je n'ai pas tout mis mais j'ai essayé d'en mettre un paquet. Il y a plus de 170 références. ... -3211.html
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Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14

Messagepar Persephone » 5 Fév 2009 15:03

La monographie courte, accessible gratuitement mais sans détails:

Cela donne une idée du contenu de la monographie complète, pour ceux que ça intéresse.
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Inscription: 18 Sep 2008 11:14


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